Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Slash Fiction (7x6)

• Berly, LA • Season 7 • Episode 6

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Berly and LA recap the season seven Supernatural episode, Slash Fiction.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Summary: In the "Denim Wrapped Nightmares" podcast episode, hosts Berly and LA discuss the Supernatural series, focusing on episode 6 of season 7, "Slash Fiction." They recap the previous episode, "Shut Up, Dr. Phil," where Sam and Dean counsel witches and catch a Leviathan. In "Slash Fiction," Sam and Dean rob a bank and kill people, framing themselves. They return to Bobby's, where Bobby tortures the Leviathan Chet. The episode features a plot twist with doppelgangers of Sam and Dean, leading to a confrontation. The hosts also discuss the lore of doppelgangers and evil twins, referencing ancient myths and modern interpretations.


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Ella, welcome to denim wrapped nightmares, Tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series, episode by episode, over drinks, we'll discuss the lore the gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. I'm Burleigh, and I'm a new fan of the series.


I'm LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get tipsy.


Hello, LA,


hey Burley.


Before we get started with today's episode, I wanted to give a quick shout out to Michelle on Instagram, espion Verse, as well as Ellen of mystic photography and farisa of three essay photography and Kira styler, they have been sharing the podcast, retweeting us, trying to get more people to come listen to the show. So thank you so much, ladies. We appreciate you.


Thank you. In about a month,


oh no, two months, we'll have Nashville con, the line dance tutorial for when the devil drives. If anybody's planning to be at exit inn the Thursday before the con, that's Thursday, December 5. If you want to learn the line dance and participate, it should be a lot of fun. So go to DW in to find the line dance tutorial. Even better, video yourself doing it and send it to us so we can do a cute little compilation video for before the show this week. We're switching things up because I asked la too so I could eat while we were watching the episode. I know I'm the worst. La, is on recap this week, yay. We'll


see how it goes. You're out of




We'll see.


So I'll revisit where we were last week before we dig into this week's episode. Last week was shut up, Dr Phil, where we met, Maggie and Dawn Stark, a couple of witches who were married, and let's just say they weren't experiencing marital bliss. When the episode got started, there was some drama going on, and there were witches fighting and murdering each other over it. Well, not each other, just collateral


damage around them.


But luckily, Sam and Dean have watched enough Dr Phil episodes, I guess, that they were able to counsel the witches and convince them that they really do love each other. You know, they wouldn't be fighting for each other like this if they didn't. And they helped resolve their marriage. I still loved it, whatever they were talking about, the Medici chick and Christopher Columbus. All that was so yeah. Also it was important that nacho cheese Leviathan tracked them down, but they they caught him at the end, so they've got him in tow at the beginning of this episode, and that's that,


okay. Well, for this episode, it is titled Slash fiction, and it's the sixth episode of season seven. It aired on october 28 2011 my very first note is that I want everyone to know Sam's hair is fabulous. That's the first thing I noticed. You


don't think it's getting a little too long.


I had to do a double take because I was like, oh. And then I was like, wait. And then I looked again, and I said, No, I don't like it. Yeah,


whenever we did, I did a post of the fight, the fight scene with the witches at the end of last week's episode, somebody said something about Sam's hair. And I looked, and sure enough, he had it was voluminous. It was all kinds of poofed out. Oh, it was real big. I'll have to find


it and show it to you. He's transitioning as it gets longer. We


didn't clock it last week. Yeah, it's getting, I think it's little getting a little long for my taste, yeah, if it maybe had a little bit more layers or something going on, like, it's just, it's almost a bob, yeah, like the back looks


like it could be, like, just a little bit shorter, but still, he looked nice. It was pretty hair. Right off the bat. Yeah, he does have pretty hair framing that gorgeous face. But after gawking at his hair, we see that they are at a bank, and Dean walks up to the this bank teller, I think her name was Megan, and is kind of flirting with her and whatnot. Sam goes over and locks the door so we're very confused. Very confused about what's going on. Yeah, Dean, like, slides over. I looked like $1 so I was like,


any change for this? Yeah, I'll make an exception for you, right?


Let me go get those quarters. Yeah? So then he says, I forget what he said, But he basically said, give her all, all the money. And then they, like, almost tommy gun style guns or something, just shooting up the roof to scare everybody. And then they hurdle. Everybody hurdle, yeah, well, no, that's not what I wanted to say. Whatever


this was all. Going on. I just remember us sitting there, and I didn't, yeah, like, whenever Sam was locking the door and all that, we was like, what's going on? What's kind of, like, what are they doing? And then whenever they started shooting everything, my dumb ass, I didn't go, like, Oh, why? Why are they shooting up the place? Like, I went, they don't use automatic weapons. You should believe what's going on.


