Weight Loss for Busy Physicians | ​​Helping Women Physicians Lose Weight for the Last Time

Overfunctioning and How to Stop

Katrina Ubell Episode 385

Are you the one who is always in control of your family members’ calendars? Do you often try to make other people feel comfortable at your own expense? Do you take on other people’s tasks because you know you can do it faster?

If you answered yes to all three of these questions, you might be an overfunctioner. 

So what is overfunctioning, why do you do it, and how do you stop? In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m taking you through each of these questions and more to help you better understand your own behavior patterns and how they could be harming your health, relationships, and mental well-being. There’s also a much more exhaustive list of examples in the episode that you can use to assess your level of overfunctioning. 

Topics covered in this episode include:

  • How overfunctioning is going undetected in your life 
  • Ways you might be projecting your anxieties or insecurities onto other people 
  • Helpful tips for establishing sustainable, healthy, and appropriate behaviors

If you want to learn what the optimal level of functioning looks like and how to obtain it, don’t miss this episode.

All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!

Resources Mentioned:

Psychology Today Article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/everything-isnt-terrible/201910/are-you-overfunctioner

Will Meek PhD Article: https://willmeekphd.com/overfunctioning-underfunctioning/

MyWellbeing Article: https://mywellbeing.com/therapy-101/what-is-overfunctioning#:~:text=Overfunctioning%20is%20basically%20when%20we,our%20own%20anxiety%20or%20insecurities

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