Mankato Hilltop Podcast
This is a podcast of the Sunday scripture, sermons and bonus content from Hilltop United Methodist Church in Mankato, MN. Listen weekly to grow closer to God, together!
Mankato Hilltop Podcast
Celebration Sunday
It is time to celebrate the faithfulness of God in helping us to realize our vision that began with the Missional Church Consultation Initiative in 2018. The efforts of the Sanctuary Enhancement Team have culminated in the beautifully remodeled sanctuary, with technology upgrades that will help Hilltop to reach the next generation and their families. The team addressed feedback from the congregation that included improving sight lines for every seat and also designing a flexible space for expanded ministry activities. There is much to be thankful for: your faithful and generous donations to the capital campaign, the volunteers who have assisted with technology and moving new chairs, the commitment of the Sanctuary Enhancement Team, and the work of Brunton Architects and Construction. Come join in a grand reopening and service of consecration.
Text NEW to 507-575-4222 to connect with Hilltop United Methodist Church.
Hilltop United Methodist Church is located in Mankato Minnesota and we pray that everyone would experience God's presence through this channel. We are happy to interact online or in-person. Please subscribe to this channel and be sure to walk through the doors if you are in the area. Services are online and in-person on Sundays at 9:00 am [Blended/Traditional] and at 10:30 am [Contemporary]. Visit https://www.mankatohilltop.org to learn more.
Best of all, God is with us!
Pastor: Matt Sipe
Hilltop United Methodist Church
108 S Manitou Dr, Mankato, MN 56001
CCLI License 640555
CCLI Streaming Plus License 21031547