Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Weekend at Bobby's

April 13, 2024 Berly, LA Season 6 Episode 4
Weekend at Bobby's
Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
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Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
Weekend at Bobby's
Apr 13, 2024 Season 6 Episode 4
Berly, LA

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, Weekend at Bobby's.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞


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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, Weekend at Bobby's.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series.


I'm LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get tipsy. Hello,




Hey Burley.


Our last episode was titled The Third Man. during that episode, Sam and Dean called on Castile to help them with a case they were working where there was some biblical shit going down. They were investigating a few dead police officers who seemed to be getting killed off by the plagues of Egypt. Casio came down and said, Ah, yes, this is biblical shit. I believe the culprit is the staff of Moses, which we used to have, but we lost during the war. shit happened because my bad since it was going to involve talking to people and cast his people skills were rusty.


To say the least. They


worked as a team in order to go confront a poor child and torture him and find out that balances are had sold him just a chunk of the staff of Moses for his soul. And that balances are just traipsing around, he never really explained why he was collecting souls. But he is because just he's trying everything. You know, why not? I'm gonna say he's just doing it. But then Raphael trailed them there as well. And there was a interaction, an altercation, a confrontation. And Raphael got turned to salt because he looked at bow thesaurus junk. And that was it. I do have a question though. That cast is new and improved, right? He has most of his powers back. Yeah, he's still subs to Ark angels. But he's higher up than what he was. So why couldn't he just fix Sam's car? After they like landed on it and crushed on it? Couldn't he have just used his Angel Magic and fix Sam's car?


I don't know how it all works. Did


he read Dean's mind? And he heard Dean be like, I'm really happy that Sam's hard just got totaled. Yeah. And so it just whoopsie I forgot.


I mean, his main focus, usually Dean, so he's probably just like, Sam, whatever. It's fine. Just a car. Don't worry about it.


I just kind of curious about that. I was like, couldn't Castle fix that? Yeah, I didn't even think and I don't think I talked about it on the last episode. But uh, yeah, that's where we were last week. Yeah.


All right. Well, this one is titled. This episode is weekend. Bobby. It is the fourth season. fourth season.


We finished that. It's the fourth


episode of season six. It aired on October 15 2010. And it starts out, we're looking at a TV that is there's a storm happening in Galveston, Texas. And then it splashes and says one year ago and Bobby is in his house and he is doing some little ritual cuts his hand lights some like herbs or something on fire. There's a little candle and around some some sigil or that we haven't seen.


Yeah, we pause it and we're trying to look at and we're like okay, we haven't seen that before.


But lo and behold, Crowley shows up so I guess it's a ritual to call Crowley summon him.


And then I was like, why didn't he just call him on his phone? Right? We all know Crowley has a phone he used it to take pictures of them kissing of them smokin to Crowley not give him his number. Rude. Maybe?


Yeah, he's like, only a select few. But then they get to talking and they're talking about the apocalypse. And I think Crowley said something about Sam swan dive into hell. And


which was important because I was thinking it was like while things were going crazy with the apocalypse because of the storm. So I Oh, yeah, I didn't realize this was after the effect events and still cemetery. Yeah, that was a good note. Good to know.


And I can't remember I can't remember the conversation Exactly. But I do remember Bobby mocked. Crowley's accent at one point, like said something in his accent to like kind of get out. Um, he offers him a drink. Of course Crowley's his little liquor snob and he's like now you don't have what I'm drinking, or what I drink and he says he drinks Craig. Right, Craig? And he said he was drinking it since grade school, which I was like, Okay, you chuckled at that. Okay, sure guy.


I just wrote Bobby was like, we saved the sodding world together. Yeah, something like that.


He wants us all back. So that's why some of them there. Yeah, we're done. Crowley's ends up saying like oh, no, like, a didn't like whatever part of the contract and then it shows these tabs. is on or not? I guess they're not necessarily tattooed because they want more carvings. Yeah. Bobby's forearm. Yeah


and apparently it was all over his body. Yeah. Because one of the sections that Crowley specifically references were Bobby should have read the fine print he said was on his like naughty bits.


Oh, I missed that well yeah, so it's all written over all over Bobby. And Crowley tells him No, just same deal as always, so you get your 10 years.


I just have to make my best effort to return your soul and oh, I've really tried but I just can't. Lupo but


Bobby's like Oh, yeah. And he has some trapped in a double strap.


Yeah, he turned on a black light to do it. Crowley said, I really hope that's paint.


