Kingsgrove Sports Centre Podcast
Kingsgrove Sports Centre Podcast
#38 - The Greatest Cricket Bats of All Time
In the spirit of social distancing, we've decided to take a shot at a remote podcast! Coming to you from the safe comfort of their respective homes, Stuart, Hamish, Charlie and Nick take inspiration from our recent social media post about your favourite cricket bats of all time and discuss some of the all-time greats. Our YouTube version of this episode features pictures shared with us on Facebook as well as many classics from across the internet! Join us! And if we've happened to miss any of your favourites, let us know! You can reach us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/KingsgroveSportsCentre/, on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/kingsgrovesports/, on Twitter at https://twitter.com/kingsgrovesport, and on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/kingsgrovesportscentre.