Atlantic Construction Podcast
Atlantic Construction Podcast
Episode 64: Interior Designers of Nova Scotia
Atlantic Construction Podcast - In Association with Procore Technologies https://www.procore.com/en-ca
On today's episode we are joined by, Emma Woodhull, President, Lori Arnold- Vice President, Mireille Metwalli – Director at Large, Social Media and Awards Committee.
From its beginning in 1975, IDNS has promoted the profession of interior design. It's members are also affiliated with Interior Designers of Canada (IDC). An act passed by the Nova Scotia Legislature limits the use of the title “Interior Designer” to registered members of IDNS.
IDNS is committed to the advancement of the interior design profession. It is the association’s mandate to promote and support both the interests of the public and the interior design industry. IDNS strives to;
- Protect the health, safety and well-being of the general public
- Develop and maintain standards of practice of interior design
- Encourage excellence in interior design
- Provide courses for the continuing professional development of interior designers
- Uphold the Code of Ethics for the professional practice of interior design
- Promote and extend the profession of interior design by providing a liaison between the profession and the public
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Find IDNS on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/interiordesignersofnovascotia/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/interiordesignersofnovascotia/
Website: https://idns.ca/