Weight Loss for Busy Physicians | ​​Helping Women Physicians Lose Weight for the Last Time

Making it Through Litigation in One Piece with Dr. Gita Pensa

Katrina Ubell Episode 377

Litigation is a taboo subject in the medical field, but what if we could change that?

A lot of doctors live in fear of one day being sued but not a lot of us talk about it. By bringing it up on the Weight Loss for Busy Physicians podcast, I hope that we can open up the discussion and make it less of a scary subject. 

Dr. Gita Pensa is joining us to discuss how we can support doctors (including ourselves) through litigation so they make it out in one piece rather than broken apart by trauma. She’s sharing why things have to change and how that change starts with us. 

Gita S. Pensa, M.D. is a speaker, educator, coach, and creator of “Doctors and Litigation: The L Word.” She helps good doctors manage the stressors of adverse events, litigation, and burnout.

Topics covered in this episode include:

  • What to do if you’re named in a malpractice case
  • Who to talk to about what you’re going through 
  • How to help yourself and other doctors feel less isolated
  • Overcoming fear of litigation 

Whether you or someone you know is going through a malpractice case or you want to be better prepared to support doctors in your community, this is an important episode for everyone to hear.

All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!

Resources Mentioned:

Listen to Dr. Pensa’s Podcast: https://doctorsandlitigation.com/podcast-2

Visit Dr. Pensa’s Website: doctorsandlitigation.com

Learn More About LEAP Strategies: leap-coaching.com

Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6v

Get the Guarantee Your Weight Loss Success workshop now at katrinaubellmd.com/book!

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