And so I feel like Bobby's like I got you now, buddy. But nope. Because Crowley does his little whistle and then we hear the hellhounds come in, and it's like, oh shit. But then it flashes to Sam and Dean. And they're with this dead guy with his like, chest open, basically.


Well, Bobby first first, Bobby let Crowley out of the devil's trap.


Oh, that's right. I'm


sorry. Yeah, whatever. Bobby realize that fact. There's hellhounds here. Crowley was like So 10 years living your best life or 10 years as kibble like pick one. Which you you were gonna let your hellhounds chew on Bobby for 10 years. Right? Damn Crowley. So yeah, you did a little scratch scratch Yeah, he let them out and then have a flash to the present right now. Yeah, yeah.


So this is was this chest open? Or was it just bloody it


was open Okay, that's my chest was open and his lips looked blue to me was like down Yeah, but they had on gloves. That's true. We were like up Look who's stepping up their game. They have on gloves keep


it clean boys. As their their dean calls Bobby and is asking him like what what could have done this like and there was like you said there was a claw. I didn't see it. But you did. Yeah.


They found a claw in it. And they took a picture. And he told Bobby to check his Wang was like, what is that? What was that? I don't remember. Check your Wang.


I don't know what that took a picture on his phone.


And like I'm thinking today like he's texting it to him. But no, Bobby had to check on his computer. And Dean said check your Wang. I'm like, What am I not remembering from? 2000 10s What was Wang?


I have no idea. Check.


Your Wang supernatural talk. Check your Wang. Kick Bo Derek out of your bathtub. You know, I remember that line. Dean has no respect for the aged even after his own aging experience. What is this? Alright, the only thing that's coming up with check your weighing is supernatural. So I guess they made it up. Weird. No, that makes me feel good. I was thinking there was like some really hot slang from that time that I just could not recall. No, you're good. No, but I'm gonna start let's start using it. Okay, when we're talking about like that I texted you or I snapchatted you and we'll be like, check your way.


Okay, got it. Watch.


I'm gonna say check your way in like two weeks and you're gonna be like white? Probably.




what are you talking about? Okay, so yes, he took some the picture of a claw that they had dug out of this guy's chest. Now there are multiple bodies, but this was the first time they found a claw. And so they're like, Bobby, what the fuck are we hunting? Please help us.


So Bob, he gets to work during his research. He actually ends up breaking into a library and getting this big book goes back home. It's what like one in the morning? I think it said


yeah. And then we watch the clock go rolling through he's popping pills drink and no days. Yeah, I was like down. That's not dedicated. Oh, we had two different


Oh say like, dedicated but not help. But he ended up calling them back and tells them that it's a lamea. And he says that that they juices the heart and then chugs the blood and they originate in Greece. We'll learn more about them later. Okay. Well, and he says the way to kill them is with a blessed silver knife by a Padre


priest, and then dean just like hangs up on him. After all those hours like No 12 hours of work. Yeah. Didn't pay attention to the lady waving at him like well, I guess he did pay attention. He waved back but she was clearly like waving, waving, like pull over and talk to me waving and Bobby's like nope, I gotta go break into a library dealing with this car. 12 hours of work and he was like, Okay, thanks. Bye click. He


didn't even say I don't


even think you said thanks. Yeah, I don't think you did either. Yeah, now I'm thinking about


like, okay, click No,


I love yours. Like nothing. Yeah, click through gotta go.


That situation didn't bode well for the woman and Bobby's basement. He was already pretty upset heading down there.


Okay, and then I pointed out okay, yet again, she's in a little black dress, just like the crossroad demons that we saw in season two, season three these black dresses. So I was like that restaurant that is near those crossroads just keeps losing their hostesses or their wages or something, or that gentleman's club or whatever it is where they're working, because it's the same. It's almost the same dress. Exactly. Yeah, you're right, like they're real similar. So I'm thoroughly convinced that there's just this really nice establishment where all these gorgeous women work at all the crossroad demons are just like, that's where I'm going from my bustle. Yep. Poor lady.


Will she have she? Yes. So she's fabulous. She's in a devil's trap and a chair. Bobby wants to know Crowley's name. And not just like, his team in full name or whatever. He wants to know what his name was when he was alive. And she's like, I'm not giving it up. Do you know who he is? Yeah. And she ends up saying he's like, What? He's in charge of hell at this point.


