Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Mannequin 3: The Reckoning (6x14)

• Berly, LA • Season 6 • Episode 14

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Berly and LA recap the season six Supernatural episode, Mannequin 3: The Reckoning.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: Berly and LA discuss various supernatural occurrences, including the return of Lisa and Ben in 'Mannequin Three: The Reckoning,' and the eerie events in 'Half-Assed Janitor.' They analyze the strange music, unresolved breakup, and gruesome deaths in these episodes, as well as the missing daughter case at Saltzman and Sons factory. Later, they discuss a cruel prank played on Rose and the violent demise that followed, expressing mixed emotions about the perpetrators' lack of empathy. They also analyze a scene where Rose takes over a personified vehicle, speculating on her motives and how she was able to take control. Throughout the conversation, they emphasize the importance of family and personal growth, while acknowledging the danger of Dean's lifestyle.


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Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series.


I'm LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get Hello valet. Hi Burley.


Last episode was titled unforgiven. In that episode, Sam started to have flashbacks of a case that he worked on with Samuel. Before he reconnected with Team Sam receives a mysterious text with coordinates to a small town, so of course the brothers just go however, Dean is surprised when the townspeople start telling him Hey, your brother's been here before through that thing through that thing now. Oh, what is it? He threw it in reversed it what is it Missy?


Missy says Drop it but what does it drop it?


Drop it. We've reversed it. Yeah. Up against the sink. didn't end well. The wall broke. Were you just dancing to the song in your head over there? I'm just trying


to think of the lyrics again. This episode is titled mannequin three. The Reckoning?


Is there a real mannequin three the reckoning? I know there was like a mannequin one and a mannequin two. But they never made a mannequin three right. Mannequin three. The Reckoning? It's only supernatural. There was not a mannequin three. Okay. Well, I know you were really concerned about it. I was so worried. We're so worried.


Thank you for clearing that up for me.


I got it. Well,


mannequin three. The Reckoning. Supernatural? is the 14th episode of season six. It aired on February 18 2011. Wow. As far as sleepy and exhausted as I am. That sounded very good.


You're so good at your job. Yeah.


This one. Okay, we start out with a will we saw the montage Guess what? Lisa and Ben are gonna be back for


warning. La was so excited about it.


I thought we were done. We're finally done here. We start out with how we saw Sam having some convulsions. And we saw him basically in hell. And Dean runs over to him and it's just like,


you come back you flipped it and reversed it. Oh, no.


That's not what happened. But shaking him trying to get his bro back. And I did think it was cool that when Sam finally opened his eyes because like the last one of the last scenes we saw of him was burning up in hell her


skin on his face was like boiling away and everything. Yeah,


but this his pupil was just still had the flame in it. Yeah, but then kind of died out.


That was very nice. Yeah, I


liked that a lot. So Sam's awake. That's all we know. And we jumped to Great Falls Junior College and Paterson, New Jersey. And we see a very fabulous looking anatomy dummy. Probably one of the better ones I've seen. I guess they've upped their game, you know, in the years. That's the best anatomy dummy I


don't remember having an anatomy dummy in my school.


I mean, just like the way the one I like was open and then they had the socket and everything and I mean it was just very, a lot more detailed than I've seen. That dummy was like been a lot cheaper.


You did comment on it? Quite a bit while the episode looks good. Yeah.


It's gonna be wonderful. It's gonna be our best one yet.


The anatomy dunny look good. And then there was a janitor. Could be clear though. It wasn't the janitor. Correct? Which was sorry. That was a my janitor. He would not be cleaning up on Iommi. Oh this one? Yeah, this one. This one? Yeah, he was very lazily mopping as well.


I didn't want to like be pickier like that person but I was like, What the fuck kind of mopping is doing right? Like that's not how


I'm off. I wouldn't even hire him like not even my floors, not just me. Just like not not even my floors like okay,


well, I'm glad you said that. Because I was gonna make the comment. But then I was like, it's so pointless. I


don't know saying no, it's right. Get out the way you're doing. You're doing it wrong. shitty job.


