Summer Sales Podcast
Go from Good to Great to G.O.A.T... D2D sales reps… The Summer Sales Podcast is your one stop shop to learn all the sales secrets and concepts that ensure high level selling. Learn from the best in the door-to-door industry and implement the strategies and tactics that the top performers use to elevate their sales game. The host, Andy Holmes, has won "Golden Door" three times, twice in pest control and once in solar (as a rookie in solar).
Formerly known as the G.O.A.T. GUIDE.
D2D. Knock doors. Knocking doors. Summer Sales. Solar. Pest Control. Alarms.
Summer Sales Podcast
You're Not The Top Guy For A Reason- Aubert L'Esperance Aptive Pest
If you've ever struggled with bridging the gap of your wishes and your accomplishments, Aubert is an incredible example of what steps to take and how to think about making your goals a reality. Discover in this episode what he had to learn to earn a Golden Door Award and who he had to become to double his production, while knocking a significantly shorter summer.
The bottom line is that you have what it takes if you can copy what others have done to get extraordinary results. If you love this episode, leave an honest review and tag the @Summersalespodcast, @Andythesolarguy, and @Aubertlesperance on instagram.