Montana Outdoor Podcast
A weekly podcast covering the topics and people that make Montana’s Outdoors like no other place in the world.
Montana Outdoor Podcast
Do You Believe in Magic? We Didn’t Either. That is Until We Met Tom Kobza of TKI CNC. He Can Make Your Boat, Snowmobile, Motorcycle or Just About Anything Else….Magical!
This week on the Montana Outdoor Podcast your host Downrigger Dale talks with Tom Kobza owner of TKI CNC. Ever since poor old Downrigger has talked with Tom he has been wondering around with his mouth open in a constant state of amazement. Once we got him to snap out of it for a moment his first words were “Holy sh.. that guy is amazing. Each of the things he told me about that he has invented just made me slap my head and say why couldn’t have I thought of that? I know, because I am not magician…. I got to sit down, I am….” And then he went back to staring into space with his mouth open again. What Rigger is referring to are all the amazing things that Tom Kobza and his crew at TCI CNC have made for boats, snowmobiles, motorcycles and all kinds of other things we use outdoors. When you listen to the Podcast you will learn about the things he has designed and made like his unbelievable rod holders. We know you are probably saying “Rod holders! Those have been around forever how would anyone improve those?” That is what we said and then we saw the video and it blew our mind! So simple yet it has never been done or at least we have never seen anything like it. You really need to listen to this podcast. Oh, and there is much more that Tom and TKI CNC has come up with to make your outdoor gear become magical. How about this one…a heated brake lever for your snow machine! Again, so simple, so incredibly practical, yet, it has never been done until now. Your wife’s fingers (and truth be told yours too) will never be cold again. And the cool things just keep coming when you listen to the podcast. Where does he think of all this? Often out fishing with his wife on Fort Peck Reservoir or at home in Billings, MT. Ok, one more and then you must just stop reading and go listen. Tired of your game trail cameras getting stolen or broken? Well, they won’t be anymore! He will make them Big Foot proof! No really, he actually made some for a guy who goes out and looks for Big Foot! Is Big Foot real? Tom didn't ask, but that guy will never lose another trail camera. Enough, just go listen to this podcast! We are positive you will hear about something that will amaze you. Ok one more. He has also made some great stuff for ice fishermen be sure and listen for that too!
- Click here to learn more about Tom and TKI CNC and look at all the incredible things that will make your stuff work even better!
- Click here to watch that video about the Rod Holder we were telling you about!
- Click here to watch even more videos about all kinds of cool things!
- Do have a question or comment for Tom Kobza? Click here to send him an email.
- Please let Rigger know what you thought of this podcast! Just click here to email him!
Remember to tune in to The Montana Outdoor Radio Show, live every Saturday from 6:00AM to 8:00AM MT. The show airs on 30 radio stations across the State of Montana. You can get a list of our affiliated radio stations on our website. You can also listen to recordings of past shows, get fishing and and hunting information and much more at that website or on our Facebook page. You can also watch our radio show there as well.