Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Defending Your Life (7x4)

• Berly, LA • Season 7 • Episode 4

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Berly and LA recap the season seven Supernatural episode, Defending Your Life.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: In the "Defending Your Life" episode of "Supernatural," Sam and Dean investigate a series of mysterious deaths linked to guilt-ridden individuals. They discover that Osiris, the Egyptian god of the underworld, is punishing those who feel guilty by making them appear dead to those around them. The episode features a courtroom scene where Osiris judges the guilt of the deceased, leading to a dramatic confrontation. Sam and Dean manage to defeat Osiris by stabbing him with a ram's horn, saving Dean from a death sentence. The episode also explores themes of guilt and redemption, with Sam defending Dean and acknowledging his own past struggles.


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Ella, welcome to denim wrapped nightmares, Tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series, episode by episode,


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore the gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm Burleigh, and I'm a new fan of the series.


I'm LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get tipsy. Hello, LA, hey early.


I mean, what a relief to know that the leviathans, in fact, are not wasting dicks all over town.


I mean, I guess so


it's very happy to find out we we were corrected by Mr. Ben Edlund himself. Let us know that shiznickel was not referring to discarded dicks. It was just his fancy way of using the word shit and and getting away with it, that it just meant there's a bunch of gory, horrific things around over there, body parts? Yeah, a bunch of body parts. So yay. Not CW friendly. Not CW friendly. Imagery. Guy B also weighed in, but he also did defend us and say it does look very phallic, though, that the shape on the on the pillars, I mean, it did, it did. It did, all right. Well, that was actually from a couple of episodes ago. So why don't you remind our audience where we were on our last episode? La,


Alright, the last episode was titled The Girl Next Door. Dean was furious after Sam disappeared to follow a lead on a case with clues that were identical to a case Sam solved as a kid all by himself. The monster turned out to be Amy who has been killing lil life thugs and taking their brains for dinner. The same monster Sam found as a kid, and he actually, I mean, befriended her and then let her go.


Yeah, she killed her mom for him, so he didn't kill her for her. Yeah, he was like, we're even now. Don't do it again.


Don't go eat brains.


No more No more brains for you. No more living brains for you, right? Today's episode is titled defending your life. It's the fourth episode of season seven, and originally aired on october 14, 2011 the episode begins in Dearborn, Michigan. We see a man, Matthew Hammond. He's running. He is booking it, but he's got somebody right on his tail is a car. I couldn't tell what kind of car it was. I don't know cars, but it was fast, not that fast, actually, now that I'm thinking about it, because he was able to outrun it, yeah, so it couldn't have been going that fast. And he turns a corner and thinks he's gotten away from it, but uh oh, it's right there again. It's like, come get you. And he's running, he's working out his legs, some nice cake. And he went inside, and it was going to be it was going to take too long to wait for the elevator, so he took the stairs, oh yeah, all the way up. Wasn't it like the 10th floor, 10th or 11th floor? Yeah, I think so. Looked it all the way up there, gets into his apartment, safely, shuts the door, leans up against the wall, and just like, okay, you're okay. You're okay. And then we see the ice breath, smoke come out, and LA and I both looked at each other, and we're like, he's not okay. They didn't run fast enough. Sure enough, the car is in the apartment, and he screams, and right as the car slams into him. We almost get a blood splooge, but not quite, because it filters into supernatural there's like, inks, ink, splots. Oh, I guess it's the Leviathan goo, not ink. Oh, yeah, Leviathan goo. I don't know what noise to make for that. I'll have to come up with something. Matthew got smushed up against the wall. He didn't make it, guys, he didn't survive. So we got a case. I


was real worried it was gonna be another demon car. You did.


You said, Whatever it started. You were like, oh my god, another ghost car game. It was not another ghost car, although funny. You should mention that I did feel like this harkened back to the Bloody Mary episode where she she was stalking people who felt guilty, who felt like they had done something. And it's funny that that episode kind of left it. Cliffhanger isn't the right word, I guess, unresolved that we found out why Sam felt guilty by the end of that episode, but we never found out why Dean felt guilty during that episode, and I feel like that was kind of answered here. He feels guilty because of Sam, yeah, you know. And that would have made sense for back then. So circle, let it back around to Bloody Mary. I felt like full circle. Yeah, not to route 666. No, no, not today. Maybe in another episode we'll get another Coast car. Sam and Dean show up in Dearborn. The first thing Dean says when he gets out of the car is, feels wonky. It felt weird to be just on a regular case that wasn't Leviathan based or suspected to be leviathans. But Sam was just like, You should be happy, you know, like, just gonna clear cut case. Sam also, thanks Dean for understanding about Amy.