So yeah, he's in this. We're obviously in a lab.


Let's call him half ass janitor. That's his name. No.


I don't think we ever even learned is named. Did we?


It's half assed janitor. Oh, okay. Yeah.


Thank you for bringing that up. And yeah, so he's in there. And he hears something and turns around and looks around.


So what happened? Yeah, and anatomy, anatomy Danny, the sitting there and then his eyes go


Oh my god at first I totally thought it was like it. What's the it's the only No, it's real name Pennywise Yeah, so I totally thought it was just the one I Penny.


Bill Skarsgard I say penny


penny wise, looking at the janitor, but then I was like, Oh, that other ones trailing it. I'm wrong.


The one would have been creepier. Right? Yeah. Anyway, janitor. half assed janitor. Okay,


half assed janitor is mopping real poorly after he heard this noise that kind of freaked him out. And then out of nowhere, he's looking down. There's some droplets of blood. He's like, What the fuck? And we see this gash forming on his head, which I have to say that was kind of cool, too. We didn't really talk about that. But just seeing like, coming. No, coming.


No. There's no coming with half assed animator.


But yeah, it was it was cool to see without anything like no weapon, nothing, but there's just this gash starting on his forehead.


I agree. The visual special effects were phenomenal. However, my issue with this is, how is a gash getting cut into your forehead and you don't notice until you see the droplets of blood falling on the floor.


Yeah, he's just so involved in that mopping. That that was


my only issue with it. But it looks you're right. It looked phenomenal. Right? It looks really good. But you didn't go like Oh, fuck.


But yeah, so then the anatomy dummy is upon him. And then cut to he is on the floor dead. So then we see Sam and Dean getting coffee. And they're having a little Convo about Sam passing out the wall breaking and whatnot. Dan says like, says that it looked like he could have been like electrocuted sounds like fine. No big deal. And you said something in this conversation, didn't you about owner projects? You said Dean was projecting?


Oh, yes, Dean was very, you know, this could kill you and did it just the way he was talking? I was like, Oh, I know this because I've been this person before. You know, he's acting angry with Sam. But everything he's saying is actually guilt that he's put his brother in this position where he could potentially die because of these memories, because I'm selfishly wanting his brother back. Exactly. The sole intent is being disguised as a scolding. But it's totally guilt. And I thought Jensen Ackles performed this perfectly, because I got it right away. I knew it was happening. I couldn't go.


So after that, the guys are dressed in their FBI suits, and they show up at the lab where the janitor died. Excuse me, half ass janitor.


Thank you. Thank you. Yeah,


I know. I think Dean says he smells sold for and Sam's like, yeah, we're in lab. Not out of the ordinary.


Dean takes the heart from the anatomy Dami as like, will you be my Valentine? And it's weird that we've seen Dean do this twice because he did that in the Valentine episode where famine came to town and all that stuff with an actual heart from a dead body. So I guess that's a go to joke. For Dean whenever he sees a heart. He's gonna He's gonna offer it to his brother and ask him to be his Valentine.


Little heartbreaker. Oh. Well, they're in there, trying to figure out what could have happened to half assed janitor. Dean sees that there's a camera. So they're like, bingo. Let's go look at that. CCTV. Sure enough. I mean, just conveniently between the time we see the janitor doing his shitty mopping, what who? Okay half as janitor doing a shitty mopping to him being on the floor dead. Wouldn't you know? Cut out static.


The music during the Sween Oh, yeah.


was odd. The whole show actually. Yeah,


I didn't. I didn't care for the Music in this episode. It was strange. It was distracting him. It was like it was like a cop procedural or something. Yeah. Yeah. I fancy that word up.


Like I feel like even in the cop procedurals, it's very short. Yeah, but these scenes it's like it just kept going.