Yeah. Bobby says he's the king of the crossroads. And she's like, No, he's the king of hell. Yeah. And Bobby's torturing her with her own bones, which I was very proud of myself for figuring that out. I didn't realize it was gonna be a big reveal at the end of the episode. But I remembered I was like, Wait, like, we know that demons used to be human because Ruby, like, she was a special demon. And she remembered her humanity and most demons don't like they used to be humans. So since she was like, burning, I figured out Oh, he's burning the demon that's in the vessel. But those are the bones. I was real proud of myself. You know, I was oh, yeah, I was like, celebrating when you


first said I was like, what? And then you? I was like,


I was patting myself on the back. Big time is good. It's very broad. Very good. But yeah, so he was like, torturing her. And then I was like, That poor vessel. That poor hostess from that restaurant. I


mean, it's not boding well for her. And they didn't give up. Ah, oh, no, he was stone faced. He's


gotta get his soul back. Yeah, I got on a mission. Yeah, I don't know that I would be. But


they do get interrupted by Marcy. Yeah. Bob's neighbor, Bobby's neighbor. She's very sweet. And she's, she's like, you know, we've been neighbors for a while now. You don't come over and introduce yourself. Whatever, blah, blah. She brought him a huge cobbler. Way more than one person can eat. She ends up saying I think she she's so sweet. She's like, okay, like he they heard us like a scream, scream or squeal from what's her name down in the basement yelling help. He's like, Oh, I was just watching some horror movies. scary movies. She's like, I like scary movies, too.


She's like, have you seen drag? Yeah, how Bobby goes. I'm trying to avoid them actually.


And she's like, alright, well, then how about whatever day this time you come over? I'll make my popcorn and blah, blah. I can't. I can't remember what he says. But he turns her down. And she's very dejected. dejected. Is that a word? Sure.


I know what I know what you mean. reject it.


Okay. Well, she


wasn't that rejected though. Because then she like just switch tactics. I was like, Oh, my wood chippers on the frets. That's true. I need you to come over to my house. She's my wood chipper. She's


thrown a good game. Yeah.


I like looked at LA and I went she went Bobby to come look at our wood chipper and I'm like pointing pointing at your, you know, like the wood chipper that we all have down south. Oh, God. That's not good. You don't want that to be a wood chipper. Now that I'm thinking, Yeah, I thought I was being clever. But no, that's not a good analogy. Or metaphor, whatever it is.


So after he brushes off Marcy, he goes back downstairs with a demon and it's just burning the shit out of her bones. Yeah, and she's burning up all through her like chest neck shoulders the special


effects on that work right?


It was good. Yeah, they were really good. And the actress did well to like agree


Oh, she was so pretty. She


was poor thing. Well, she ends up breaking and tells him that Crowley's name as the vessel was first deployed


McQuoid not as the vessel when he when he was a human whenever Crowley was actually a human before he died and turned into a demon of the best literally wrong the vessel is Mark Shepards physical form. That's the vessel. The demon Crowley is possessing the vessel. Okay, got it. The demon Crowley is the black smoke, like one of our black smoke comes out the corrupted soul. So whenever he was alive, however, many years ago, drinking Craig as a school was a little schoolboy. That version of Crowley was named Fergus McLeod, okay.


And she says that they call him like the lucky leprechaun behind his back. And that name is actually Scottish, even though he has a British accent. Bobby's like Okay, great, and then started to burn the shit out of her. She's like we had to deal with like nope, sorry, gonna kill you instead and just kills her.


She did do like that Basic Instinct little thing was just like foreplay look at you further. I was like, Oh, look at her trying to seduce Bobby.


Man you gotta use all the tools you got you know Bobby was not having it. No he was not interested not interested not at all. Well after all this Rufus shows up on Bobby's door, yeah, and tells them he needs help bearing body takes him out to his car. There is a woman that looks dead in the back of his truck. And they look at her teeth. And it's not like vampire teeth, but all the teeth are like really sharp.


It almost looks like the werewolf teeth from that episode heart. Yeah. Addison all like that. Yeah, just thicker. Like they weren't quite the same, but they were similar.


Yeah, and I think is a Bobby that says they're Okami? Yes. I didn't know what the hell they were. We're going to talk about them at the end. Okay. I like watching the whole episode I still couldn't tell you about. You will


tell us I will tell you what I found. I'll put it that way.


So they go and they dig dig up a grave. Put the the girl in there. Cover it. Good to go. Well, Sheriff Mills and I was here with the FBI. Who was this guy?


I don't know. But he was a real dick. I think it was an FBI agent mills in a ditch. Yeah.


Bobby's and say that they're looking for Rufus. They heard some people say that seemed like he turned in here. And the guy is an asshole and just like starts coming up on Bobby and saying he needs to look around. And he's like, Do you have a warrant? And he's like, do I need to? It's like, well, yeah,


yeah, you fucking do.