Those are the wrong guns. Those


are the wrong guys. Now it was actually like, what they were doing was the real giveaway, not the right, right, yeah, leave it to me to focus on the wrong thing. It


was alarming. But yeah. So then they, they herded everybody, not hurdled into the vault.


You combined, herded with huddled. That's what you were doing.


There you go, yeah,


into the


vault. Yeah, yeah. So everybody's in the vault. And I thought, oh, okay, they take you on the money. They're going to shut the vault, take off. Oh no, no, no. They have everybody in there. They're like the frame of the vault, and the people just standing there scared. And then the guys pull out their guns and just shoot all the guns, the wrong guns, and just shoot everybody.


They looked up at the security camera, yeah, made sure the security camera clocked them before they just gunned everybody down. Horrible. It was terrible. And you could see, like, the people as they start. They didn't show the people, like, really getting shot, right? But they did show a second of them right as they started shooting. And the way the extras, I mean, they did good, the way they, like, all coward like, cowered down, were trying to do what they could to protect themselves. But what are you gonna do, right? I mean it, yeah, yeah.


It was good because, like, it showed them, and you could tell, yeah, they're all scared. But then it's, it flashes, like their reaction to them pulling up the guns. Oh, terrifying.


It was alarming. Yeah, it was an alarming opener.


I didn't like it. Okay, so which of them is bad guys?


Which one was worse this opening or Malleus Maleficarum, where that woman's teeth fell out,


that gets me stuff with teeth and eyes I can't No thank you. So anyway, after these our boys have seemingly robbed the bank, not seemingly they robbed the bank and then murdered a bunch of people, right? They're back at Bobby's. I just like, you know nothing happened, and I'm sitting there confused that, what the hell's wrong with you? And Bobby is torturing


Chet, yes, nacho cheese. Yeah. He's a chatty Cathy that,


I forget where it is. Oh, later on, I wrote the note that chats annoying, yeah, what did, what did Dean say? Shut


the up chat. He told him to Shut, shut his cake trap. That's


what it was like. Why


did he say that instead of pie hole?


Yeah, they're


just trying to change it up a little bit. They're like, Dean says pie way too much. Let's, let's have him say something else. Gotta


have some variety in that vocab. You know, maybe


they were trying to do an ode to the driver, picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole. And they were like, We don't want to use we don't want to use hole today. Let's use something new. We'll


do that another day. We'll come back to that. Pick it up again. Yeah, I did like that chat when the boys were coming down the stairs to see what was going was going on, Chet called them his favorite meat sickles. Yeah, I thought that was a nice touch. They're


my favorite meat sickles, too. Chad, right? Well, a couple of my favorite meat sickles.


That was a weird lack.


Top five for sure.


Dean goes over to to have a little chat with Chet about how he found them, how he was able to track them down. And Chet just saw, Oh, duh, use facial recognition and, like, put a thing out for all your known aliases, and just listing off exactly what he did. And they're like, Oh, really smart.


Well, then they were like, but how did you know that? And he was like, Duh, while it was inside Cass, right? I forgot about that. We got all the info while we were inside your buddy, yeah. And


then Bobby was, I think he said, Oh, great, we've got a Mensa monster, yeah. I thought that was funny. Anywho, chat, chat, chat is chatting and saying that these Leviathan, they can't be killed. So, you know, good luck with all this torture you're doing, because it's not gonna do get you anywhere. Then he mentions that he is the least of their concerns right right now, they're kind of confused. And he says, Oh, you haven't checked the news today,


and that's when I asked you, so is this something they planned, like, well in advance, or do they have some sort of hive of mind? Yeah, I


don't know. That was a good question. Like, how


did Chet know? But I guess, I guess nacho cheese is who went and got the hair out of the drains, because he was the one when they were trying to figure out how they copied Sam and Dean. He, like, yelled, I love how he couldn't keep it to himself, like he had to let them know. The entire plan, right? You know. So he had to yell like hair from the drain. So was that his job? I guess he was following because we were trying to figure out why this one Leviathan was following them, yeah, so maybe that must have been his job to accumulate some of their DNA by any means necessary. I would have gone a different route. Chat, yeah, I was gonna


say there are a couple other ways I would have done it to each their own.


