May 25, 2023 Parker Sargent Season 1 Episode 17

Fire Island is a strip of sand just off the coast of Long Island in New York that has been a safe haven for the LGBTQIA+ community since the early 1900's. Fabulous parties, gorgeous nature, and an environment that celebrates queer sexuality. This is the first in a series of special episodes about Cherry Grove that we will be doing through the summer, exploring the various aspects of this queer Mecca.

Hosted by: Parker Sargent
Produced by: koitz
Contributors: David Gilleo and Alex Borsa
Guests: Jack Parlett, Kay Davis

Parker sets the scene and walks us through a brief history of the two queer communities of Cherry Grove and the Pines. Chatting with author Jack Parlett to discuss his book Fire Island: Love, Loss and Liberation in an Amercian Paradise, we explore Fire Island's queer past and present. Cherry Grove DEI Project Chair Kay Davis joins us to talk about their work to make Fire Island a more inclusive space and then show contributor Alex Borsa chats about what the gay vacation destination means to young queers today.

Fire Island: A Century in the Life of An American Paradise

The Poetics of Cruising: Queer Visual Culture from Whitman to Grindr

Same Blue, Different You

Koitz Gay Fire Island

Cherry Grove, Fire Island: Sixty Years in America's First Gay and Lesbian Town

The Panzi Invasion

SNAP- Year of a Queen

Historic Houses

Bella's Dish

Founding Families

Grove Girls