If you if you know your job. Yeah, you need a warrant. Yeah. Mills comes in and kind of diverts the situation and tells the guy like, why don't you let me look around you wait outside,


ever so it was a really funny scene because like Sheriff Mills thinks that she's taking control and saving Bobby's house, but then Bobby's like, I mean, but we just buried a body out there.


Oh, yeah, cuz then they're walking outside and the dick guy takes them over to where they had dug the grave. And it looks like freshly Yeah. Fresh everything. Perfect rectangle. Yeah, they nailed that. Every time these hunters they dig those graves precise.




He's like, whoa, you've never seen a septic chain. That's what it is. And so I guess they take him for his word, and they end up leaving, but he is on the phone after this with Rufus. And they're talking about the Oh Cami. And he's like, Hey, she jumped a grape. Yeah, she wasn't dead.


It was empty whenever the agent was there. Yeah. Dale, he's like, did


you use a bamboo stick? And? And Rufus is like yeah, and Bobby says, Did you stab it seven times, and refuse like, five times? Yeah. And then we learned that that's not gonna kill them.


That Bobby was like supposed to be seven Rufus is like pretty sure it's five Bobby's like I mean, obviously not. She climbed out of her fucking grave. Yeah. And he also while Bobby and Rufus were digging the grave Bobby filled Rufus in on what was happening with Crowley and trying to get us all back and all of that. So Rufus is informed and fortunately, takes the initiative to help Bobby because we learned in this episode, Bobby has a real hard time asking for help.


Well, I don't think the thekey asked him like Rufus kind of just took it upon himself, right. That's what I'm


saying. Yeah, he didn't ask okay. For Sam on everything, but he he didn't have to ask Rufus


because Rufus notes he's like, I get what you're throwing down. You


have a problem and I'm gonna help you solve exactly. If you got a problem. You'll also have the hunter


Oh, I think when they're on the phone doesn't Rufus says something about the economy was going after women in their sleep?


Yes. Right. Bobby actually asked Rufus. What was the Okami hunting and preying on when you've got it? And he said, single? I always said single white women, but I don't remember him saying white women actually. But he said single women. And Bobby and maybe it was like, Oh, shit. Marcy Marcy, that Forney bitch, he runs


over to Marcy's, like Bustan. First thing he says, Where's the bedroom? Which you said, she just


pointed and took off down the hallway. And I was like, Oh, she's gonna be so disappointed.


Like, she's like, all right. It's happening. Finally.


Poor Mars. Like really poor Marcy.


And she doesn't even know what's coming forward. I mean, they rushed in the bedroom. They don't see anything at first and she's looking at Bobby but then looks at behind his shoulder and the Okami is up in the ceiling in the corner.


Creepy. It was a cool shot. Yeah, that pan from Bobby to the corner. That was nice. I liked that.


Yeah, of course. She rains down on Bobby. They get in a fight. Take they take it outside. I'd in the front yard. And I mean that window that big ol wood chipper is just sitting there. And they're fighting li Marcy the little wire and it was working just fine. Exactly. I know at first it looks like Bobby's gonna go in, you're like, oh shit, yeah. But then Tables turn he shoves her head first in the wood chipper,


and we in our 33rd Blood splurge of the supernatural series. And like, while we're watching it happen, we'd like had enough time during this blood splurge to go. Is that a blood splurge? Yeah, I mean, I think we should count it as a blood splurge. And then the wood chipper is sort of like, like spurting blood. And he went all overboard.


She's just like, covered.


So we decided to count it as a blood spelers it was the most drawn out blood splurge we've ever seen. It didn't quite a long. drawn out. blood stream forceful. Real backed up. It had been a while. Yeah, for the witch. Witch


and then I'm like, Bobby, you just like by the stroke of luck, like had it was working. And then that's when he's like Marcy, like, Hey, I thought you said it was broken. She's like, That's my reason to get you


over here. And then he was like, Well, I guess I can come back and other issues like that's okay. We're good. I changed my mind. Please don't ever come here again.


Oh, my God. I'm gonna guess she didn't sleep that night.


