Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Two and a Half Men

April 06, 2024 Berly, LA Season 6 Episode 2
Two and a Half Men
Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
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Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
Two and a Half Men
Apr 06, 2024 Season 6 Episode 2
Berly, LA

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, Two and a Half Men.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞


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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, Two and a Half Men.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now, let's get tipsy. Hello,


la. Hey, Burley, on our last episode, Exile on Main Street. It had been a year since Dean gave up hunting and showed up on Lisa's doorstep, where she immediately welcomed him into her home with Ben to Ben was there as well. And then all of a sudden, Sam shows up and saves Dean from a chin. He doesn't know how he got out of Hell, he doesn't know what happened. He doesn't know why his grandpa is all of a sudden back from the dead. And he has no idea why they met it's still not explained how they met, how they met up, nothing. It's just all very mysterious. But that doesn't matter because they've got to fight these chin, which they end up fighting for the most part, except for grandpa Campbell decides to kidnap one of them. And we don't know why. And Dean says, You know what, I don't really want to be here. But I'm obligated to stay and keep this family safe now, because I put them in danger whenever I showed up on their doorstep a year ago. So I'm just gonna keep doing that. And Sam says, okay, cool. I'm gonna keep fighting with grandpa. And they say goodbye. It's rough, rough, rough, rough start to the season. Yeah.


Well, I hope you were more pleased with the second episode.


I just am still feeling very confused. Oh, me


too. But I feel like this one is a little was a little more. A little more action packed. Yes. Yeah. I'm happy. Lisa spoke up a little bit. Here we go. Yes. Yeah. So you're gonna need to touch on that. Yeah. When we get there. Okay. It starts out that we hang


on. Oh, it's called Two and a Half Men. That's right. Second episode originally aired October 1 2010. Thank you. I was just so excited to get into I know you're just you're loving it. Let's go starts out okay.


Very late.


Oh, I'm sorry. Take it down a notch. Sorry. Okay. It


wasn't bad. It really wasn't.


Alright, we started out on a very nice man. Hello. I'm assuming in a very nice home, we see pictures of a couple another picture with them and a baby like it's just a little family home we're at. And then I don't know where a bloody hand just smashes one of the pictures. Whose blood was that?


I don't know. Where did it come from? It's never explained yet.


But it will and we'll get to why that doesn't make sense. Because she's holding a baby. Yes. Yeah. And she's running from something terrified. She runs into what I'm assuming is her bedroom, tries to get the phone phone's dead. Sneaks underneath the bed. And as she's under the bed covering her poor little baby's mouth be quiet. She sees who we assume as her husband dead. And she looks surprised. Right? So like, in your point, like whose blood is that? Yeah. So it wasn't his blood. So I guess it was her blood.


I guess it must have been her own blood. Yeah. He sliced or some Weiser somewhere. Got her? Good, because I mean, we're talking hands all the way up to the elbow covered in blood. Yeah, like getting on the baby's blanket and everything. And it was not the baby is the baby was perfectly fine. Yes. So it had to have been hers.


Right? But as she's under the bed, we see footsteps come they kind of stopped they halt and then they leave. And she's like, like thinking she's in the in the clear. But now she gets grabbed by the ankles and shoved out from under the bed. The baby's cool, though. Yeah, yeah, babies just chill us under the bed. It's good. Not


making noise because it wasn't making that much noise to begin with. Right? But that's


all we save that for now. Because next up we're with Dean in the garage. And he's in the trunk of baby looking at his little girl little rifle you know reminiscing we're gonna have


a sawed off shotgun Yeah, just checking to make sure it's loaded


love but we do notice that there are boxes everywhere and that Lisa bin and Dean have moved yet again yet again. Yeah. And they are unpack house


number four. Yeah. House number one in the changing not changing channels. Nine season nine. Fuck the changeling episode. It's house number one, house number two. Haley so I don't have your number. But I've kept track of where you live. House number three at the beginning of the last episode, so this is for Okay. Number four. Yeah. Bouncing around. I hate moving. Such a pain in the


ass. Ben does not seem too pleased that they've moved yet again. And he asks to go out on a bike ride. Lisa is like yeah, that's fine jeans like Oh, Oh no, I don't know about that. Hang back. He's like, you're gonna let your mom unpack the whole kitchen by herself. And Ben's like, Alright, fine. But then, like you mentioned, it ends up Dean and Ben woke off to go do something else and leave her there anyway. Yeah.