Like, yeah, bang, okay. I felt like we were watching a softcore porn with the music. Not with what we were seeing though certainly not with half assed ever is with a show with half house janitor. There is no coming. That was established earlier. Okay.


Oh, I forgot to mention that Dean while they're in lab rejected a call from Lisa. And Sam made a comment that you know, why don't you just answer ya know, what are you waiting for? Um, which once again, I would be like, oh, yeah, I thought we were over that to Dean why she's still calling me.


I thought it was over. Like, I thought that that got in did in the Veritas episode it did. She was like no, you shipped my pig. My pig washed my kid let's do this now right and she ended it she did. So they're still calling each other though. That's what we see, you know I can't judge I can't judge I've had breakups that have lasted way longer than they needed to. Not me. Not you cut it all. We're good. But I have so I get it. No, I


get it.


I get it that there wasn't very much closure and the conversation they had, but we


all sit there there's also a twist to this situation. Very true. Sam goes to interview the gym. Excuse me half assed janitors girlfriend because there they basically say there's no evidence in the lab. There's no evidence on the janitor. Like we're at a loss. Next we see this security guard somewhere. We don't know where they are. But he's in the dark. For some reason. I don't know why didn't turn the light on. But he has a flashlight. And


then he hears a noise and it's like, Jenny, is that you? Joe?


He smiles. He's like Jodi


Wilson out of a bitch get out here. Oh, it's like I can't imagine that. I'm like working. And then I hear a noise and I just look over my shoulder like LA is that you? Zoom away? Well, you especially in the dark at the middle of the night. Yeah. Who am I? Who is this Johnny character that you're one 100% Convinced that he's just hiding in the back just waiting, waiting to jump out and scare yourself like


well as after he calls out. Johnny he whips around and there is this white mannequin, not the anatomy. This was very creepy. Yes. Complete like glossy white. No facial features. Just like a chiseled chest. That's all we see. That's all


you ever see. You shallow bit.


Security Guard whips around feces. The one white mannequin whips around sees another one and he's got scissors in his hand.


His hand like vibrates. This was honestly I thought this scene was sincerely scary. It was it was creepy. Yeah, it was very creepy. I


would be terrified right? He falls so I thought it was gonna he was gonna get stabbed with the scissors but instead there's some like, thin pole the mannequin has and just rams it through his stomach and he dies instantly. Oh, I'm sorry. I also forgot to mention he got the head wound before all that went down.


Yeah, his forehead first his forehead got gashed open to and same thing. Oh and his cheek. He didn't notice his forehead was getting gash open until he felt the blood running down his face. And then he was like, oh, yeah, like put his hands up like Oh, what's this? Like? There's never any owl. What the fuck? What's happening? Johnny, what are you doing? It wasn't Johnny.


It was not. Well, the boys show up at the scene later. And Sam house has a EMF thing and it starts getting wild. Bibi Yeah, taken up some things. I liked that Sam said something about how they molested or that Dean molested the anatomy dummy back at the lab. I


love the whole. I'm not sure what you're accusing me. He just said it very casually. It was cute.


Yeah, he's like, wow, it was so it was went from the college to this factory three stick like towns over. That's not really how they work.


My fondling of the mannequin had nothing to do. I dare you. I don't know what you're accusing me of.


And then I did like his mannequin reference. He said something about can control those good controls,


giving them the creeps or something pretty funny. It was pretty funny.


