Wealthbridge Podcast

Retirement Income Strategy W/ Power of "0"

Tyrone Harvey Season 1
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00:00 | 10:57


In this episode of the WealthBridge Podcast, host Tyrone Harvey compares a stock market account to an indexing strategy account in a fixed index annuity. He analyzes the returns of the S&P 500 from 1928 to 2023 and demonstrates how the indexing account, despite having lower returns, outperforms the market account due to the power of zero. The indexing account preserves capital in losing years and is credited with zero, while the market account experiences ups and downs. This strategy allows for a more stress-free retirement income and the potential to remove more than the traditional 4% rule.


An indexing strategy account in a fixed index annuity can outperform a stock market account in terms of retirement income.
The indexing account preserves capital in losing years and is credited with zero, while the market account experiences ups and downs.
The power of zero, or never losing a dollar, can significantly impact retirement income and allow for a more stress-free retirement.
Distributing income from a secure retirement tool like a fixed index annuity can provide higher and more sustainable retirement income compared to the traditional 4% rule.


Retirement income strategy, stock market account, indexing strategy account, fixed index annuity, S&P 500, returns, capital preservation, power of zero, stress-free retirement, retirement income distribution, higher income, 4% rule

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Tyrone Harvey