He's like, actually, you know what? That sounds like a plan. We're gonna let her unpack the kitchen by herself. Come with me. Yeah. So


then we're we find out we are in Lansing, Virginia. And there. That's where the mom got taken out from under the bed and the baby is now missing. Sam is they're investigating.


They have a poster with a giant baby picture and everything. Yes. But


Sam is on the job. He's going in to check stuff out. He looks good. But then it switches back to Dean when he's ordered pizza turns around and Lisa and Ben are just like staring at him. He's like, what? Let? And they're like we thought we were going out. Like you said earlier after you denied Ben to go out on his bike.


Yeah. You said you can't go scope out the neighborhood that we were gonna go scope it out later at lunch. Dean's just like, oh, sorry. Here's pizza. Oops. I forgot.


So yeah, I Dean is just like, essentially keeping them in a like nice little prison. Yeah, to keep them safe. So then it's back to Virginia. And Sam calls Sam, you'll not Bobby No for advice about the missing babies. And I think what does he say? He says he looks up that there have been other cases. Well,


Sam is telling grandpa Campbell that he thinks this might just be a job for the police. He's not finding any signs of supernatural entities or monsters or anything. And he's not finding anything that's connecting the cases. But Grandpa Campbell is like, it's too weird to not be connected. We're missing something. And that's when Sam notices the security sign. And he's like, wait a minute, the cop mentioned that no security alarm was set off. But they have a security alarm here. So look into this security company. And grandpa Campbell, who we had already seen getting very frustrated with his laptop was like, Yeah, anytime I get to go on the internet, yay.


Okay, that's right. It kept cutting back and forth between these so much. So it was it was a little hard to keep up. Then it flashes back to Ben is in the garage. And he's holding that gun that Dean was earlier he got in baby's trunk. Yeah. Dean flips out tells him never to open that trunk. He yells at Ben and Ben runs off.


Ben is telling him like, I know the deal. Why can't you teach me how to use this stuff? And Dean says, No, you will never shoot a gun ever.


Yeah. LISA comes up to him and like asks what's going on? Because Ben ran off. But I can't remember what Dean tells her. Well,


Ben says that Dean been told Lisa, that Dean yelled at them and locked himself in his room. So I was like, so what did he do? And Dean says nothing. And then she goes, Okay, then what did you do? And that's when Lisa kind of confronts them about holding them almost prisoner like you just mentioned. Yeah, that they need to be able to live their lives a little bit here. Do you need to chill the fuck out?


So then Sam, is that the hook? Okay. That's what I was thinking. I thought that Samuel had mentioned that there was one family who a baby went missing but the father lived but that's later in the episode. Right?


Right. What happens next is that grandpa Campbell is like, Sam, you were right. All of the houses have the same security company. And grandpa Campbell has somehow figured out that there is a another family on the block that matches the description like this, a husband and a wife with a six month baby, same security company. And Sam was like, that's going to be the next target. I'm gonna go check them out. Right, but he gets there too late.


So yeah, Sam goes to that family's home. He breaks in. He sees the dad dead on the couch, mom's dead on the floor. He's walking around trying to see if there's a baby anywhere. From some room, a guy comes and attacks him. It's very clearly a security person with that Harper security or whatever it is. Sam slashes his arm with a silver knife and it burns burns the hell out of the guy. He takes off running. So Sam continues to keep looking around and then he looks under the table. I got some table somewhere. And it just shows him seeing whatever whatever is under there and then it flashes away.


You call that


the US is a baby? The baby the baby.