Oh, thanks.


Yeah, yeah, which he didn't, he didn't understand at all, Sam, or he understood and just decided, no, I just, I just disagree.


It's like, he's like, it's the right it was the right


thing to do, yeah,


turn that knife. Yikes. Oh,


they go upstairs after they flash their FBI badge. And I immediately was like, are we gonna get costumes again? Like, other than FBI, I feel like it's been a while.


I feel like, I feel like it has been too,


you know, give me something, give me something else. Yeah. I mean, the suits are nice, and the FBI think, come on, I liked the dress up aspect.


Cost changing it up. Yeah.


They go upstairs, and the cop tells them, if I didn't know any better, like, if we weren't on the 10th floor, I'd say he got run down by a car. So I don't know. I'm stumped. Like these, these cops are like, we have no fucking idea what's going on. Oh, they also pulled out the EMF reader in the apartment. We haven't seen that in a little bit. Got a really good look at that. They find an AA chip, and they find a receipt for Jane's but what was it? What was the joke? They come in and they're saying, oh yeah. They said, Oh, do we got another ghost car on our hand? And they were like, our ghost with a license, license to kill. And then dean sent a license to kill, and La died. He


was just really proud of himself. And then Sam turned around and gave him a look, and then he was like, oh, okay, not funny.


La loved how proud he was. I feel


like that happens to me all the time.


After Dean admits that aa weirds him out, and he is just not, he is not going there, they decide that Dean is going to go check out Jane's figure out what this place is, where he's got these regular payments going, Yeah, every month, every month, and Sam is going to go check out. Aa. At AA, the counselor tells Sam that marathon, Matt was not having a good time, that he was on some shaky ground. He had even called her from Neil's tavern that he was about to slip and she said, but he didn't, I think that he did. Why? Where was, oh, Cyrus, hanging out and finding out bar at the bar, I imagine he went inside and was sharing his story,


yeah, and then running like that after burning it


off. Yeah, that was that's impressive.


I would have died.


Well, Matthew did. Well, I


wouldn't have made it to my apartment.


I mean, we don't, we don't know that he slipped. I'm just saying, based off of how we saw Osiris get his other victims, it appears that maybe Matthew did slip. So we know that Matthew's troubled. Okay, he's he's been troubled by something. What could it possibly be? Well, funny, you should ask Burley, because Dean is at Jane's and finds out that Matthew came in and paid for what was it? Three months, multiple months, 10 months. I think it was 10. Well, he paid in advance for these flowers to be sent to Elizabeth durin. And Dean says, oh, okay, cool. Well, I need to talk to her. So can I get her address? And then we cut to a cemetery. Oof Elizabeth passed away. Turns out she was a 10 year old girl looking at the gravestone and everything. So they're like, Okay, what's happening here? They do some research, and it turns out that poor Elizabeth was killed in a hit and run accident, and whoever did it was never caught, car killing him and all of that, it's kind of easy to put it together that he was the hit and run and he's been feeling guilty. Well, yeah,


yeah, you should be, yeah. Also shitty detective work, not realizing that that grave is getting flowers from the same person all the time,


right? Who's just the neighbor who reported it


suspicious. I


felt this feels so bad for her parents never getting closure, right, like just Sam and Dean. Think, okay, well, it's this Elizabeth chick. She somehow is turning into a car as a ghost or whatever. Who knows, but it's her. Let's go salt and burn her bones, and Case solved. Then we cut to another man running, tearing ass, and he takes refuge in a restaurant. And it's a dog that's chasing him. It's this beautiful German Shepherd, I think it was, and he shuts the door and locks it behind him. It's like, keep that thing away from me. And everybody is just looking at him, like, What the fuck. Huh? Then he runs into the bathroom, locks himself in there, pulls out his phone to call 911, and report that this dog is chasing him. I really liked this shot where it showed him like walking up to the bathroom mirror, like trying to stabilize himself and catch his breath. And he looks up and he sees the dog just sitting there politely behind him. The dog looks


so cute. It


was just gonna get you. It was being so attentive and just listening to him talking to the cops. He waited, waited for a good pause in the conversation. He's


like, what you doing?


