Beholding Prayer
An experiential prayer podcast hosted by author, musician and spiritual director Strahan Coleman based on his book 'Beholding: Deepening Our Experience in God'. This podcast is a space to learn to gaze into God as he gazes into us and to express ourselves wholly to him. To read 'Beholding' and to discover more of Strahan's work on prayer visit Music and editing by Jonathan Class.
Beholding Prayer
Prayer Exercise | Praying The Pain
Today's prayer is an exercise based on the chapter 'Praying the Pain' from Thirsting. It's a way to help us get to the root causes of our disordered feelings and responses to things and to allow the Holy Spirit to heal and meet us there.
The Beholding Prayer Podcast is an experiential podcast designed to help you enter a deeper experience of God.
This series of guided prayer meditations is based on my new book Thirsting: Quenching Our Soul's Deepest Desire, an invitation in learning to drink more deeply of God's presence.
So, find somewhere quiet, pour yourself a coffee, and allow the Spirit to meet you where you are today.
Strahan Coleman is a pray-er, writer and musician from Aotearoa, New Zealand. You can find his prayer books, and his story and invitation to prayer Beholding, wherever good books are sold. To take a course on prayer, or to go deeper in your journey with God, visit
Music composed and produced by Jonathan Class.