Montana Outdoor Podcast
A weekly podcast covering the topics and people that make Montana’s Outdoors like no other place in the world.
Montana Outdoor Podcast
Learn All About Ice Fishing in Northwest Montana From Captain Matt McComb!
This week on the Montana Outdoor Podcast your host Downrigger Dale talks with another of the top fishing guides in Montana, Captain Matt McComb. This topic is all about ice fishing in NorthWest Montana. Matt literally puts on a Master Class about how you can have great success ice fishing on the 30 plus incredible lakes up in Northwest Montana that are great for ice fishing. Matt gives a list of the best gear to use, including some of his top lures, bait, electronics and...well, the information is just flat amazing. He and Rigger also talk about some of the top techniques to use to catch a whole bunch of all the different species you can catch trough the ice in that part of Montana, from Salmon to trout to pike, perch and the list goes on and on! One of many things that are super interesting in this podcast is how Matt uses underwater cameras to help him locate where the fish are, what bait to use and even what technique to use! He goes over other electronics that work great from him as well. Gang, after you listen to this podcast you are definitely going to have all kinds of information that will for sure make you a better ice fisherman or woman! So what are ya waiting for? Hit that play button now and head out on the ice with Captain Matt in Northwest Montana. Oh, and don't forget he if you want to learn even more from him book a trip this winter or summer with him, he is an incredible teacher and guide!
- To learn more about Captain Matt, click here and scroll down to Captain Matt McComb.
- Questions for Matt? Click here to email him or call (406) 261-6980.
- Click here to listen to Matt's latest fishing reports as well as other reports from around Montana.
- Click here to see pictures of the Hali lure that Matt talks about as well as other pictures of Matt and the gear that he uses.
- Downrigger Dale is of course always happy to find the answers to any of your questions and he would love to see your suggestions for future podcast topics. Click here to shoot him an email.
Gear List With Links From Captain Matt:
- Ice augers: manual / electric/ propane or gas. (Talk to your local Sporting Goods Store)
- A sled to haul your gear. Matt says Otter Sleds are the best.
- Rod and reel combos, 32-36 in length med-med light rods, inline reels to stop line twisting vs spinning reels. (Talk to your local Sporting Goods Store)
- Electronics: Vexilar and Marcum flashers for deeper fish.
- Underwater cameras for shallow fish. Aqua-vu is a
Remember to tune in to The Montana Outdoor Radio Show, live every Saturday from 6:00AM to 8:00AM MT. The show airs on 30 radio stations across the State of Montana. You can get a list of our affiliated radio stations on our website. You can also listen to recordings of past shows, get fishing and and hunting information and much more at that website or on our Facebook page. You can also watch our radio show there as well.