Before he attacked the man, and we get our 50th blood splooge of the supernatural series as a gush of blood splash splatters across the wall. And it was good. It was just a lot of fluid. It wasn't chunky this time, classic blood splooge, just black all over. So the next day, the boys are reading about this attack, and that all of the patrons are saying we didn't see shit, like they're declaring it a wild animal attack, but everybody's saying we didn't see an animal. We didn't see nothing. We saw him run in, run in the bathroom, lock the door, and then he was dead. We don't know what happened. So it's another mystery, another weird, freaky thing, where it seems like, oh, cut and dry. This is what happened, like, cut and dry. This guy was hit by a car, yeah, but he was in his 10th floor apartment. Oh, cut and dry. This guy was attacked by an animal, yeah, but there was no animal, and he was locked in a bathroom with no windows, so just shits being weird. Shit, be weird. Shit. Be weird. Y'all and Sam and Dean start to think, okay, maybe there's, maybe there's something else going on here. Maybe this wasn't just, like, a cut and dry salt and burn, not just Elizabeth, yeah, and Dean starts getting really agitated by this. Agitated. He's getting real irritated. Like, I guess he wanted just an easy peasy you would think that he would be excited that, like, oh, it's more in depth than we thought. But no, he's he seems real pissed off about it. Yeah, while they're researching this guy, and Sam is figuring out that he's had a history with dogs. He ran a dog fighting ring, not a good guy. He's like, you know, let's go check it out. Let's go see what's happening. And he notices that Dean's being weird. So he's like, um, are you You okay? Like, what the fuck is going on? Dean's just looking fine. They go talk to the coroner, and they find red dirt on the body. Just so happens to be very similar to the red dirt that they happened to find in Marathon Matthew's apartment. They're like, this is very distinctive red dirt. Turns out it was from an apple farm. I don't remember how they found out that it was from the apple farm. I


don't either. As you were saying that, I was like, I don't think put two and two together. Was that the apple


farm? Yeah, I don't remember. The corridor coroner said something to them about it


was the dog fighting ring at the apple farm. No,


anyway, they they connected it. They connected the dots that we cannot connect. They're on their way out to the farm. And then we have another runner, a third runner comes running out from where the farm was, straight out into the road, like right in front of the Impala. Dean has to slam on the brakes, basically, to not hit this guy. They get out of the car, and I think it was Sam that was like, are you okay? And Dean goes, he just ran out in front of a car. I don't think He's okay. He's clearly freaked out. Man, I really wanted this guy to make it. I know I liked him. I did too. I really wanted them to him to make it. Well,


he did his time. He did his time. Yeah, He'd


just gotten out of prison. Yeah, he did a 30 year sentence. Dean and Sam get him in the car, take him back to their hotel, get his story, where he's talking about how he was on some really hard times. He held up a liquor store, and in the process, he accidentally killed the wife and owner. And that he got caught. He got arrested, did his 30 year sentence, but he still felt guilty, and he was telling them about, like, this weird court that he got taken to. It was so funny the way they're talking about it, because you can tell they're trying to help him put it together. And he's like, no, like, no. Like, I did my time back then. Like, no, I got taken to this weird court. Now, like, that's where I was running from, all right, crazy. We're talking about Super the supernatural court. Come on. He just got out of prison and then woke up. Just woke up there, yeah, like, Osiris literally just came and snatched him look. He did sketch out some symbols that he saw in the courtroom, which ended up being very important later. They send those right away to Bobby anyway. So I said that he got snatched right from the prison. That was a lie. He went to the bar. And turns out it was the same bar that marathon man had gone to. And we also find out that. That dogfighter man had gone to that bar. So things are things are happening at Neil's tavern. Dean talks to Sam and is kind of like, I don't think we really need to do this. Like it sounds like these people are getting what they deserve, like they did a shitty thing, and ghosts are coming back and serve a justice. And Sam is just like, No, that's not what we're gonna do. We're gonna keep investigating goody two shoes. Sam says, Okay, you can be pissy and want to sit here or whatever, but I insist we go investigate the bar. And Dean finally volunteers, like, I'll go. Sam's like, are you gonna go investigate or drink? It wasn't seeing like, I can do both. Can I do both? I


think he said he hadn't decided yet. Oh, that's what it was. Yeah, I


haven't decided yet. He's just so he's so over it. He's just over it already. Sam is seeing to Warren, taking care of him, and saying, I want to go back out to that apple farm. See what else I can find. See if I can find this courtroom that you've been talking about or whatever, come with me. And Warren is just like, No, they're out there. And he looks so scared, I know. And Sam is just like, you're going to be safer with me than without me. And I need to, I need to do this. So come on. And the guy's just like, No, no, no, no, no, no. So Sam sits him in a recliner in the middle of the room, puts a thick salt circle around him and tells him, stay in the circle. And the guy's like, why? And he was just like, Just trust me. Okay, I know what I'm doing. He gives him the remote, turns on the TV and and leaves him. And I really wanted Warren to make it. I really did. So Sam drives out to the apple farm, and he finds the big red barn that Warren told him, You can't miss it. It's right there. You'll see it right away as he's looking in there, checking out the barn. Nothing seems like a courtroom, like it's just an abandoned barn. There's like old machinery and really cool old truck. It's all rusted. You know, clearly hasn't been tended to in a while. But he does find the red dirt.