Oh, God. It was so good. So after


that, I think I'm assuming it's the next day. And Rufus calls Bobby, and tells him that he found out that Crowley had a son named Gavin, and that he went down in a shipwreck. I think it was like 1700 sometime. And they didn't find his bones. But they did find his signet ring. Bobby's like, I need that ring. And Rufus is like, already on the way but yeah, I'm on it. So Bobby goes and sits down. He's about to have his little cobbler finally, you know, brings it out of the fridge. And that's when I was like, That is huge copper for one person asked. But then dean calls them and says that the lamea was grilled up just fine. They took care of it. He's like, Hey, Bobby therapist, therapist, Bobby. I need to talk to you. I'm worried about Sam. Like he's just different. You know, he's been I get it. He's been through some shit. But something's not right. Yeah. And use it and Sam was outside on the phone too. Yeah, like


show very quickly, Sam outside talking on the phone. And then Bobby's other line beeps and Bobby was like, hang on, I gotta get this and I totally was like, Oh my god. Sounds calling Bobby. Yeah. So I was calling Bobby to talk to Bobby about something. I was wrong. So then we decided Sam must be talking to those weird Campbell calling. Yeah,


that's yeah, that's what we came up with. Yeah, but, and like before he clicks over Dean's like, oh, what's more important than Sam? It's Rufus calling Bobby In the midst of a police chase.


Good news. He got the ring. Yeah, bad news. He got caught. Yeah.


And he's telling Bobby about this. And he decides I think Bobby's Bobby's like just don't swallow the ring. Yeah. Like good idea, Bobby. Yes, well done. Did it done. It's in me


so much soon they switch.


He switches back to Dean. And he's all upset. He's like, I'm sitting here baring my soul like a friggin girl. Which not cool, right? Bobby's like I'm done with this conversation. Go get Sam. I got some things to say. Yeah,


Burstein says uh, yeah, right like I'm being I'm being a girl blah blah blah. But then it goes but I gotta say Bobby like you're kind of selfish. Oh, that's right. That's what yeah, that's what set bought me off and that's whenever I went Wow. You're being kind of selfish right now Bobby. Like that's whatever Bobby was like.


He sits down pours himself whatever crappy whiskey that wasn't good enough for Scotch for


this. Yes, we found out. Oh, that's true. Yeah, shout out Rufus was like which we should have known because I remembered back in season three. When we first met Rufus. Bobby told Dean he had to bribe Rufus with what was it a bottle of Johnnie Walker? Yeah. And I was like, what's that? And you were like, That's so expensive. So it was not a surprise one of our references like I fucking know Craig right. We


are when they're digging the grave. He's like, it's a Pete notes and like, talking about I was like,


like, he's a kind of sewer. Kid out here. He's just like, I know it. Fancy liquor.


He pours himself a glass rotgut is what he's calling takes it back and he starts laying into those boys. Yeah, he's like, I love you boys like family. But, you know, he's like, you're just like whiny, selfish sons of bitches. And he's like, I sit here and help you willingly all the time. Without any thanks.


He was like, You need more. I'm on it. You need to call me and bitch about each other. Are. I'm on it. Yeah, no, thank you. Nothing.


He's like, What do I get squat back? And he's like, I just want to let you guys know you're at the center of the universe. Yeah. And he's like, You know what? I'm going through something. So I need you guys to sack up and help me for one.


So he's like, in case you fucking forgot. Crowley still has my soul. Not once. Have y'all asked me about it. Good for you, Bobby.


Bobby goes and meets up with Sheriff mills. And she's talking about the situation that happened with Marcy. He's gotten


used to asking people for help. He's like, Okay, I've asked Rufus for help. And I got it. Now. I've told the boys off and told them I need help. And they said, of course, Bobby, all you have to do is ask. So now he's feeling competent. He's like, I'm gonna ask everybody. I'm gonna


ask him for everybody do it. He tells her that he needs help for her to get Rufus out of the jail. He's in now and extradited back to where they are. And she's like, going through all the little different things she would have to do. And like, there's just no way and she's like, I'm sorry, I can't help. So she drives off. They met up in their cars, like, I don't know, wherever she takes off. Bobby goes home. He gets knock at the door a little later. And it's Sheriff Mills, and then Rufus pops out next door. Yeah. And he's like, what happened? And she's like, after an hour of calling, you know, I've gotten busted out. And she says, you know, odo to that's what it was. She said, I'll give you an hour. And then I'm calling to let them know that he busted out. Yeah, she was like, Don't ask you've got an hour but yeah. And Rufus has the range. I think, Bobby obviously thought the ring might still be inside. But Rufus pulled it out of his hand at it. And they bought what Bobby say about cleaning it.


Let me go boil some water. Yeah.


So then Bobby goes to do another ritual which this one looks different from the beginning. And then we realize that he is summoning Gavin Crowley son, and he's talking to Gavin and he's like, you and I are gonna have a nice long chat. And then he goes and does the ritual to summon Crowley and Crowley comes in starts complaining about Hell yeah. To therapist, Bobby, because everybody's just given Bobby their problems. I


was like, he just has that face. You know, you just feel like you could tell him anything.


