The Australian Health & Safety Business Podcast
Brendan Torazzi, director of OHS.com.au, is building Australia's first online health and safety marketplace. In this monthly (ish) podcast he interviews the personalities that shape health and safety culture around the country.
The Australian Health & Safety Business Podcast
Ep 58 Meet Cathal Uniacke and how Custodian Safety Services makes an impact
Season 2
Episode 58
After immigrating from Ireland to Melbourne as a safety professional in 2011, Cathal decided to hit out on his own.
In this interview we discuss what it's like to run your own show and how engaging a safety professional can really add value to companies that know where they want to grow!
E-mail: cathal@custodiansafety.com.au
Website: www.custodiansafety.com.au
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/custodiansafety/
Mobile: 0404484655