So he doesn't call Bobby He doesn't call Samuel he calls Dean the baby man and so Dean's like what what the hell? What do you need like fine whatever we're gonna meet up so they meet up in some random field wherever Dean is like What the hell's What is this about? Like, what do you have me getting into and Sam like tells them to go take a look. And Dean looks in the backseat and there's a little baby. Baby waiting for Dean realizes like he is. So there's a baby involved here. So him and Sam have to get back together. Take it out on the road and figure out what's going on with me. means he's gotta leave. Sam. No, not Sam, Lisa and Ben. So he's very quickly showing her how to handle a gun. Yeah, not even like really handling it just like loading it but not knowing how to shoot it.


This is how you turn the safety on this how you turn it off like yeah,


she's got it. She's bro now.


Assault on windows and the doors. You got this? Yeah,


it's gonna be fine. I've been overbearing this whole time. But now I'm good. You're gonna be fine.


I mean, it has defense he does say maybe I shouldn't go and then she's like, if you don't get the fuck out if that is true. Yes. I'm going to shoot you finally. Yeah, she's she finally start standing up for herself and this one to be like, I'm sick your shit. This is not gonna work the way it's been going. Yeah. Good for


her. Finally, fine. We were proud of her in this episode. Yeah. But yeah, so Dean joined Sam, they're driving. I think the baby makes some sort of noise. And Dean is like, we got to stop for supplies. And Sam thinks he means you know, their usual supplies. And he's like, Oh, no, no, no. Well, then they're at the grocery store and deeds talking about how they've got to get some sort of paste or something he thinks that they put on the but you know, diapers, all the stuff. They're, they're clamoring just to get stuff for the baby. And then they're in line and the baby's crying. Seems like Dean make it stop. Everybody's looking over at them. Dean takes the baby out and is just like moving him in the weirdest way. Just inspecting him like how do I fix this? Like, it's some sort of toy. And the sweet lady walks up behind him and he's like, Oh, who's this? And what? Who was it that said what I thought was interesting


that Dean said Bobby, and Sam said, John, so there are two primary father figures. And it's just interesting to me that Dean who like idolized his father said Bobby, and Sam, who for the vast majority of this series, did not idolize their father said, John. Yeah, I thought that was interesting. It was and then they said, Bobby, Bobby, John. Yeah,


I kept in my notes. I kept saying BJ Bobby, John. So Bobby, John. They tell her Bobby, this is Bobby John. And she's like, can I just can I help? And she takes the baby and she's holding it


change somebody's diapers. I've got this. Yeah.


And it's in the baby quiets. Yeah, it really does. For some reason, there's security footage right behind them in the line, which Diem glances to and sees that this lady her eyes are the shifter eyes,


the Mandroid eye. Yeah, he,


what is he like tells her he's giving back the baby. He's gonna rip your throat out or something dapper and? Yeah.


It Sam was like, Gee, oh.


And lady takes the baby and fucking runs. Yeah, Dean runs after her grabs her arm rips a whole chunk of skin off.


It was a massive piece. And


it wasn't even like gooey. Like in the other episodes. It was just like, it just came off. It was just skin. Yeah. Sam runs the other way. And he used it. How did he grow up the


it was like a football pass the way he grabbed the baby and turned around to run it totally looked like a football game to me. football football play.


So they get the baby, get back in the car and take off. Dean is like we've got to get off the road like that. You know, they're going to


the shifter does follow them outside. And clock their license plate right becomes important.


Because right as he's saying we need to get off the road. It switches to this cop and a car calling in their license plate. And we see right next to this cop. There's a dead or dead guy that looks just like him.


Yep. And then they do the kind thing of continuing to pan over and show us the skin splooge outside the cop court door. Just this massive pile of skin splurge and the sweet old lady's clothing disgusting.


So we're at a motel that randomly has a crib. I


think some motels do though. I think so too. Yeah, yeah. So they must have been able to get at them because we were like where they asked for it. Yeah.


Danes, a little daddy's over there changing the little Bobby John picks him up, starts humming to him. And Sam's just kind of like smiling


Smoke on the Water.


And I mean, he just takes takes little Papa John and puts them in this group and he's contagious can be. And seems like you're kind of good at this. Like you're kind of like a father material. And that's when I think Dean is like, well, you know, I've been doing it for about a year and yeah, he's kind of had to be Yeah. And that he's kind of starting to feel like Ben's zone, which is very sweet. Yes. But Sam mentions like, well, it's all nice and all but you're keeping them on lockdown. You're moving him around all the time. How's that really any different from how we grew up? Right? Dean's like, oh, well, it's just temporary for right now. And then Sam says, well, that said it was temporary for about 22 years going. So I think it's kind of seeking in to deem that maybe he's not doing the best job there.


