Weight Loss for Busy Physicians | ​​Helping Women Physicians Lose Weight for the Last Time

Dealing with Unpredictable or Erratic Schedules While Losing Weight

Katrina Ubell Episode 392

Do you deal with a lot of unpredictability in your work schedule as a doctor? Do you find that interferes with your eating habits and weight-loss goals? 

You’re not alone. Many doctors have to navigate being on call, working rotating shifts, or not knowing when they’re going to get off work in the evening, to name just a few scheduling challenges. It’s not surprising that makes it difficult to maintain consistent and healthy eating habits. Like many others before you, you end up skipping meals and eating the Doritos that your coworker brought in. 

This episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians will teach you how to deal with erratic or unpredictable work schedules when you’re trying to lose weight. 

In Today’s Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • How your erratic work schedule is harming your relationship with food 
  • An easy way to reframe your thoughts about your unpredictable work schedule
  • The things you’re blaming work for without thinking about it

Learn how to make the unpredictable predictable so you have a plan in place for every scenario.

All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!

Resources Mentioned:

Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6v

Get the Guarantee Your Weight Loss Success workshop now at katrinaubellmd.com/book!

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