But yeah, okay, so you said he pointed out they need to check the news,


right? So then they go check the news, and they see themselves robbing and murdering people, and they're like, I don't know, yikes, Bobby is I like that. Bobby is saying he's like, these things are smarter than you guys. Yeah, step your game up. And he tells him that he they need to go see Frank Devereaux, and that he owes Bobby for what was it saving his life? Port, something?


Port Haran. Port Haran, yeah. And I'm like, here's another thing. Like, what? What happened in Port Haran with Frank and Bobby, right? What happened with Martin in Albuquerque?


We need a prequel with Bobby's life. Well, they just need to do our idea of


the Yeah. You know, this is another one. What happened with Frank and Bobby? Mm, hmm, I would like to know me too, because this Frank is a character. I like


him. I like him. He was a kook.


Oh yeah, I like him a lot. His key character. I want to see more of him. And I would love to see him and Bobby interact, yeah. Oh, I


like that. Would be so cute. So they pretty much, they don't break in, but the house is dark, they're just walking through. Hello, is anybody home? And then you see Frank's hand turn on the little lamp, and, of course, and he's got another weird looking gun too. He's asking who they are, and I like that when they mentioned Bobby, he like, stood up with the gun ready to shoot them. And they were like, Whoa. We're not or not. He's like, maybe not. No. That's not who sent us. So that's, that's the we see that little interaction in our introduction to Frank. And we'll come back to him. I like


that. Frank said, Man, Guy saves your life one time, and what you're indebted to him for the rest of your life. And Dean's like, um, yeah. Like, that's how that usually works. Sorry, Frank, I gotta back it up. Back it up. Back that thing up. Before they


go see Devereaux, they stopped to get gas, and the cashier definitely recognized Sam, and then Sam noticed that on the little TV behind the desk, desk, yeah, okay, registered, yes, that's better. He sees the footage of them robbing the bank, and Sam's like, oh, fuck, we gotta go couple of


things. Yeah, I have a couple of notes here. Oh, okay, a couple of notes in my noggin. Number one, the cashier looked up and was like, Oh, my God, the hair is so fabulous and majestic. Where have I seen that fabulous, majestic hair before? And then he realized, holy shit, I just saw it on my television, attached to a man who was murdering people. This is not good,


but he's so good looking, I don't really want to turn him in. Yeah, he had this inner,


total, inner debate, inner turmoil as he just sat there, kind of being like he because he did kind of do this for a while, yeah, yeah, a little stunned, yeah. Just a few seconds, you know, he questioned whether he should do it or not, but he decided to do it. So that's point number one. Okay. Point number two, the guy just went into the back to call the cops on you. They already think you're a bad guy. They already think that you're a murderer. Why did Sam leave everything on the counter? I would have just taken it with me.


I really would


have grabbed a couple of Yeah, I would have just like, why he left it. He abandoned, abandoned everything. Just left it took off. I'm like, I want to scoop that shit up.


He's just that good of a guy.


Just saying, You framed me for doing something. I'm gonna take advantage of the situation. Yeah, okay, yes, you're right. He walked out and was like, cashier clocked me. We gotta go. Go. To go. Gotta go,


gotta run. And then they go see Frank. Oh, Frank, yeah,


I really like Frank. And so I'm just like, we're gonna see him die.


I know. Yeah, he called them a psycho Butch and Sundance.


He's either gonna die or we're never gonna see him again, right?


Yeah, that's Well, we'll see so after the whole thing of you know he owes Bobby. He tells them that they're gonna need new aliases, no more cards, cash only, no more rock star references for your names, your Mr. Mr. Smith. And then this matches Sam's


laptop. Oh, my God, I


forgot. Damn. I loved it. I loved it, but he gave him a new one, right? Yeah, he did, yeah. He gave him


a new laptop, gave him new phones, and then he was like, Y'all owe me $5,000 cash. Yeah,


hey, then we're back at Bobby's. And this is when I wrote my note that Chad's annoying because he just doesn't shut up. Oh, my God, it's so annoying. And I forgot what he was saying to Bobby that got Bobby. Pissy enough to chop his head off.


