Weight Loss for Busy Physicians | ​​Helping Women Physicians Lose Weight for the Last Time

Empty Nesting and Other Big, Positive Life Changes

Katrina Ubell Episode 394

Do you have a child leaving home in the next few months or another big life change on the horizon? 

Are you wondering how you’re going to get through it emotionally?

In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m sharing my own experience of sending my first child off to college and how I learned to process my emotions in a healthy, judgment-free way, without relying on food. 

In Today’s Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Things you can do to prepare for an emotional time 
  • Tips for letting your emotions out at appropriate times 
  • How to allow yourself to feel your emotions (without projecting them onto your child)

If you want to learn how to handle your emotions without overeating, this is for you.

All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!

Resources Mentioned:

Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6v

Get the Guarantee Your Weight Loss Success workshop now at katrinaubellmd.com/book!