I think he even said like, do I look like Dr. Phil? Like,


I'd love to get Crowley like get somebody again. That's whatever. Bobby tells them. Oh, hey, like, I know who you are. I know. You're not just the king of the crossroads. You're the king of hell. And crush. Oh my God speaking of let me worry about what a paid real bitch. He goes off for a while.


But I liked that like their conversation in the beginning. Bobby like mocked his accent. And then in this conversation Crowley mocks Bobby's accent and like does like a little conversation. Yeah,


it was really cute. I was like, What's Bobby and Crowley ship name? I haven't seen that. They flirt. They flirt. It should exist times. Yeah. It should exist. Well as


their their bickering. Talking Gavin. What? Oh, flirt. Yes. Gavin shows up. Crowley's like, oh, Gavin. And ice like my son. But then he turns to Bobby and is like, I mean, good move, man. But like, just you didn't know like, I love low the little. I can't say it. Load a little bastard. Yeah.


I'm not going to give you your soul back in exchange for his like, I don't care what you do with him. Like, who


cares? I don't. Yeah. Which I was like, I was super impressed by Bobby at this point. Because, like, Oh, that's not what I did. I use Gavin as a tool to dig up dirt on


you. Yeah, I said he's not a leverage. He's an informant. Yes. Yeah.


Oh, shit. He's like Gavin told me everything.


Oh, no. Crowley looked at Gavin and said, What did you tell him son? And Gavin said Oh, that's right. Everything. And then he like was there on the screen for a second and so I thought he was gonna say something else because he was had been there for a little bit. But no, he just like, put her down.


And so Bobby's like I know about you, Crowley that you were a tailor and you soldiers. You sold your soul for three extra inches down below. And currently, we're


just trying to hit double digit. Yeah.


And I'm not ashamed at all.


Yeah, not not at all. And he said, trying to hit double digits. And so I'm sitting here like going, did you? Maybe


I don't think you got there.


Did you fall short? And in that case, yikes. Yeah. What a waste. Right? Probably. It was a good 10 years though, I guess. Hopefully. I


hope for him. I


hope you make good use of it.


Yeah. After this Dean call does he call Bobby or Bobby calls him?


I feel like Bobby had them on the phone already. It just like sitting on hold because there was no phone ring. Yeah, you're right. Like after Crowley realized like, it was Gotcha. Yeah. Talk to us. Like okay, so like, what's the deal? What's happening? Bobby was just like someone wants to talk to you just picks up the phone and hands it to him. Somebody for you. Yeah. And then dean was just on the phone being like, you're right. Yeah. So I think that Sam and Dean were just sitting there patiently waiting and waiting for their moment.


Because Dean's on the phone and it shows Sam and Dean and they are in a cemetery in Scotland with a pile of bones, they say and I think he tells him he's like, Bobby soul for your bones, or we're going to light them up right here.


Crowley tried to say, Oh, it's just a myth that Bobby was like, Um, no, I have an employee of yours who would say otherwise? Yeah. Except for she can't talk because I burned her bones and she died. So


Carly's like, oh, that's what happened to her. Yeah,


we got to go get another one of those hostesses from that restaurant, or whatever it is, what the black dresses isn't


just a dime a dozen. We're just getting them all the time. So, Crowley is clearly a little defeated, but ends up making a couple hand gestures and gives Bobby his soul back. Bobby


was real quick to say you can leave in that part about my legs though. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Smart. Yeah. I forgot about that.


Right after that. It shows the boys in the cemetery and Crowley lo and behold is walking up behind them with a suitcase. He's like, I believe those booms are mine. He teleported. Yeah. What was Sam was saying something to him. And he's like, I don't need you to talk on my behalf moose.


So well, Dane was saying, Well, I'm just gonna torch your bones anyways. And now a deal is a deal. Like we're gonna hold up our end of the bargain. And that's when he said that.


I also want to point out that in my notes, I spelled noose like moose like the desert.


Oh, fancy over there. He definitely meant moose the animal Oh, no. I know. I have seen a clip from Mark Shepherd panel, where he actually said that he came up with that, because Jared paddle Lucky is just like, so big. Yeah. So big on two sticks and capable of creating great damage and all this other kind of stuff. It was it was really cute.


Yeah. So they have their little chat. And he's and then Crowley says he's like, Excuse me. I have a little health erase. Yes. And then it goes back. Bobby's on the phone with the boys again. And he's like, so what? How'd you make it through the those flights? Dean? Because we know he's scared. shitless about it. Yeah. I think he asked him if he like knocked himself out or drank or whatever. And seems like oh, no, he went through like four puke bags.


