Ended Up In Vegas
Ended Up In Vegas
Vintage Vegas: Notes of Nostalgia
"If it has Vegas in the title, I've written in it."
Freelance writer Jason Latham Ended Up In Vegas almost two decades ago from his hometown of Rochester, NY. He talks about his favorite hotel-casino opening and how it brought some big name musicians to town at the last minute. Music is a big passion of Jason's, and he enjoys discovering new and old tunes alike.
Jason and his daughter Lola live in one of Las Vegas' first luxury neighborhoods, McNeil Estates. He talks about his unique bathroom renovation and explains why he calls his backyard the "Aquamansion."
He also drops the name of one of the best known restaurants in town that is the embodiment of 'old Vegas,' and a must-visit if you're looking for the most legitimately nostalgic places to eat.