That's infamous red dirt. Bobby


also calls him and says, Hey, I looked into the symbols. They're Egyptian. You guys are dealing with a god. And I'm like, Yeah, God, you're dealing with Osiris. He is judge, jury and executioner, and he weighs the guilt of his victims. I won't go into any more detail, because that's the lore later in the episode, but y'all Osiris can see my old face, okay, oh, oh, Cyrus. He was cute. I liked the way he performed it too. Like you could tell he was having fun with his little courtroom thing and everything. And I liked his profile.


I've seen him in other something else.


He was one of the bad guys in Iron Man. Oh, is that what it is? Yeah, that's where I recognize him from. Yeah, I knew I'd seen him somewhere else, but he didn't smile and stuff as much in Iron Man. Like it was like classic villain in Iron Man. I liked this version, the animated, smiling, the I know something you don't want me to know stuff that he did really well, like he did with his facial you Sure? Like he did good, yeah, I enjoyed his performance, but we haven't met him yet. I'm getting ahead of myself. Sam is asking Bobby, what do we do? We need to track him down. Bobby's like, Are you fucking kidding me? No, no, you do not need to track him down. You two need to get the fuck out of dodge. Get out of there. He looks for people who feel guilty. Who does that sound like to you? And then Sam realizes, Oh, shit, like splitting up probably wasn't a good idea. Yeah, he's trying to call Dean, trying to call Dean, trying to call Dean. Well, while Sam was doing his apple farm Adventure Time. Dean was at the bar talking with a bartender, cute blonde, reminiscing over drinks, and he was going to be there for at least an hour, because she tells him after, like, pouring his third double, I think it was that she gets off in an hour, and she doesn't want him passing out before she's free to hang out and have some fun. Have some. She wants to get some D from some Dean. You know, don't we all? And Osiris was there like they showed him. He kind of shoulder checks Dean as he enters the bar. He walks around and sits at the corner of the bar. He has on a baseball hat, but that very distinct profile. And they just kept including him in the shot, so we were kind of suspecting, like, Who is this guy? Who is this guy? When the bartender gets off work, Dean's gone, all she finds is his cell phone on the ground outside. Fortunately, she calls Sam. Called her. Sam called the phone, well, it went to voicemail, and then hung up, and then she called Sam back. Oh, is that what happened? Oh, that was kind of her to do that she was waiting for Dean, right? But she calls Sam back and just goes, hello, and he's like, Who is this? And she was like, Is this Dean's phone? He was supposed to meet me here. And she said, I've been standing here for like 10 minutes just listening to this phone ring over and over and over and over again. So I figured I'd pick up like you were clearly. Trying to get in touch with whoever this person is. And so they figure out a scene. And Sam's like, tell me exactly where you are. I'm coming straight there. So he goes and meets hot bartender, and she just tells him what I just said. She just found the phone, yada yada. And so Sam walks over the like three feet away where she pointed that she found the phone, and there is a massive little stack of the red dirt there, I'm just like, Osiris cleaned your shoes. You're just tracking dirt all over this town. It is a lot of dirt, even a bunch of evidence. Oh, my goodness, you're a god. Come on, get it together. Back at the hotel, poor Warren sitting there watching television. I liked this scene. What the director did with this scene, like panning around behind Warren, they did the shot from the lower angle, shooting up where that light fixture was in the shot with Warren's face the TV. I mean, it was giving us the old school supernatural ghost, yeah, we haven't seen the lights flickering and the TV and all that stuff that it's been I feel like it's been a while since we've seen that. So that was fun, classic ghost, supernatural scene. But Warren gets freaked out whenever the electricity is going crazy and everything, and he jumps up and it breaks the salt wine. And then he then he does worse. He runs out of the room.


Oh yeah. Oh,


I'm pretty sure Sam left the salt there. You could have fixed the salt. Oh yeah,


just put your little crease back, you know.


But he doesn't, but Sam, you know, in his defense, Sam didn't explain why the salt ring was gonna protect him.