He white knuckled his way. Yeah, we're with four pupils. Dean said he had to stay alert in case that anything went wrong. And then he had a fork. Oh, that's right.


Oh, my God. Well, Bobby starts he's like about what I said. You know, before, like, he starts to apologize. And the boys are good. They're like, they stop and they're like, no, no, don't apologize. You're right. You're totally you were right to say what you said.


They were like, we take you for granted. And yeah, they really have. They don't say I love you or anything. Yeah, there's no


like, yeah, no, like, like, kind of resolution with with feelings. But like that. I'll be like, cuts


it off. Like, okay, like, No, we don't need enough. Yeah, no more, no more.


And so he gets off the phone with them finally sits down, eat his cobbler from Marcy. And he's about to fork to mouth. But the phone rings, one of the many phones that he man's for other people


for all these other hunters because it wasn't Sam and Dean that he was doing all that for, like a hunter named Garth that he was helping somebody. I don't think he said a name. But he did say something. She She's one of our she's one of our best. So there was a female hunter that he was helping so who knows how many hunters he does that for?


Right? I mean, he's got a whole half. Oh, yeah. But that's how I did. It


was cute. I thought it was really cute. Yeah, it was written by Andrew dabb. And Daniel Loughlin. Oh, and it was directed by Jensen. Ackles.


Oh, oh, his DP? I would assume that's his debut like drink.


Yeah, I mean, at least for supernatural. This is the first episode directed by Jensen. He's he's got some good shots in there. Right. I really liked the shot of the economy in the bedroom. Yeah. And the wood chipper scene was freaking hilarious. There were some really great shots there. Good job.


Not bad for first time. Yeah.


I bet that that was really convenient that it wasn't one that he was heavily having to act in. Also. That's true. Yeah, he was able to focus more on being a director right. I


feel like this is the first episode that was like very little of the boys. It was it was Bobby


show. Other than the Jimmy episode where we met Jimmy Novak the vessel Cassius. Oh, that's right. Yeah. They weren't heavily featured in that. I mean, there were I feel like they were even in that one more than this one. This one had even less of them.


I think they had like maybe a handful of scenes and they were short. Yeah, like at


the beginning. We got to hear them. Find the body. talk on the phone call and ask about the lamea Yeah, good job, Mr. Ackles job. All right, Gore. Laughing hands down the goriest thing is the wood ship. Yeah,


poor poor Mars by far.


I mean we did see the body with the chest cracked open near the beginning but like literally the wood chipper takes the cake that was freaking hilarious. And it was so well done. Kind of just like him shoving her in first like into it. Oh my god, like Marcy like why didn't you move girl? Right?


Like it's your machine you know what's coming out where it's coming out.


I understand being shocked that you're watching somebody gets shoved into the wood chipper and how shocking that would be but I think that the first spray of blood I would have moved the fuck out of the way.


I think if I saw them fighting right in front of the where it goes in I would have been like, I don't need to be right in front of this. Right here where it shoots out. I'm gonna move. It was


hilarious though. It was it was worth it. Good. Yeah, it was really good. adore. Is there anything you adored about this episode?


I was excited to see Rufus. Oh, I love Rufus. Yeah. And then I actually really liked at the end that the boys like owned up to like little shits that they've been to mommy.


It was nice to see an episode that focused on Bobby. Yeah, I've wanted to know more about him. I would like to know more about his background. Yes. Didn't really give us that. But I still am glad Bobby got an episode. He beyond deserved an episode dedicated. Oh, yeah. And I'm happy that they brought back came up and tied up that loose end with his soul.


Yeah, I'll do it even said something about at the beginning of the episode. Yeah. Like,


whenever Crowley was there. I was like, oh, yeah, he still has his soul. I'll be honest, though. Before that first scene when Bobby summoned Crowley. I had forgotten about it. But I'm glad they came back and tied that up. Yeah, the writers didn't forget about it. It was really cute. I thought it was a really cute episode. It was I don't think this is going to be one of my favorites at the very very end. But it was super key. It was a good one. I really enjoyed it. Well, for lore we're doing two different monsters today, so I kept each of them brief. We're starting out first with the monster that Sam and Dean were hunting. According to Britannica encyclopedia, a lamea. And classical mythology is a female Damon, Damon Damon it says da e m o n ha Damon. Okay,


who's that? A female female?