Yeah. And he was trying to say, you know, I'm doing things differently and Sam's like, oh are you know, how are you know,


Sam ends up seeing this is what I was thinking of earlier, he ends up finding that there is this baby missing but that the mom was killed, but the dad is still alive. So he's like, we need to go investigate this. But they realize they got a baby in tow that Dean's like, Alright, fine. I'll stay around with Bobby. John, you go investigate.


Hello, that he was like, unless you have a badge for Bobby. John, one of us has to stay behind because that would work. Yeah, that would have worked out perfectly.


We ended we ended up at Jimmy's garage. And we find out that Jimmy had filed for divorce from his wife. They hadn't been intimate and for quite a while. And that she when she came pregnant, he was like, What are you talking about? That's not my kid. Like, what are you talking about? She's like, don't you remember when you came came back from wherever. And that one time and we got it on? And that's when I got pregnant. And he's like, No, he tells Sam, he's like, I was at a softball tournament that whole time. whole time. I


was never home. Yeah, like, that's not


my kid. This is


very goofy. Talk about like, completely removing full consent here.


Also think about that poor wife. Like, she totally thinks that's her husband. And then he's just denying it.


And divorcing her for it. Right? And it's like, you can't sit there and think that you're crazy. And that you made it up because you got pregnant from it. And it looked just like a husband. Yeah. So you think of the husband's crazy, like, what was that whole situation? Oh, can you imagine being like if they went to court or whatever? Oh, my God, being involved in that being their lawyers. Thank you. No, but so


we basically have a shifter baby on her hands is what we're finding out. We switch back to the motel and Dean is staring longingly at the magic fingers box that's shaking him on the bed with the baby in the crib.


He's just trying to relax me is I know I get it.


Well, the shifter cop comes and is like banging on the door. He's like you skipped a variable. Over Sorry. Go ahead. God you do you do.


We hear like this squelching crazy, weird, squelching pop noise. And then the baby starts crying. It had been very quiet and Dean sits up and there's skin splooge all over the wall. Dean goes walking over and looks in the crib. This very white baby from earlier is now very much a black baby. And it's the exact picture of the baby on the box of diapers that was sitting in front of the kit crib. So this baby shifted just from staring at a picture. Yeah, not from touch. Yeah, we immediately were very confused because we thought the law of shape shifters were that they had to touch you in order to shift but this baby just shifted automatically. So I guess the law is changing. Or maybe there's different kinds of shapeshifters but went from one adorable baby to a very different adorable baby. And Sam calls them and tells them I think we have a shapeshifter on our hands. And Dean is basically like, Ah, you think but yeah, the baby's crying. And that's when suddenly there's the knock at the door and the guy is going we're getting complaints loosen


Yeah. And he basically Bacin comes in. I forget he says something weird is he's like Dean says something to him. And he's like, it's not just me. It's our father.


He said that baby should be with his father. That's right. And then he said, not just his father, all of our father, like something like that. And you and I both were like, What the fuck does that mean? Yeah.


But he starts to coming at dean. And lo and behold, Sam shows up and shoots the cop in the back, taking them out. Like then then I think they're back in the Are they back in the car and Sam saying like, he never saw a monster baby.


He said, I didn't think that they like procreated like this. Like I just never thought about there being a monster baby name. Because like vampires, that's not how they procreate. You know, like Vampire babies. Yeah. So I guess I can kind of see that. He didn't realize shapeshifters were born. Yeah, I wouldn't have thought that he would have thought they were made. Yeah,


I get it. I get it to an extent. Then Sam decides that the best place they should go is go to see a bill take the baby to Samuel. Because apparently he's just, you know, is everything the best? Yeah, they get to this little compound that I guess they've created for themselves. And the three Rando cousins are being real weird.


Still, nobody's addressing how everybody's alive and how they all found each other again, no, and Dean, thankfully points out spoken weird.


