There's no shortage of coverage about the "bans on drag" on television, podcasts, and online articles...but as queer people, we need to ensure that our voices are part of those conversations. In this episode we will look at what these legal battles mean and how it can truly effect our entire LGBTQIA+ community.
Hosted by: Parker Sargent
Produced by: koitz
Contributors: Chris Hampton and David Gilleo
Guests: Esther Newton and Mariyea Jackson
As we all struggle to understand what the drag bans mean, Parker turns to famed queer Anthropolgist Esther Newton, to discuss the history of drag and how far we have (and haven’t) come since her documentation in the 1960s.
Then Mariyea Jackson, who is a young performer living in Brooklyn, joins us to chat about her worries working as a queen who is also a trans woman.
We'll also talk to show contributors Chris Hampton about the new Drag Defense Fund from the ACLU, and David Gilleo about his experience with drag-bias in the workplace.
SNAP- Year of a Queen by Parker Sargent
Mariyea Jackson's website
Esther Newton's Books: Mother Camp, The History of Cherry Grove, My Butch Career
Esther Newton made Me Gay by Jean Carlomusto
ACLU Drag Defense Fund
Equality Federation
Mapping Attacks on LGBTQ Rights in U.S. State Legislatures