I was gonna say something about that. I was like, maybe if he had explained it to him, he would have stood maybe. But, I


mean, he was panicking. So yeah, he was probably not. He was so scared. The actor did such a good job. I mean, he was not on the screen that much, and we were rooting for Warren. Oh yeah, like, from the get go, so he runs out in the hall and unfortunately, runs into the couple. They pull out a gun and shoot Warren down. They said, You did it to us before they served the justice that we find out later was what Osiris ruled. Sam has gone to the barn and walks in and it looks completely different. We've got the Egyptian statues. We've got torches. He's got his throne up there, where on his little with his little witness stand and all of that. And I get what they were going for with his costume, with the black robe, because that's what judges wear. Here are the black robes. And then they just had the gold thing instead of the white thing. That I wish that there was more gold, though, just because the set was so dark, I wanted to see more of Osiris, like that body that would have been nice, right? If he just had on, like a loin, a gold loincloth, right? And just that gold plated necklace thing, and that was it. That would have been great. Just just the black blended in with the background. So much he was, I see what you're saying. He was almost a floating head sometimes. And I just, I didn't particularly like that. But I get what they were going for with the costume. Yeah, I do wish that the pleated necklace thing went all the way around at one point. They panned behind him, and you can see this big gap. And I'm like, Oh, bummer. It was very obviously it's a costumey, yeah, the Halloween costuming, yeah, if you if that's what you needed to do, cool. But I wish they hadn't shown it. Don't make that shot. Yeah, yeah. It was a cool shot. I get why the director wanted to do it, but as soon as you saw the costume, you should have been like, oh, veto. But no. But I loved this scene again. I loved the actor. He was just on the verge of camp, not over the top. And I love that he was so entertained by Sam. He loved him some. Sam, so whenever he was first starting his trial with Dean, he has Dean sitting out at the table, just like in a courtroom, Dean's trying to get out of his cuffs, and he's like, the Houdini proof, okay, you're stuck. You're staying right where you are. And then he says, like, Sam, like, are you gonna come in here? What do you what are you doing? Come on in. And so Sam comes in and demands to be Dean's lawyer. Oh, Cyrus is just tickled by this. It's like, I'll allow it. I'll allow it. Okay. So Osiris explains that, like, we're here to determine your guilt. Calls his first witness, and it's Joe Harvell, and Osiris is questioning her, insinuating that the whole reason that she got into hunting was because she was following Dean. She had her crush on Dean, and if it wasn't for Dean, she never would have put herself in that position where she would have gotten herself in danger. But not true. I liked the the way they cut in the flashbacks during this whole segment. That was really cool.


Well, in the way they made her look like, very clearly dead, but not, like, in a like, zombie


way, yeah, yeah. The makeup on her was really interesting, too. Yeah. I really liked the visuals of this whole scene. I almost wish we had more of the courtroom. The courtroom was so cool. Yeah, I enjoyed the courtroom a lot. Sam cross examines, Joe. They determined, no, it's not Dean. She did this because of daddy issues. Joe tries to tell Dean, I don't blame you. Like, clearly, that's what she was going to say. But Osiris snaps her away so she's gone rude. She


didn't even get to finish her sentence. She


didn't he was like, I'm done with you. You didn't say what I wanted you to say. This having a lawyer defending this guy is not going the way I wanted it to. Well, then then he calls Sam to the stand, and that's when, what we were talking about earlier, it comes out that he's doing the same thing, kind of asking leading questions about Sam. Isn't it true that you had gotten yourself out of this life and that you would have been living happily ever after if Dean hadn't shown up? You know, Dean? Isn't it true that you knew you were fucked and you just didn't want to be alone in this lonely life, so you went and got your brother, and Sam was like, No, I was surprised he didn't bring up Brady and all that other stuff that we know was going on at the college, long before Dean showed up and said, Come help me find Dad, right? So he brings all that up, and it's like, no, no, that's not true. That's not true. Then Sam says, I would like to call Dean to the stand, because Osiris points out to Sam, you're very convincing. You're making a very convincing argument. And Sam's very happy with himself. It's like, Oh, that's great. And then Osiris is like, you know, you just hope that you can convince Dean, because I I'm not the one who judges. I just simply weigh the guilt that's there. So that's why Sam says, let me call Dean to the stand, and starts making his argument to Dean that you're not heavy. Your heart shouldn't be heavy with guilt. You just have a heavy heart. You know you don't feel like you're at fault for Joe. You're just sad that she's gone. You're not at fault for me. We've just had some shitty things happen to us. And Dean tries to be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. You're right. You're right that. And I loved it when Osiris was like, Do you want me to call my third witness? Dean, oh, just like, oh shit. You and I were both going, Amy, Amy. And then you pointed out. You were like, No, I don't think so. You're like, they aren't gonna resolve that this early, like they aren't going to resolve something that serious in the very next episode. But we all know he's alluding to Amy, oh yeah for sure. And that's when Dean is just like, No, yeah, no, don't I'm good, yeah, don't call the witness. It's fine. I'm guilty, sure enough, Osiris is like, yeah, okay, yeah, you have a guilty heart. I sentence you to death. He was like, get your affairs in order quickly. I