I don't remember. He just was taunting him and wouldn't shut up. Yeah, I don't think he was saying of anything important. He was definitely using just his annoyance with nut to cheese nutties. And then, yeah, Bobby chopped his head off. Yeah, okay. And so then Bobby goes upstairs, so we don't get to see it happen, right? But the head reattaches, right? How did the head, I don't know you were really fixated on, get up off of the floor, because he was chained to the chair still. So it wasn't that his decapitated body leaned over and picked the head up and put it how did the head get back up onto his body? Does the black goo, like we saw whenever Edgar got crashed by the car, that the black goo, like, seeped back into Edgar? Can it, like, get up, like, are the heads, like, walking around, like, on the black goo? Have you ever, have you ever seen that squirrel stuck in that mask, that Halloween mask? No, oh my God, I'll find the picture and show you, too. I want to see it. It's just, I'm like, picturing it chapter two. Whenever the head turned into the spider or the thing, the thing that's head moving around, that's what I'm visualizing, must have happened. Sure, yeah. And now I really wish they had shown it. We won't know. We never know. Fine, okay, go back. Bobby goes upstairs, is where he were at. Oh


yeah, I forget where this came into play, but I just liked that. I think it was Bobby said that the double Mints are using the same car. I thought that was lots of cute little references, a


really cute episode, but it was a little slow, but most of it was really cute. Yeah. And then Sheriff Jody


shows up to Bobby's out of nowhere, she starts taking off her jacket. She's like, you know, Bobby, just let somebody be nice to you. Let


me cook you dinner, clean up around here, make some sort of organization. Oh, my God. And then we were like, wow. Okay, so that's why she was helping him out.


She said she was there to thank him for saving her life.


Oh yeah, that's yeah. That's why she was there. She


was going to do something nice for him. Since he did that,


how nice was she planning to get? You know exactly, if he didn't have somebody in the basement, was she going to let Bobby in her basement? Oh,


I think she would have. I think she would have, but yeah, so after she pops in and starts doing her thing, he's like, Okay, well, I gotta go check on something. And then that's he, where we see the stupid, oh, I don't know why I just said stupid, because you don't like jet, yeah, but yeah, his head is somehow back on his body, and it's what


was that


I felt. It did you feel? No, like somebody, like, dipped against the ceiling, somebody


post your basement? Yeah? Weird. Must have been something upstairs. I


didn't feel nothing. Okay. Chet is annoying. Yes, head go back on. Yeah, the head's back on. He can talk again, unfortunately. So then we switch back to the guys in the car, and Dean is very upset that they have to use a different car than baby, and that these, these double Mints are out there using his car, and he can't drive his car anymore.


He cut off the thing that was hanging from the rear view mirror, just he's so pissy about it. And then,


I don't know if it's him or Sam, turn on the radio and all out of love is playing. Yeah. And Dean is just really trying to keep it on the DL that he's over there jamming to. He is in his feelings, man. I mean, he's, he's doing mouthing the words, like doing a couple of head nods. Kept


closing his eyes. Yeah, you're driving right on the road. But,


yeah, that was cutest. Funny.


I love that. He was trying to be subtle, but it was still distracting the hell out of Sam. Sam, it was like, I'm trying to concentrate over here. Okay? Because Frank had given them a map where he had pinpointed all of the places that the double mint twins were attacking. And was like, there's gonna be a pattern, and I like that. Sam went, it's totally random. And Frank was like, Um, hi, excuse me, these evil monsters that have completely duplicated your bodies and then are going on a murder rampage in specific towns. It's not going to be random. There's gonna be a pattern. You need to figure it out. I liked Frank a lot. I know I would have liked to have had more frank same Sam. Yeah. He was really having trouble concentrating. He had to turn the radio off. Yeah. Dean was very sad about it,


but he does figure it out. He's looking at the map and realizes that from the time Dean picked Sam up from college and they started hunting, that that's the pattern every city they hit up. That's where these double mint twins are going. Clever. So now they feel like they know where they're going next, and that's where they head.


Ooh. In the meantime, there are FBI agents on their tail, and I need to trust my instincts, because whenever we first saw them, I don't know just something about the way they were talking and walking, I was like, Oh, they're leviathans, yeah. And then the more they talked, I went, Oh no, just kidding. They're just agents. I was right. At least one of them. Well, one of them was, yeah. That's what it was that threw me. They weren't both leviathans. It was just that the one, the blonde one, I didn't catch that at the end. It was just the blonde one who came FBI is on their tail, backup


bodies. He goes, I don't know what he was doing. Oh, he was gonna use the cables that you charge a battery car with.


He's trying everything, yeah, he was trying. He was like, the Holy Water, the rock salt, I don't remember what the other thing was that he tried with Chet, where Chet was like, not as bitter as the holy water. Oh, yeah.