So after learning to this one happened at a factory they go back and kind of investigate the factory and realize that there's this seamstress that went missing a few years back and she survived by her sister so they decided to go chat with her. Now before they get to her little Ben calls Dean because Dean finally picks up the phone for what he thinks is Lisa calling him but it's been and he says he needs help. It's an emergency. Mom, we'll get out of the bed. I was like oh shit, she's so depressed. Dean's that she broke up with. Yeah, she


can't she can't flip it and reverse that she can't


count and Ben needs help. You know she she needs dean. And so Sam's like you know what, go go do your thing. You know you almost had this whole family unit you need to go make sure things are fine. I'll go talk to sis. Rosemary. I think some seamstress name. Was that correct. I like sis know that Rosemary's little girl that went missing? and her sister don't know her name. Okay. Okay. Got it. Yes. And the sister tells Sam that this it's the Saltzman and Sons factory and everyone in town works there. Pretty much everybody works there. So Colin Cameron was singling anybody out. But he does discover that half assed janitor quit the factory shortly after rose went missing, disappeared. So Sam goes back to do interviews at the factory just like you did at the college. And so we see him like talking to a bunch of people. And then it gets to this one guy. And we have


more weird music, right? During the same,


we actually hear this conversation and the guy says he's like, oh, yeah, I think I remember rows. And you know, whatever. Sam mentions that has this guy's name is John and he says, You seem nervous. seem a little nervous, buddy. And what did he say? He


was like, of course, I'd be upset. And sounds like I didn't say upset. I said, nervous. The guy's just quiet with that. Yeah, he seems very shifty. very shady. Definitely. Yeah. Was it as Johnny was Johnny? Yeah, that's, uh, we thought he was he was like Johnny's the you Right. Right. Right. So this is the guy he thought was hiding. It makes sense. It makes sense. Now, I didn't connect it. It's all coming together. Yeah, I didn't connect it earlier. That guy would do that. Fucking Johnny. Johnny, then wheezes. So girlfriend. We


haven't gotten there yet. We see Dean show up to Lisa's door. Knocking on the door. Lisa shows up. he rings


the bell like over and over. That's right. There, buddy, you're not answering the phone. And then you go to this like digging. Digga Digga Digga Digga. Well, she


comes she opens the door and she looks fabulous. She's very clearly dressed for an occasion date. Whatever. It is, like a pretty black dress drop earrings or hairs


up? Yep. She looked good. Yeah. And she She immediately went from glowing and excited to like, a fucking guy's this guy. Yeah. I felt for man I felt for


Yeah. Oh, yeah. What a bummer. she reluctantly invites Dean in and gives them a beer and they start chatting. And he's like, you know, clearly, you're obviously going on a date. Who is it? And I was like, none of your business. Right? But I was proud of her this episode. Yeah, she says that. It's his name is Matt. He's a doctor. And I think he came back with some snarky comment. And then Ben interrupted them both. And they both yelled at him to go to his room. Poor thing. And she tells Dean that, listen, she knows what she wants, and he can't give it to her. She's not gonna sit there with his lifestyle waiting on him to come back or getting that phone call from Sam that he's gone.


I love that. She said, I'm trying to move on. So what are you doing? Like, what the fuck do you want? That's the real question, Dean. And he couldn't answer her?


Of course not. I don't think Dean knows at all. What do you want?


I don't think so either. But I was proud of her for standing her ground. I mean, like, listen, well,


yeah. She can't, she can't stick with him in that laughs lifestyle, especially with a kid.


But this was the most character development and whatever we've gotten from her. Yeah. And it was very short. But they did. They did well with finally showing us something from Lisa. And so I was like, Okay,


we'll see if that's really the end of it, though. Probably not the backup. They have to have


something that lasts the entire season. True. And I feel like this is it. I feel like we're going to see her at least one or two more times.


