Montana Outdoor Podcast
A weekly podcast covering the topics and people that make Montana’s Outdoors like no other place in the world.
Montana Outdoor Podcast
What Will the Hunting be Like in Northwest Montana? Listen to This Podcast and Find Out!
This week on the Montana Outdoor Podcast your host Downrigger Dale continues our series on where to find the game you are looking for this 2024 hunting season. This time he had an incredible conversation with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Wildlife Manager, Neil Anderson. Neil spilled the beans on where to find the Elk, Deer, Black Bear, Wolf, Upland Game Bird, Waterfowl and everything else you can hunt in FWP Region 1! If you hunt in Region 1 in Northwest Montana, have ever even thought of hunting there or maybe just wondered what all kind of wildlife you can find up there, then you should listen to this podcast right now! Neil talked about how the region is laid out, how to get around, what things to watch out for (both good and bad) and well, you get the idea. This is yet another podcast in this series that truly will fill you in on where to go, what to look out for and even how to plan your hunt for maximum success! Plus there are even some fun stories! For example do you know that the town of Libby Montana has a problem with with a certain animal that has kind of invaded the town? What kind of critter do you suppose has gone urban there in Libby? No it is not Deer, Elk or bear, listen now to find out! It is for sure something you don't hear about very often! All this awesome info is just awaiting for you so get to listening and be ready to out hunt every one in Region 1 in Northwest Montana!
- Click here to look through the FWP Big Game Hunting Forecast for Region 1.
- If you would like to learn more about Region 1, click here.
- You can also find more great ongoing updates on the Region 1 Facebook Page by clicking here! Or why not signup to get regular updates by clicking here!
- Click here to use the FWP Hunt Planner Map.
- Learn more about the Region 1 Block Management Program and get property maps and more for Region 1 click here.
- Click here to get up to date on all Montana hunting regulations.
- To learn how to collect a CWD sample click here.
- Questions or comments for Wildlife Manager, Neil Anderson? Click here to send him an email.
- Click here to send an email to Downrigger Dale.
Remember to tune in to The Montana Outdoor Radio Show, live every Saturday from 6:00AM to 8:00AM MT. The show airs on 30 radio stations across the State of Montana. You can get a list of our affiliated radio stations on our website. You can also listen to recordings of past shows, get fishing and and hunting information and much more at that website or on our Facebook page. You can also watch our radio show there as well.