But in the midst of him trying to, I guess, but put the little cable on, he accidentally touched chet's hand, brushed his hand as he turns around, he sees himself sitting there, yeah, chained up.


And I was like, the flip hyatthans. Like, they're really good. They get it. They get a smidge, just smidge of your DNA, and they can replicate everything down to your outfit. Pretty amazing magic. Yeah, they eat it up. So Chet, who was annoying before, he's really annoying, Bobby now, because he started talking about Bobby's, like, deepest, darkest thoughts.


Not cool.


I know it's going to be like, really weird for this show and the characters from this show, but surprise guys, Bobby has daddy issues. Wouldn't have seen it coming. Yeah?


Common theme, right? Well, we go back to the guys, and they are at they're heading to a diner, I think. No, no wait, so the fake the fakes are at the diner,


yeah? But Sam and Dean were on their way to that diner because Dean was real excited about them burgers, right? But then we see the fakes at the diner, yeah,


so the fakes tell this one boy to lift up his camera and start videoing the kids.


Okay, before that, they talk about how annoying they both Find Sam and Dean.


Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. Oh, they wanted to trade.


Yeah, they were talking about trading. And then that one was like, No, I like this one's hair better, yeah.


Which I was like, Oh, you got it wrong there, buddy. But yeah, so then the kid, so after that their little chitchat, they tell the kid fiction, yeah. And then so the oh, he points a gun at him, and the kid finally does it. And then they rob the place, Pulp Fiction style, murder everybody, naturally. And that's their gimmick. That's their thing, right?


Pretend that they're gonna rob you, but


actually, yeah, sorry guys. As our real boys are pulling into the town, they see the fakes in baby. They called


Bobby. Oh, I


forgot about that. Yeah, I


don't know that it's important, but they call Bobby. And Bobby is like, Oh, nope. They just hit that town and and Dean went such and such diner. And they were like, yep. He was like, he was so mad. And so they were like, All right, well, then the next place we're going is Iowa, Bobby, if you think of anything like, let us know, because we don't know what we're doing. Yeah, we're grasping. We're gonna track them down. But yeah, I did like the scene. Whenever they did get to whatever town it was in Iowa, they're walking down the sidewalk, and the Impala, like, rolls past them. And they were just like, Oh,


well. And then when they're being arrested, they're like, Dean, like, winks at them, the fake Dean,


double bit 20, that jerk. It was so rude. And here's my question, did they see them and roll the Impala past them. And because, I mean, no, I guess they got out of the Impala and were like, doing stuff in the trunk, so I guess they didn't see them until they were getting arrested. Never mind. They just seemed awfully smug for that to not have been intentional. Oh yeah, they seemed awfully like this


wouldn't according to plan, right? We're back at bodies, the sweet little Sheriff Jodi's upstairs on her hands and knees. I know cleaning. Oh, boo, yeah. Put your head out of the car and whatever she's using to clean the floors on her hands and knees. Bobby,


jeez. Take a hit. Bobby,


the solution is going through a hole in the floor and starts dripping onto annoying Chet, yeah? And for the first time, he's flipping out, yeah. It is burning a hole in his arm, smoking. It was gross. And then it got on his face too. And I was just like, Oh, thank


God, yeah.


It's about time shut this guy up. So Bobby runs up the stairs and kisses her before, I think, even asks what she's using, gives her a big old kiss, big old smooch, and asks her what the solution is she's using. It ends up being borax, sodium borate. And so, I guess that's that's what they all need. Get rid of these Leviathan the


hurt them, at least it didn't kill them. He still decapitated the head and put it in a box. Oh, that's true, but I guess he said, Whenever he calls Dean, whenever he talks on the phone, he says, it'll slow them down. Oh,


that's slow down. I would just cut that off and then drown it.


Like, get a VAT, like, get a big vat of the borax, and trick them into falling in and see what happens then, yeah, if you just soak them. Overnight, right? Hopefully they're gone. Yeah, you would think, because he was like evaporating, right, right? Yeah,


I guess wait to be seen. I


don't know. I guess that would be a lot of effort, and chopping off their head and then dragging the body. They should throw the heads in there.