He is not trusting any of them. And I think I think Samuel wants him to give the baby to him. And he's like, Oh, but then Sam's like, come on. Give me the baby. So weirdly, Sam takes the baby from Dean And then just good immediately turns to Samuel. I was like, Okay, here we go. Here's the baby. Yeah, like that. Was that really necessary?


So that's what I was telling you. I was like, did Dean not realize that Sam was just going to hand the baby over? Not I guess he didn't realize that that's what was about to happen.


And so they're like, What are we going to do with them and Samuel just like us, we're gonna race them, literally, like we're just gonna raise them. And I think one of the cousins is like, what to be like, he'll be a hunter like would be our advantage. Yeah, he did. So Samuel ends up Oh, and then he turns to the other husband. He's like, Hey, didn't you and what's your name? Your wife? Weren't you wanting a kid and you just haven't had one yet? And he's like, Yeah, we did but hasn't worked out. And he's like, alright, well, here you go.


He goes. It's a boy sometimes. Yeah. Like, what? It's yours. There you go. Well,


they start hearing barking outside from dogs, some noises and Samuels, like get the baby down to the panic room. So Dean gets the baby runs down the panic room with Sam. So then it ends up being shifter Samuel charges in and it's like you have something to Lars. He kills one of the quiet cousin. And then actual Samuel shoots shifter Samuel with like for tranquilizer darts. Yeah, I think he shoots him a couple times. First. It still doesn't take them out, shoots them a couple more times. He tells Christian or whoever to go grab the silver nets because they're gonna capture another one. I don't know what they're doing where they're housing them. What are they doing with them?


That's what you were saying. We were like, what is happening? Why do you need to capture them? Don't


get it. It was actually really cool. Shot. But like shifter, Samuel standing there looks over actual Samuel. And the tranquilizers in his back just like shoot out.


He just like flexes Yeah. And it just kept popping out. And he's making that sassy, smirk face like he did whenever he was yellow eyes possessed. You're the sassy little, he's doing that. I was like, oh, no,


he actually ends up shifting into SAM and goes down to the Panic Room sees his little Sammy in the mirror or not the mirror the window. Just easily takes the whole door off the Panic Room throws that aside, comes in


LA was like, Oh, two of them. Yeah, they


go face to face. Oh, my I'll take it. But he takes them out like nobody's business. And then he shifts into Dean who Dean is standing there with a baby holding them.


And the shift playing was like gross. Like we've seen he just like morphs,


right. So we were like, that was the weirdest thing. Yeah,


we were like, well, the VOC. What is this?


So he goes over chokes D now takes the baby and leads. They all regroup back upstairs. Sam and Samuel. Apparently they've got all this information they haven't been sharing with Dean. Dean's like what the hell was that? What's going on? And they say that they think it's the alpha, that it's this king shifter, who was like the first to shift of all of them. Yeah, he mentioned that he could feel the baby anywhere. So there's some sort of connection there, which like the guy said in a motel he needs to be with her. Dean and Sam are leaving. And Dean is like, Wait a minute. You were in the motel room? Like you heard the shifter say something about our father. Standing right there. Right. So you knew what he was talking about? You're just using the baby's bait, weren't you? And seems like no, Dean. Yeah. I mean, I just I just thought that being with Samuel is the safest place for us. And he just gets in the car. But like Dean pauses and literally doesn't buy it. I'm


with Dean. I'm gonna say everything's very shady with this Campbell clan. And Sam. Nothing


seems right. No, I agree. But we do see Sammy on the phone to somebody. Yeah. And he's talking about he was like, Well, you know, we weren't able to catch it. I shot it with elephant tranquilizers, which is insane. Yeah. And still couldn't get it. And he's passed, you can tell he's pissed with whoever he's talking to. And that person, probably not very happy with him for not catching it.