I don't know fuck by now. Okay. All right. Who devoured children? The ancient commentaries? Yeah, it doesn't say that. They sucked hearts and drink blood or whatever. What was it? He said? Ustym. Juice hearts, Jews hearts and such blood. Whatever. The ancient commentaries on fuck. Aristophanes. Does that sound right? We'll go with that. Yeah, Aristophanes piece say she was a queen of Libya, Libya. Whoa. Turn. Libya, Libya, who was beloved by Zeus when Hera robbed her of her children from this union lamea that's why I was wanting to say Libya's because lamea labia Oh, no, I got ya Libya though. Not labia lamea killed every child she could. Why am I I don't know. She'll kill she killed everybody. She killed every kid killed every child she could get into her power. Athenian mothers used her as a threat to frighten naughty children. Flavius Phyllis, sophistry, slife of a fight. That is happening. Flavius filos radiuses not Flavor Flav Flavius Villo stir Stratasys life of Apollo notorious Apollo Pollyanna. Yes, Apollo needless have Tiana described her.


I'm glad you're doing this not me


as a fiend, who in the form of a beautiful woman seduced young men in order to devour them. So she'd be in children. She'd be eaten men. All right. Okay. John Keats, Lamia in 1819 was inspired by reading Philo Strada Stratasys story in Robert Burton's anatomy of melancholy


from 1621 anatomy of melt up anatomy


of melancholy Interesting. Okay. That was just one paragraph. I know it felt like a lot. And that's it. That's all that Britannica had to say about labia lamea.


I like this one. So


now for the second monster, the Akami. Right? That's how they said it.


That's what you said. Yeah. I'm sure I spelled it the wrong way and I got it. And, you know,


I've noticed in doing this, oh, Kami,


I used to be really good at spelling. Like it was one of my stronger suits. But in watching the show, and in my notes, I spell everything fucking wrong. I'm like, What the hell?


I was considered a gifted child when I was growing up. Oh, you are gifted, something happened? No, something happened. Alright, so the next monster Okami outside of supernatural I couldn't find anything on a Japanese monster called Okami? Nothing. But I did find out there's a Japanese wolf that goes by that name. And I thought that was interesting because her teeth were kinda like the werewolf and what have you. The Japanese Wolf, also known as the Han Shu Wolf is an extinct subspecies of the gray wolf that was once endemic to the islands of Honshu, Shikoku, and cue shoe in the Japanese archipelago. I probably pronounced all of that stuff wrong, too. It was one of two subspecies that were once found in the Japanese archipelago, the other being the Hokkaido Wolf. phylogenetic evidence indicates that Japanese wolf was the last surviving wild member of the playdough stone scene, Wolf lineage.


Again, I am so happy here.


In contrast to the Hokkaido Wolf, which belonged to the lineage of the modern day gray wolf, and may have been the closest wild relative of the domestic dog. Many dog breeds originating from Japan also have Japanese wolf DNA from past hybridization, hybridization. Hybrid hybridization Yeah, despite long being revered in Japan, the introduction of rabies and canine distemper to Japan, led to the decimation of the population and policies enacted during the Meiji Restoration led to the persecution and eventual total extermination of the subspecies by the early 20th century. well documented observations of similar candidates have been made throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, and have been suggested to be surviving wolves. However, due to environmental and behavioral factors, doubts persist over their identity. There have been numerous other aliases referring to Japanese Wolf and the name Okami Wolf and parentheses is derived from the old Japanese oppo kami meaning either Great Spirit were wild animals were associated with the mountain spirit, Yama no Kami, in the Shinto religion, or big dog, or big bite. Oh, Kami. Oh Kami, and big mouth. Oh, coochie No, ma Cami. I'm probably mispronounced. I think you're really good was an old Enta FIDE deified alias for Japanese Wolf, where it was both worshipped and feared. And it meant a TRUE GOD with big mouth. Oh, coochie you know, MK commie? Based on several theories. This is like that's the end of the sentence. I know I my inflection was weird, but that's the end of the sentence, either referring to Wolf's mouth with associations with several legends and folklore, such as the wolf guided Yamato taka year row, no Takeru Yamato Takeru and was titled so by the prince, or a region and suka called au coochie. No, ma kami Nohara. Where are suku No, Kin a UE no kaha no could no HoH no could not ha can no ha lived and a number of people were said to be killed by an old worth. Wolf there. And that is the most butchered lore I think that has ever been stated. I


loved it on denim. I would have like murdered all those names. I think you did a good job.


I'm pretty sure I murdered all those names.


I don't think so. Alright, well a quote to close it out from Bobby. Because it was his episode. He says monsters lately. Is it mirrors a weird chairs yours?


Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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