Anyway, we go back to Johnny and he is on his cell phone. And he's actually a little frantic. Forget what he said to whoever he was talking to saying


shady stuff. Yeah, it's like, We fucked up. We're Yeah, they're gonna come get us and well, I'm worried


he's very worried. Yeah. And sure enough, he starts to get the gash going across his forehead. But who comes and saves them? Well, Sammy, Sammy shows up and says career start salting this room. And he tells Johnny, you're lucky that you were like the most suspicious interview I've ever had. Because that's why I'm here and I just saved your ass. And he tells them that roses back and he wants to know what they did to her like what happened? And so Johnny finally confesses what a scumbag him and these guys are. It


was like a pretty decent sized group of guys to like, we're like I think it was like five or six men


not like wrong or semi been your college and still doing shit like that. But one of


them had white hair. Like really? Yes. Yes. One of them. Whenever you see them all in the apartment. One of them had white hair. I was just like, what? I don't care that you're in a small town. Go skip rocks, right? jerk off like what are you doing? Yeah, so ridiculous. So


it turns out the sweet rose she was was like a sweet kind girl and, and Johnny's like I don't think she'd ever been asked out in her whole life. So we created and made her think she had this secret admirer. So we bullied her. Yeah, basically, oh, they left a note for her and her locker at work and told her to come meet, meet the sky. And she's so excited. She dressed up looked nice. And she shows up and there's this table set up for them, the two of them to have a dinner and he's got his back to her. He's in a suit. And she goes and touches his shoulder and kind of turns them around. And it's a mannequin. Yeah. And then all these motherfuckers come out of the corner laughing at her. She's humiliated. Also nice coworkers. Right. Nice. But then they tried


to turn it on her like, Oh, don't be upset. It's just a joke. Like, fuck you.


Yeah, real fuckin funny. Yeah,


assholes. Clam should have just let her finish the job.


I mean, I was like, Sam, do we really?


I always say that, because these are fictional characters, right? Yeah. Well, but


anyway, Rose, is clearly upset and starts to turn to leave and run out. And one of the guys grabs her wrist and she yanks it away but loses her footing and falls and smashes her head into a, I think a little coffee table. And so she has the exact gash that each of these men are are getting before they die. And Sam says, Okay, got it. Got your story, your shithead you need to let me know where you guys buried her. Now and I will say that the some of the guys were like we're saying that. Oh, we should call the police. But then they they're like, oh, no, like, you know this. We might get in trouble for this. I like that. One guy was like, oh, it's gonna be manslaughter at the worst slew. Okay, glad you thought that far. Oh, maybe you should have thought that fucking far when you decided to do this tour. Yeah.


They don't seem like the brightest. Definitely not. You know


what that shitty mopping job was?


Right. And I will also say we are getting the story from Johnny in the story. Johnny is the one who immediately pulled out his phone to call 911 Of course, and somebody else stopped him. So it's an unreliable narrator here, right? Who knows? Who knows of any of them actually gave a shit. True.


Since they decided to bury her in the woods. No care. They just rolled her in there. Yeah, Sam, Sam goes to find this grave site and to burn her bones, cuts back to Dean and he goes to see Ben Ben's on his phone or some game he's playing and doesn't really pay much attention. But Dean's asking him. Why did you call me and? And Ben says that it was an emergency. And Dean's like, I don't think so. And Ben says that it was the third date he watches TV. He knows what that means. He knows. Yeah. So it was an emergency to him to get Dean back. So that fourth date didn't happen, or whatever happens after the third.


Mom's about to get lately. Unacceptable. And then


poor Ben just says Why do you hate us? You know, what, what did mom do? What did I do? Which is sad. And of course, he tells him that Ben didn't do anything. Nobody did anything. Just because you love someone doesn't mean that you need to stick around and interfere with their life and the way that he would and screw things up.


He also said he didn't want Ben to end up like him. Right? He said,


If I stuck around, you'd end up just like being so without me. You actually have a shot at life. And


I liked that Ben was like, would me ending up like you'd be the worst thing. But that just kind of shows that Ben doesn't really understand what Dean does, like he knows but he doesn't know. You know what I mean? Yeah, it was sad. Yeah. And of course, Ben's all ills, you're just gonna walk out on your family. So it was bad.


