Ended Up In Vegas
Ended Up In Vegas
Community & Belonging: Uncommons Way of Life
Uncommons is not just a place to work, live, and play, in southwest Las Vegas - it's a place to find community.
Amalie Zinsser is the Vegas Native whose role it is to make that happen. As the Director of Community & Belonging, she explains how she has helped craft the culture at the newest mixed-use space in the valley.
Amalie shares how far she's come since her first job at Mustang Sally's in the Valley Auto Mall as a high school drop-out. She was recently named Vegas Weekly's 40 Under 40, and is well-known for fostering conversations that help build connections and understanding among those in the community.
We learn more about the sustainability efforts and innovation that went into building Uncommons, which businesses are coming soon, and discuss The Assembly, and when it will likely be ready to begin hosting events.