mean, he's like, he didn't kill him right then there,


whenever Dean was like, He's gonna send Joe, he's gonna send Joe to do it. I was just like, oh God. Because, as we find out later, like she knows all the tricks. She knows everything that you would potentially do to defend yourself from her Yep, and that sure as hell comes into play. They get back to the hotel, and we're so bummed whenever they see Warren's body being taken out of the hotel, Sam is just like, god damn it. I really wanted them to save them, but, you know, they save Dean. So it's not like they it's not like they leave the episode without having saved somebody. They do end up saving dean. And they do end up saving that girl at the end too, which girl I'll get there? Okay, as they're walking in, Sam is saying, you know, we're going to figure something out. And Dean is just, he's given up. He's just like, he's going to send Joe like I'm fucked. Bobby says that the way you put Osiris down for centuries, but not you can't get rid of him, he'd just be out of commission for a little bit. Is that you have to stab him in the heart with a ram's horn. I like that. Bobby was like, You better find a sharp one, because he's not going to let you stab him twice. Oh yeah. Like, make sure you gotta get it. Sam does a quick little searcher. Rue and says, Okay, I mean, I guess a synagogue is where I could potentially go, because Jewish people blow into them. I don't remember why. And her routine just being like, oh, that's low. That's you're gonna steal from a synagogue. Did you write


it down? Oh, it's he said that they blow through the horn once a year. So I guess that's one of their celebrations. Maybe


they just pick a day every year and be like, Oh, this is the year to blow time to blow time, to blow guys, I would be interested to know, yeah, they told us. I remember they told us, but just didn't write it down. Whoopsie. Anywho, Sam is like, peace out. I gotta go rob this synagogue Dean is doing his salt circle and doing everything that he knows he should do. When Joe shows up, it was she played it so well, yeah, like, I don't want to be doing this. I'm sorry. He's making me she gets smart. Like, first of all, she busts out a window so it blows, and that's what I was like, Joe can control the weather. That's pretty cool. But maybe it was just windy outside already, I don't know. But somehow she breaks the window and that ruins the salt line. But she didn't even need to get to him. She didn't even really end up trying to kick his ass. She just goes over and starts turning on the gas stove and is walking up to him, and was going to use his Zippo. And then I was like, how many Zippos does he have? Because he tosses them left and right, and then they leave, and then they leave the scene, or tosses it in the grave, and then they leave the scene. I'm like, does he go back? Can get them later. That's true. Does he just have a multi pack little


stick ones? Something matches.


We see Sam in the synagogue, and the rabbi comes in and is like, I'm guessing you're not here for vomits lessons, no. And Sam is just like, uh. And then we cut to him in the car with the ham ram's horn. I would like to know what the rest of that conversation was same, because he looked like just a kind man. So I imagine Sam was just like, I just really need this. I just really need to borrow this. Like, I don't think Sam beat up the rabbi, you know. Like, I would like to see what that little conversation was where Sam convinced him to just, just let me have ice. Like, you,


you bring that back. Yeah, I need it back. Don't


break it when you stab the god. Also, while all this is going down, we see Osiris, oh, oh, oh, Osiris in Neil's tavern again, and the bartender is talking to a woman who is clearly there to do some drinking, you know. And he's just eavesdropping, sneaky little bitch, right?


Just getting all the gossip, the town gossip,


he's like, I need another fix that that Sam and Dean, they got me worked up. I need another one. Sam shows up at Neil's tavern, so I guess he's lucky that Osiris was looking for another victim so quickly, right? That he happened to be there that he didn't decide to, like, go take a nap or something for a little bit first, because he shows up just in time to stab Osiris from behind as he's trying to kidnap the woman who was just in the bar.


I mean, he really had to ram that RAM horn. Yeah. He rammed it.


He rammed good. I loved this. The blue eyes and then him turning into the mummy. It was really cool. It wasn't just like what we've seen before, right? It was something completely different. Yeah, well, he's God. I mean, yeah, he is God. Is a god?


Did I say He's God? He's a God, a God. Yeah, one


of the gods. I was trying to remember how Balder died, but it was Lucifer, like, punching through him, and so he just died. Like nothing cool happened there. And when Lucifer killed all the other gods, it was just bloody, gory mess. It was It wasn't cool, yeah, so that's why I was telling you. Like, I feel like all of them came back.


Oh yeah, there's


no way Mercury is just gone after a snapped neck, even if it was Lucifer who did it. So if getting stabbed in the heart with a ram's horn would put you down for centuries. I imagine all the gods from hammer of the gods were back, like after a couple of weeks.