I think he said something like, of course, we'll get it like, we'll get it eventually. Like, yeah,


I'm just like, Who is this?


shady business? But Dean is back at our new house. And he's asking where Ben is. And Lisa says that Ben went on a bike ride alone. Dean's clearly not happy about it. And Dean mentions like that he doesn't know what to do. He's torn between sitting there keeping them safe or going back to his life. Like he doesn't. He doesn't know what to do. But Lisa tells them for him for once she's like, let me tell you how it's gonna be. I know you're not a construction worker, you're a hunter, and that you don't want to be here, which I don't know that I like her compromise necessarily, but she basically tells him she needs them to go. And she says, me and Ben will be here. You know, when you can. That's that.


The way I took it was and I could definitely be reading way too much into this But I think I like yelled at like, yeah, like y'all are gonna date like what you should have done to begin with, right? So I kind of felt like she's realizing we went way too fast. We need to take a step back. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here. I still want us to see each other. I still want to be a part of your life. But what we've been doing ain't working. Right,


but like, in my mind, I'm like, how often Is he really going to get to go over there and be with her, you know, on the road like he is


to be determined. I mean, like, I don't


want her just sitting around waiting. You know? Right. That's That's what I was thinking. Like


you've already said Lisa, that what you wanted was a partner and a father for your kid. Yeah. Now you're saying you don't want to be here. You need to go out on the road and be a hunter like compromising? It seems like what you want and what he can give aren't lining, which I get like she we've all been there like we've all been there clearly.


This isn't gonna work out. Anyway, it's very kind of her to say that finally own up to something and push back on him. It was nice to see proud of her.


I thought she was breaking up with him for I did too.


I was that's what I thought was gonna happen. But then she said that and I was like, okay, yeah, then ends with Dean in the garage. busting out old baby. I mean, the music or he's like, takes the tarp off like it just like showing every little facet around the car. To me everyday. He's ready. He's ready to get back out there and baby. Yeah, he is but I liked it.


Did you want chocolate away? So this was the first episode written by Adam Glass. And that name made me chuckle because I was like, isn't that the fake boyfriend that Jane Brady made up? No, that's filled first. Jan. Oh, is Jan not and it was filled last. Okay. My bad but no, I was right. I knew what you were sorry, Adam. I'm sorry, Adam. So this is the first episode written by Adam Glass. It's a second episode directed by John F. Show Walter, who had previously directed season fives Dead men don't wear plaid. So gore. I mean, there were some skins bleaches from the shapeshifter. But the only thing I can think of that was something I would describe as gory is whenever he grabbed the shapeshifter and her whole skin or arm skin came off in his hand that in the baby splurging all over the wall. And the pile of splooge on the ground, the cop. Oh, I forgot the cops throat was slit. I'm forgetting about all the murdered people. There was there was Gore with the murdered people, murdered couples and the murdered on


the bloody hand in the beginning. Yeah, so


there was a little bit memorable. Yeah, like nothing, nothing particularly cool. It was the skin splurges that were


cool. Yeah. Cool. Horrible.


Did you adore anything about this episode?


I love dealing with a baby.


Adorable. When he put his whiskey whiskey on his finger and put it in the baby's mouth. You were chuckling away


like they used to do it used to be a thing. He's like, it tastes good does. Yeah.


I adored the the dynamic with Sam and Dean and the baby as well. I thought it was cute. It was something unique. It's not something we've seen before. Not at all. You know, I adore that. I don't know if a door is right. But the mythology is expanding. Like we've got this alpha now. And I'm just thinking, so it was the alpha, the baby's daddy, is that why the baby was able to shape shift without touching anybody? You know what's going on here? So it's got me like questioning these rules that we thought were so strict. Maybe they aren't so strict, maybe maybe the world that's expanding a little bit. I wouldn't say I adore that. But I'm interested to see what happens with that intrigued. So for lore, we are looking at shapeshifters again today, I have an article from In this exploration, we embark on a quest to peel back the layers of folklore, anthropology, and the unexplained will delve into the stories of individuals who claim to possess this astonishing power. Examine the scientific theories that seek to explain it and ponder the possibility that the veil between reality and myth may be thinner than we imagine.