I mean, I felt a little bit for Dean in this whole scenario, but


I felt bad for both of them. Because you know, Ben is operating again, from a very immature perspective. He doesn't really understand what Diems lifestyle is just how dangerous it is. And yet Dean who preaches family is more important than everything and all of that. I'm sure that whenever Ben said that, that that cut pretty deep. Yeah, you know, it was it was sad. Well, after


that little sit down between the two of them. We see that Sam has found roses grave and he is burning the bones, grabs his phone calls Johnny to tell them hey, you're safe. You can leave the salted room I left you in your son of a batch. Then we see Dean driving back to go meet up with Sam and there's a Lisa him montage as he's driving of their relationship.


I know the montage was supposed to strike a chord with me but I just didn't care. Yeah,


I didn't really with me either. I was just like, okay, yeah, that's that.


But I think it was more for us to just kind of understand that he was reflecting on everything. Yeah, it was a cute montage. Oh, yeah, it was done well, in the past. Yeah, it recapped I feel like almost every scene, but involve Lisa. I feel like it was in that. And I feel like there were some scenes in there that we haven't seen. I feel like there was some new stuff. Yeah, like there was like one shot where they like fell onto a bed and they're laughing or something. I'm like, I don't feel like we've seen that. Which just shows how little we've seen of their relationship. Yeah, I just really wish they had done a little bit more with building them up to where at this point, we were a little more invested. Unfortunately, I I really, I'm like with you, where I'm just like, okay, like, we get it wrap it up. Maybe


we can be done. Yeah. It didn't add all that much. Yeah. And it could have Yeah, it really could have I mean, I guess it did in a way but just not that really touched me. I guess. Same to be so obsessed. Anyway, sad about them leaving. And


I wish I wish I was I wish I honestly wish I cared more. Yeah.


So after the montage, we see roses sister going into her. She's in McGowan's pub. And then we see Johnny go in, but he doesn't go into the pub. He goes upstairs. I guess he's got a little apartment up above it. Well, he goes into his little apartment and he goes and sits next to his girl that's laying on the bed and grabs her hand and says that they need to go, you know, they need to get going. The it's a bad situation. He's got this gash on his forehead. And, you know, he confessed to what's happened. And it cuts to her face. And she is in this nice silky pink robe. That's short. She's very tan. I think she has blue eyes and some nice like, caramel colored hair. But she's not a woman. No. She is in fact.


Um, like, is that a real doll? Or was it a mannequin that he took from the work from work? You think it was a second?


I mean, I think so. Probably right. I don't know. I think you called her a sex doll at one point.


I thought she was one of those real dolls. Yeah, like one of those sex doll real dolls. All right. But now I'm sitting here wondering did he take her from work?


I mean, she looked better than the white mannequins, the old white mannequins.


What have you painted her face for?


I mean, they had it. He had done a lot of work. She had the hair. She had the makeup on. She had the clothes, the tan. Yeah. So yeah, clearly he's unhinged. Johnny, Johnny, unfortunately, John gets killed by his girlfriend mannequin by her robe, tie her pink silky robe tie. We see him on the ground with it around his neck and he's got the guy show up at the scene, see what happened? disturbed. And they realized that okay, we burned the bones. But this rose must be hooked to something else that's still here. So they go back to the sister and questioning her they find out that the sister was actually going to the college that the half assed janitor got killed that she worked at the factory. And she was at the bar the night with what happened with Johnny. So clearly, it's all tied back to her some way with her sister. And they're asking her what it could be like, what do you have left of her? And she said she doesn't. I think there was like one little box that we're going through trying to figure out what it might


be because that's when I asked you she's just letting Sam pilfer through her box. Then I was like LA. Would you let Sam pilfer your box?


Without question? So


and then, after this one we're saying was just like so. It's you. It's all connected to you. You have to come with me for you show for me to show you as she just does. You were like understandable.