That's what I just said. Oh, my God. But, yeah, good idea. So back at the jail, the fake, fake boys show up, but they are they've shifted to cops, and they are coming in to get the boys. And Dean is just singing his song about his one phone call. Yep. Why hasn't he had it? He needs to get it. And this, I liked the sheriff too. I know I was about to say this nice cop, Sheriff, he's an older man, but he was basically telling Dean, why would I give you a phone call? You just murdered a bunch of people. You're a horrible person. Yeah, good luck on that call. But as he leaves, he starts to walk past the window, but sees that one of the cops well, he


lets Dean make the call because that's whenever Bobby That's whenever Bobby tells him about the borox thing and then says to decapitate him. And then the sheriff, like, hangs up and is like, Y'all are fucking psycho, yeah?


Which, I mean, can't blame him, yeah. Then he walks out, right? And he sees one of the cops that had just come in basically eating one of his coworkers faces. And the other guy comes in is like, Dude, what are you doing? We don't have time for lunch. And then guy was hungry, sorry. And so the cops slowly backs up,


and they magically morphed back into Sam and Dean, right? And he saw that. Oh, that's yeah. That's why I said, Whenever he went back in to talk to Dean, I wish they had had him piss his pants or something more realistic, because I feel like that's what I would have done if I had seen that. Yeah.


You know, even like, Am I losing my mind? Yeah. But yeah. So he goes back in and realizes that Dean is not full of shit after all. So the cop lets him out. He unlocks his his cell, I was gonna say gate. He unlocks his gate. That works too, and lets him out. One of the fake guys comes in, and the cop throws the borax on him, and Dean just takes his head off. So then they gotta go find Sam.


It was fake Sam that they did that with. That's right, yeah, the fake Sam. And then they got to go find the real Sam. But unfortunately, fake Dean has been toying with fake real damn.


Fake Dean is a dick.


He's a real big dick.


I mean, a little wink. And here's


my whole thing. He was bitching that he thought Dean was annoying because he thought he was funny, right? That was one of the things he was bitching about with having to be Dean. But he comes in, and he doesn't even pretend to be real Dean. He lets Sam know right away that he's not the real Dean, and then he makes some joke that wasn't funny, but laughs at himself. And I was just like, um, high pot kennel. Get over yourself. Get over yourself. Fake Dean,


fake dick. Dean. Reveals to real Sam that Dean killed Amy. Yeah,


I did not see that coming. I


mean, you knew that was going to come out at some point, but I didn't think it was gonna be like this, yeah? Well, shortly after that is said, and poor Sam's face is just devastated, yeah, but Dean and the cop come in and kill fake Dean with the borax and the chopping of the head off the cop ends up letting Sam and Dean go with all the wild things he just witnessed and participated


in. Said he was going to cover it up. He'll say whatever he needs to say, because he doesn't want to tell somebody what actually happened, because people will think he's fucking crazy.


And Dean's like, Okay, well, let's just go ahead and just let us be dead then. And so the FBI people, people, FBI guys come searching for the salmon Dean bodies. COP is saying, Sorry, the they've already been sent over to the coroner, and they're at the crematory. Oh, the crematorium. Yeah,


because his daughter was the coroner, so she helped him


again. What a nice people. And then these motherfucking fake FBI guys, yeah, Gil, they are not happy that they went and burned these bodies that they needed. And so they come in, they happen upon the cop and his daughter talking about what they did, and then they come in and kill them,


yep. And then they somehow get the body. So I guess that they didn't burn or something. I don't know, because it shows the fake guy, the fake FBI Leviathan guy, poking around at the bodies whenever he's talking on the phone to the big boss, we finally meet the


big boss. Oh, and it's their bodies, not the cop. And then, oh, was


I thought he ate the cop and the daughter? Oh, I don't know, because he had blood all over his face, because we got our 51st blood splooge. Oh, that's right, of the supernatural series, whenever Leviathan FBI guy attacked the sheriff and his daughter, and then it showed him poking around, and he was like, but there's no heads, though, so I thought it was the fake salmon gene bodies. Yeah, okay. And then they have the new bat. Guy, his dick. His name's dick.


Oh yeah, Mr. Roman. Mr. Dick. Roman. Dick, Roman, yeah.


He was kind of hot. Yeah. He


had that air about him, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like,


he looks like a dick, that confidence, that swagger. I didn't think he was as hot in the limo, but when he was walking out of the building, I was like, oh, same. Maybe it's because Mark Shepard popped up in the limo, right? So now we're comparing.


It also looked really strange. He looked like he was cramped in the limo. I'm like, who gets cramped? Looks like,


yeah. Well, I mean, he was on the side,


yeah? And like, the sides, the glassware was all, yeah, but it was like, right at his shins. It looked like, it seems


like they should have switched those. It seems like he should have been in the back and Crawley should have popped up in the middle, yeah, but they gave Crowley that whole backseat. You know, he had spread out his muffin. He did. He could spread out my mouth. I'm


getting ahead of myself. Yeah, myself.