Like the there you're going to peel it back who like


that woman's for our when we hear the term shapeshifters our minds often dance with images of werewolves, ancient sorcerers and mythological creatures that can alter their forms at will. These tales evocative of moonlit nights and arcane rituals have long been intertwined into our cultural fabric, but in a world dominated by ICE scientific inquiry and logic, how much truth do these fables hold? And what happens when we transpose these legends into a contemporary scenario like an airplane journey? This article delves into the age old question are shapeshifters real? And what if we were seated right next to one on a plane? Why a plane? That motherfucker right? I forgot about so origins shapeshifters in their varied avatars have been omnipresent throughout human history, from the Native American stories of skinwalkers to the European tales of werewolves, selkies and enchanted creatures of the deep. These beings are defined by their mysterious ability to transform typically oscillating between a human form and that of an animal. such profound metamorphosis weren't always pleasant. The act of changing one's form often comes at a considerable price, be at the enchantment of a magical talisman, the eerie luminescence of a moonlit night or the incantation of an age old spell. shapeshifters typically required a catalyst or a profound reason to undergo such alterations. Their motivations were as varied as the forms they became, from sheer necessity playful mischief and strategic advantage to even malevolent intentions was a real Shapeshifter spotted on a plane. The incident in question occurred on a crowded commercial flight in route from Los Angeles to New York City, passengers were going about their typical preflight routines. When a strange woman made her presence known, she began shouting, loudly accusing fellow passengers of being imposters and declaring herself the only real person on the plane, her erratic behavior escalated and she reeks repeatedly exclaimed, that mother fucker is not real.


You say that really well,


imitating her very well,


and a disturbing and nonsensical manner and I do that well apparently, the incident captured on numerous passengers smartphones quickly went viral on social media platforms. The video footage showed the woman's bizarre tirade, which included pointing fingers at passengers and crew members, all while her own identity remained shrouded in mystery. How can someone not be real? Did she mean instead that one of the passengers was actually pretending to be someone else? Could that person have shapeshifted to be another person? We may never get answers to these questions, or the most important one. Is this an example of a shapeshifter in the modern day. The analysis of modern bore while devoid of concrete accounts of shapeshifters on aircraft are replete with fictional musings and imaginative conjectures of shapeshifters as airplane passengers. From pulp fiction novels to clandestine online forums, a plethora of sources have crafted intricate narratives. Some depict shapeshifters as benevolent guardians adopting varied forms to discreetly thwart in flight disasters. Others in a more mischievious vein, portray them as playful beings relishing the chance to sow confusion and mild pandemonium among unsuspecting passengers. Delving into the realm of biology, the sheer logistics of a creature undergoing rapid metamorphosis are mind boggling. The intricate reconfiguration of muscle bone structure, neural pathways and organ systems in a matter of moments seems implausible. Moreover, what about the Law of Conservation of Matter? What if the shapeshifter was becoming someone bigger or smaller than they are? Where would they get or put the extra mass? Historically, tales of shapeshifters might have been attempts to explain natural phenomena or events that ancient civilizations did not understand. For example, the process of decay or scavenger activity on battlefields might have given rise to beliefs about the undead, or creatures that could shift between life and death. While the lore of shapeshifters remains potent in our collective imagination, science does not support their existence LA. No, I know, especially in our current understanding of biology and physics, it's just not supported. You know,


speaking of I always, you know, like the Hulk and how they were saying, how do they get bigger or smaller, I


always wonder about that in those tiny shorts. I know where do you get those shorts? Under those expand, right? Anyway, the story of quote, that motherfucker isn't real airplane lady is a testament to the unpredictable and surreal nature of the internet. Whether a genuine case of shapeshifting individual or a manifestation of a mental health crisis, it serves as a reminder of the complexities of human behavior, and the need for compassion and understanding. As we navigate the digital landscape, we encounter countless mysteries and enigmas while the possibility of shapeshifters seems to remain confined to the realms of myth and fiction. The mother fucker phenomenon highlights the blurred lines between reality and perception, challenging our understanding of the human mind, and the strange and perplexing nature of internet culture. The end you know, she's


from here. Yes, yeah,


I think it was in Dallas. Yeah, yeah, she is.


Alright, quote to close it out. This is Sam to Dean. Not every hunter is a headcase. I mean, Samuel is actually a lot like you.


And Dan exclaims, I'm a frickin headcase. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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