Yeah, sure, I see it. I'm


just saying the death was really cool. I was happy. Yeah, I was happy to see something different. Joe, luckily, was taking her time and moving really slowly with stuff, because she had the Zippo in her hands. Well, she


was taking her time. She put her hand on, oh, yeah, she


She put her hand up there. I was touching, I don't want to, he's making me. Then we saw her reach her hand into his pocket. We were like, oh, what's she going for, Joe? And we were like, lighter. Womp. Womp. She like drops the lighter. And I think she stretches, I think she stretches, yeah, yeah. And then she disappeared. Yep. She didn't look angry. You know, whenever we saw the people who came for Warren like they looked angry, she never looked angry. She always looked like she felt bad for him. I'm happy she didn't end up having to do that. Plus, it would have been like the end of the show. The next day, Sam and Dean have found a little scenic place that they've decided, You know what, this is beautiful. Let's park the car and get out and have a beer. There is nowhere for us to sit. But I don't care. It's gorgeous, and I need to, we need to reminisce and talk about what just happened on this case, but not in too much detail, because Dean is still keeping secrets from Sam. Of course, they're talking about Joe, that Joe's ghost seemed a little happier, and like she seemed at peace, right? Like I said, even though she she clearly was sad, Alana tall did a really good job at conveying that she felt sad for Dean, that Dean was in pain, that she herself was not in pain. Dean asked Sam, why did you volunteer to defend me? And was like, you know, it was pretty it was pretty convincing. You did a pretty you did a pretty good job. You did a pretty good job. Then Sam asks, Who would the final witness have been? Because Osiris, again, talking about facial expressions, he definitely made that face, like, you fucking know who I'm gonna call. And Sam noticed. So Sam straight up, says he looked like he thought you would know. So who was it? And Dean looks away, and it's just like, I mean, basically anybody who we've gotten killed, like, anybody who's dead, like, could have been a bunch of people. Sam just like, oh, I guess you're right. I guess you're right. I guess you're right, and drops it, and I'm just like, oh, so this is definitely going to come up again later.


Oh, my god, yeah, can't, can't wait to see that reveal and reaction


it was, I guess I get where he was coming from, but I felt a little dissatisfied, I guess I'll say with Sam's explanation as to why he no longer feel. Guilty, yeah, the whole I've done my penance. Bad things happen, and I'm just, I'm not gonna let them weigh on me. Just let them go. I see Lucifer in the mirror when I brush my teeth sometimes, you know, big deal, yeah, just something about that. I was like, that's not my puppy. I'd see him, yeah, I didn't. I don't know about that, but anyway, this was written by Adam Glass, and it was directed by Robert singer. Should have known just from that Warren scene in the hotel room alone, all those angles and everything, very cool. Okay, Gore, well, we had our 50th blood splooge of the supernatural series in this one, speaking of the hotel scene with Warren, there was some pretty cool horror elements throughout this episode, but overall, I felt like it was more mystery and more about the courtroom. That's what, oh yeah, I leave this episode thinking of. I


mean, it was just like the blood on the wall, no like body parts or


chunky stuff. Even Osiris is show, no chunks, no chunks. Even Osiris death wasn't gory. It was just cool with the blue lights and turning into the mummy and all of that. So, yeah, not, not particularly gory. Had little bit, had just enough. Did you adore anything about this episode? Well, like


you, Osiris was good. We liked him. It's always good to see Joe, even though she's dead.


And I like this teaser that they're doing with us about the whole Amy and guilt thing and like, oh, letting us know that's gonna be a thing gonna blow it's gonna blow up. Because I'll admit, at the end of that episode, I did not think it was gonna be something that was gonna come up again later, right? Because honestly, again, I didn't think of it at the time, but he totally betrayed Sam, oh, yeah, like, completely lied to his face, and is continuing to Yeah. So this is a big deal. So I kind of adored that too, that they're driving this home, like this is an issue, like we've got Sam and Dean are not on the same page again. What about lore? Okay, well,


we're gonna talk about Mr. Osiris, according to the World History encyclopedia, Osiris is the Egyptian lord of the underworld and judge of the dead, brother, husband to ISIS, and we'll get there. And one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. His name, Osiris is the Latinized form of the Egyptian you seer, sure you seer, which is interpreted as powerful or mighty, and


nosy is all hell. He's a gossip.


No, he's


such a gossip and judgy, right? Like I'm sorry. Okay, I get it. You just weigh their guilt. But come on, Osiris, we know you're judging us those questions. Yeah, you are.