So sheriff and the coroner. Daughter dead? Yeah, FBI, Leviathan, guy calling, complaining, they took my heads.


Mr. Roman in the cramped he's cramped in the limo. And Crowley shows up, and he's like, hey, I want to be friends.


I have these three I have these uvula muffins. Okay? He said that. He said, Baby uvula. Oh, that's right. Baby uvula, you


kept talking. Gluten free, you kept talking. No, let's just get this.


But yes, you are correct, yeah, there's like, yeah, hey, let's work together.


We're gonna be friends, but Roman does not want to be, not at all sad. Poor Crowley. What was his reasoning? He


said they're abominations. That's right. He was like humans, like, at least they're good. Whenever I dip some garlic sauce on them, gross, but I get it with but you're just like, gross. You're just a gross little demon. I don't remember he was just, he was a big dick


about it. Yeah, he's real degrading to Crowley. Or Crowley's probably never been talked to like that. Oh my god. He's like, Who the fuck


do you think you are? He's just like, I'm gonna leave these muffins in the car and I'm out. I'm gonna go see myself out. See ya


that. Uh, coupling did not happen. And then we're I think it will, I think


it will not see Crowley does tend to get his way. He does. He does. He's either going to get his way or he's going to end up killing him. Take


him out. Yeah, I like his style, right? Well, after this we see Sam and Dean after their typical end of the day. Well, wait, we're missing an important thing because I have a joke prepared. Oh, okay,


back at Bobby's, Bobby finally gives Jody head, but not the head she wanted. I didn't make any notes. Now, here's the thing, it was Bobby whenever he decapitated it the last time. So it's his head. It's his head in that box, and he just gave it to her. And I was like, just dump it. Dump it. Dump it in the river on your way back. And if it starts talking, just ignore it. So I'm like, what I would here's another episode. What all did the head say in Jody's car whenever she was driving?


That's true. So I totally missed that. He put his own head and thing, and what did you think was in the box? I I skipped over it and like, so when he said, when he was like, if it talks, just ignore it, I was like, what that's gonna be talking from the box? Yeah, I say, I get it now. It all makes sense now.


So you didn't get my joke at all. Whenever I said that Jodi got head, but not the head she was wanting. I got it now. And Bobby did give her the little, kiss, yeah, little kiss. What a sweetheart. Who's cute.


Now are we at the car? Yeah, okay, Sam's just staring off, standing by the car, staring off into the distance. They're trying


to figure out what to do with their heads. Yeah? Well, yeah, they got their double mitt heads up in the trunk.


And Dean, you know, comes and you know what's wrong, what's going on. And of course, Sam's oh boy, and Dean's all, yeah, that's convincing. So Sam confronts him about Amy.


I love how so far this season, it's been almost not all, but almost the entire season of Sam being like, what's wrong Dean? Talk to me. Talk to me, talk to me. And it's like, no, not this episode, not that episode. It takes Dean one episode to be like, what's wrong? Sam and Sam, like, nothing. You know what? I will tell you. All right, fine. I am going to tell you. I mean,


yeah, you need to get that office.


Yes, he needed to right away. He couldn't even stand to look at D, so


he said, I'm going my own way. And once again, the brother split. That's that was


written by Robbie Thompson and directed by John F Showalter. All right, Gore, we did get our 51st blood splooge. It was almost two because it was like so I'm guessing that was the sheriff, that is daughter. But other than that, it was more just violence. With the shootings, there wasn't so much Gore well


and Chet was gross. Do. Was gross, yeah, like with his head being coming back on and the blood oozing, I still wanted to


see the head walk around on the ground and going on my way up that. I mean, I understand special effects, like you can only do so much, whatever. I would have liked it. But, yeah, yeah, Chet. Chet was pretty gross. The torture stuff with Chet, just


the black ooze, goo,


the burning, yeah, burning. That made me cringe a little bit. Was there anything you adored in this episode? La, well,


I was excited for Bobby when Jody showed up. Yeah, you know. I mean, not that anything really happened, but it was cute.