Anywhere where do we need to go? Hotel? Room? I don't know. Anyway, yeah. So she reveals that when she was 16 years old, Rose gave her one of her kidneys. So that's that's a toughy kind of tough to figure that one out how you gonna burn that don't want to have to kill her, you know, right. And the guys are chit chatting trying to figure out and I think Dean is like are we gotta go who do who do style. I think Sam is the one that mentioned that. I mean, just doing something like that is just going to put a band aid over it to buy them time. But what else can they do? Out of nowhere as they're standing here having this conversation, baby lights up and starts, the engines get started. And we realized that rose has taken over baby


Dean was like, Wait a minute. No, that's my baby. Like she's not a sex doll and the engine just like


Oh my god, I gotta stop that. So Dean in his love for baby tries to lure her over to run. Like he goes in front of the store that has a big window and like a bottom brick area, loser to come to Him jumps out of the way and she smashes into the store. It


was pretty impressive. Yes, I feel like that was about all practical. That baby was just driving around. You couldn't see anybody behind the wheel. So I wonder how they did that. I would like to see the behind the scenes like with somebody just crouched down in the seat. Yeah. How did they How did they do that? Yeah, it was pretty good. Yeah.


Well, after baby is out of commission, the guys turn around and the sister. Oh, I think her name is Isabella. This one I finally realized her name was I was


just seeing our Johnny. Oh,


there you go. I think that's her name. But anyway, she has blood coming out of her mouth. She looks down and there's a huge shard of glass. Yeah, protruding from her stomach. Rose shows up and she looks at her sister and apologizes to Isabel. But as you pointed out, she didn't seem to sorry.


She didn't say that. Sorry. Yeah, she was just like, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I was like, Oops, sister. Come on with me my bad dye


dye and come with me. And you sir. Sure enough as well, ducks. Then the guys are chatting later on and jeans talking about how he's so tired of bad luck. And I can't remember the whole conversation. I just know ends with Sam saying for what it's worth, you know, he'll always have jeans back. And that's it. That's the end.


It was written by Eric chim. Mellow. And Nicole Snyder, and it was directed by GE not Spark. Spark names. Yeah, we have heard these names before. Those are new. We'll see if they come up again. All right, Gore. There was a splooge Oh, you're right. We did get our 42nd Blood splooge of the supernatural series. Whenever half assed janitor got killed at the very beginning of the episode, correct? Yeah, that went out. Yeah. Yeah, it was the spear. The silver spear going through the guys stomach. That was pretty gory. Yeah, but I guess like the best gash, or the gashes, the special effects on that was pretty damn good. Like I said, I didn't understand the reasoning behind why they didn't know they forehead was getting cut open until they felt or saw blood. But the actual special effects that happened with that, that was really good. That looks real. So I would say that was my favorite core. Yeah, out of the episode was the gashes. Did you adore anything about this episode?


I guess probably Lisa standing up for yourself.


I was about to say like, I also am a I'm with you on like, okay, wrap it up. But at the same time, what they did back in the vampire episode, live for your toy hard. It was very unsatisfactory and it was left open. Yeah. So I actually am happy that they're coming back and actually, hopefully going, I'm hoping that they give us a little bit more to that coming to a more satisfactory conclusion. Yeah, I'm happy that they're gonna give it a little bit more attention, if that makes sense. And give her a little more depth to Yes. I loved hearing her be like, Okay, I've realized you can't give me what I want. I'm trying to move on. What the fuck are you doing? And for us to know that it wasn't her trying to call him and get him back? Like to have that added layer? You know? No, I did. Yeah, I would say that too. All right. For lore, I have a tale to tell you. Ooh, a house haunted by mannequins, the bizarre story of the John Lawson house from MD 80 For somewhere around 10 years, the John Lawson house in New Hamburg, New York, was known for a puzzling reason. A trio of mannequins camped out on the porch. Not to be confused with die mannequin. What does that I didn't Google it, okay. That'll be your homework assignment. Let's just die mannequin day.