You're not fooling us. Yeah, He is the firstborn son of the gods. Is that Jeb and nut or Geb and Newt? I like Jeb and nut. Okay, I'll just go with that. I don't think that's right, but God's Jeb, which means earth and net, which means sky,


is the earth and sky a band earth wouldn't are you thinking


shortly after the creation of the world? Okay, so he was born, first born of the gods to Jeb and nut, nut, Jeb and nut, shortly after the creation of the world, who he was murdered by his younger brother, set and brought back to life by his sister, wife, ISIS. This myth and the gods involved became central to Egyptian culture and religious life. Osiris was originally a fertility god, possibly, possibly from Syria, though his claim is contested, which became so popular he absorbed the function of the earlier gods such as angeti and canti, minty, two gods of fertility and agriculture worshiped by Abydos. Abydos,


that's why he's doing an apple farm. Oh yeah, fertility and agriculture. Very clever.


He is associated with, oh God, do I have to get the ones with or, I guess they have them all now. But hey, I


did the one on Lamia and Libya and labia and all that stuff.


That's true, all right. Well, you


got it.


He is also associated with a Jed symbol, and is often depicted with black or green skin symbolizing the fertile mud of the Nile and regeneration.


They should have made the dirt green, right? Oh, well. He


is also frequently shown as a mummy, or in partially mummified form, in his role as Judge of the dead. Ooh, images of Osiris as a living god depict him as a handsome man and royal dress, wearing the crown of Upper Egypt as a plumed headdress known as the atteph and carrying the crook and flail symbols of kingship.


He did have, he had a, oh, he scepter or something. Yeah, I had some sort of cool design on the top, and I didn't get a good look at it. I'm wondering if it was one of those. One of those. Now, I wish he had a crown, though, right?


He is, no,


I don't I liked his head.


Oh yeah, you liked that.


I was like, cue ball. Cue Ball. Me. Oh.


Well, he's associated with the mythical the new bird, the inspiration for the Greek Phoenix. Oh, the Phoenix. I know we


miss him.


Oh yeah, his pants, who rises to life from the ashes. Osiris was known by many names, but chiefly as winifer, the beautiful one, and in his role as Judge of the dead kentiamenti,


I told you he was hot. Even the lore is saying he's hot. Yeah,


the foremost of the Westerners, the West was associated with death, and Westerners became synonymous with those who had passed on to the afterlife. He was also, he's known as a lot, yeah, he's also known as the Lord of love. Oh, my God, King of the living and eternal Lord, after Isis, Osiris, was the most popular and enduring of all the Egyptian gods. His worship span 1000s of years from shortly before the Early Dynastic Period to the Potomac dynasty, the last dynasty to rule Egypt before the coming of Rome. He's old, yeah, where, when and how Osiris was first worshiped is much disputed. It has been claimed that Osiris was originally a deified, pre dynastic king, a primitive vegetation spirit, a jackal god of an early royal necropolis, or a mother goddess. Even the etymology of his name is uncertain, though it may simply mean the Mighty One, although he is usually seen as just generous and giving God of life and abundance, there are also depictions of him as a terrifying figure who dispatches demon messengers to drag the living into the gloomy, gloomy realm of the dead.


Okay, that one was all on you. Okay,


let me. Let me do that over. Okay. Glow me. Glow me. Okay. There are also depictions of him as a terrifying figure who dispatches demon messengers to drag the living into the gloomy realm of the dead, though


these are the minority not in supernatural, right? Bobby says he does this all the time. Osiris as


the kind and just ruler murdered by his resentful brother, who comes back to life as the most popular, enduring image of the God. There were two other parts which actually explains about the brother or the brother, husband, the brother, husband and the sister, yeah, and then about how he was with his his people in this article, so, but it was way too long. It was very interesting, so I recommend checking it out, but the


link is in the show notes. It was. It was a lot though. But if you want to read more about Osiris and see how thoughtful they were in their interpretation of him,


yeah, they do. They are. They get things and do it really cleverly, yeah?


Like, I really liked the interpretation of him. Like I said, I wouldn't have minded if there was no judges robe and we just had, like, the mummy chest plate and, like a loin cloth, and he just, like, had a crown, yeah? And was like, if he was sitting, sitting, like this, his crown. And, staff, yeah. Staff, yeah. So that's my feedback. Robert singer, quote, to close it out in the courtroom, that's my other feedback. I wish we'd had a little more courtroom. Yeah. I mean, that set looked like it was pretty phenomenal. I would have liked to have been able to see a little bit more of it. I liked it. Okay. Quote, Sam said, objection. Osiris says, on what grounds? Sam said, witness being called without prior notice. Dean says, good one. Sam said I saw it on The Good Wife. Cheers. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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