It was cute Bobby and Bobby and Jody were cute. I liked Frank. Oh yeah. I liked Frank Devereux. I wasn't as entertained as I would have liked to have been with the evil twins. Yeah, and I don't, I can't say what I feel like was missing there. Yeah, it was funny whenever they were making fun of the two guys, but otherwise it was just back and forth, yeah, just shooting guns. Yeah? Like you would have thought that we would have loved having two right pairs of Winchesters in this episode, but just Yeah, didn't do much for me. Maybe if they could have interacted with each other a little bit more. That was cut very short. That's true. Yeah, we didn't get to see it. But again, special effects time, what have you. Well onto the lore. Now we are talking about leviathans today, because we've already talked about that. And even though the leviathans are shape shifting in the episode, they're not technically shape shifters. So we're not talking about that today. We are talking about evil twins and doppelgangers. According to Wikipedia, the concept of evil twins is ancient and mythical, one of the earliest, maybe, in the zervanite branch of Zoroastrianism. This sect distilled the general abstract duality of Zoroastrianism into a concept of Manifest twins, born in quotes of a monist or first principle zervan, which is time and this cosmological model the twins or Hura Mazda. Mazda, like the car and Angra mainyu, were co eternal representatives of good and evil. Mazda represents good and was eventually expected to win the battle the doctrinal foundation of zervanism lies in its interpretation of the Zoroastrian precepts of free will. Like mazdaism, zervanism emphasized the mortals always have a choice between good and evil, and that one is always free to make the choice one way or the other. Zurvinism took this one step further and considered menu evil by choice, rather than by nature. The characterization is important to Modern uses of the evil twin, as most examples are, in fact, opposites of their good twin, rather than wholly evil. And then we have an article by Aaliyah Hoyt titled, are Doppler gangers real? Doppler gangers doppelgangers real? There is a one in trillion chance, which kind of pisses me off, because I've seen a meme saying that there are seven look alikes of you out there. Oh, and I was counting on that for some for some stuff, not for me, not of Me, but of other people. Oh, yeah, you know, yeah, now you're following me, yeah. And apparently that's not true. I mean, they might be similar, right? But, like, an exact replica is where it gets, like, tricky. The word doppelganger comes from German and means double goer or double Walker, a person who looks exactly like you, unlike identical twins who share the same genes, a doppelganger has no relation to you, but would have the same facial features as you. In pulp culture, doppelgangers are often evil entities that might signal bad luck. According to vulture, TV and film have used these twin strangers to show the dictodomy dicotomony. How do you say that dichotomy, dichotomy between good and bad, the trope serves another of its traditional functions, to highlight the symbiotic relationship between good and evil. Fortunately, for those of us who scare easily, the math says that the chances of you having your own doppelganger who shares your same facial appearance is just about impossible. So you don't have to worry about a case of mistaken identity. I literally have had a case of mistaken so I don't know. Maybe you'll do I don't know, weird stuff happens to me. Yeah, true. So if we are talking about measurements of the face, there is a one in trillion chance that two or more people will match one another on eight measurements of the face. This is from Dr Tegan Lucas, forensic anthropologist at the university. University of New South Wales and finders University. They're both in Australia. She published a study on the subject of doppelgangers back in 2015 where she compared people for those eight facial points that she was talking about, as well as eight body measurements to see how alike they really were. And when it came down to it, they weren't really that much alike. Some of the fastidiously precise facial and head measurements she refers to include ear length, head circumference and the difference between the centers of the right and left pupils. Okay, like whenever you're saying somebody looks like someone, I'm not going wait a minute, your ear is an inch shorter right come on, picky. Getting so nitpicky, hopefully such an explanation gives you peace of mind. It doesn't as somebody who has knows that there is a doppelganger out there of me and that I think she was living her best life. Yeah, you know, I think so too, does not give me peace of mind. But if it doesn't just know that, when Lucas looked at the rest of the human body, she found that the odds of having a twin stranger or even bleaker, I will say my doppelganger likely did not have the same body as me because of what she did for a profession. I assume you never know I'm being true. This is true. If we look at measurements of the body, the chances even lower at one in a quintillion based on eight measurements. This is because these measurements are larger, oh, and thus have a large range, which means there is less chance for people to match each other. So the more measurements you consider, the less likely anyone's going to 100% stack up against another person in true doppelganger fashion. There's some measurements that are important. Two people may look very similar to the naked eye, but when you start measuring, they will not match each other. That's that, all


right. Well, a quote to close it out, from Bobby, when the boys are heading out to go take care of business with their double mint twins, he was trying to get them to stay undercover, and he says, Well, if you're going to be stupid, you might as well be smart.


Cheers. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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