You figure it out yourself.


You're on your own. They were life size mannequins, the kind you typically see in clothing stores. Where it gets interesting, however, is when you learn that their clothing changed on occasion, their hair changed as well. They were different wigs and held different props. The mannequins pose with things like an old plastic milk container, holding scented leaves, or an empty Birdcage, or toolboxes and even books now No one knows what the mannequins were supposed to represent, or even if they represented anything, no one has any idea who lived there at the time. In other words, all of this is kind of strange. But here's the kicker. No one ever saw anyone move the mannequins, which leaves us to wonder, was the house haunted? Did the mannequins move all on their own?


I mean, did somebody sneak in and change things? Just to fuck with people?


It's a mystery. It's a mystery. But the history of the John Lawson house located near the Hamburg train station in New York, the John Lawson house is really old. All right. Okay. It was built in 1845. On Main Street, it's nine a main street, and it's believed to be the oldest house in New Hamburgs Main Street Historic District. Furthermore, you can get a feel for how old the house is from its architecture. When the Main Street Historic District was nominated of the National Register of Historic Places in 1987. The John Lawson house was described by its physical appearance in a nomination document. They describe the houses frame, cornice, Chimneys, and Windows. What they did not articulate in this document, however, was his creepy history. Above all, John Lawson is the man who built the house. He is not however, the person who moved the mannequins around, because you know, he built it like an 1845. And they probably didn't have mannequins back then. Just FYI, keep up. What we do know is that he was a descendent of one of the first white colonist families to forcibly take over the area, so we know he's not a great person. And perhaps that's part of the reason the mannequin ghosts decided to hang out on his porch. Quote, not cool, racist, dude. Now, we're gonna haunt you forever. Other creepy events at the John Lawson house, a house, this old has seen some shit. And while it's not totally clear, when the mannequins first appeared on the porch, urban myth states that they may have something to do with the two tragedies that occurred very close to the house. The first creepy event was on February 6 1871. Again, I don't think there were mannequins back then, but who knows? Who knows? I think there were in the 1800s


of the some sort of it, I bet they were like, you know, the wooden things like were they? Like, designers have to have the little shape, you


know, Oh, okay. Like that. Like the artists? Yeah,


I bet they had them. Maybe you should have really researched.


I feel like this article speaks for itself. It does. In the middle of a two week cold snap. A southbound 25 car freight train derailed. It landed on the northbound track, striking a northbound passenger express train. So that's the first creepy event, okay. Sadly, the trains were carrying oil. So there was a huge fire. 22 people were killed in the crash that night. This horrific event happened only about 200 feet from the John Lawson house. That's awful. Then just six years later, on May 3 1877, a huge fire took out seven buildings directly around the house. However, the John Lawson house was one of a few surviving structures. Next, theories of haunted mannequins, many believe that the mannequins represented and perhaps were even possessed by the spirits of those who died. In these two events. Some people have reported seeing the mannequins facing the direction of the only other surviving historical house on the block. People thought that they were possessed by people who died in the fire. Other mannequins faced the sight of the train crash. Because of this, depending on whether or not the mannequins are actually haunted. People are still trying to figure this out. Answering the WHO part of the mystery seems to be much easier than answering the why, perhaps one of these days in other words, the mannequins will start to speak for themselves, and we can all rest a little better at night.


I don't think so. If they started speaking, that would be even more mature, right?


If they start being like, listen, let me tell you This is why I'm holding a milk jug full of plants. Okay, this is why I changed my outfit last night.


I think somebody's just fucking with everybody. They're sneaking in there at night switch and shit around. They're laughing at everybody.


One would think but who knows? Maybe it's Johnny. But Johnny probably a little troublemaker Johnny.


Okay, well quote to close it out comes from Dean. And he says about the mannequins. He says So what we've got a bunch of killer dolls like Chucky. I mean come on. That's just freakin creepy.


Cheers. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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