Men to Mastery Podcast
Being a quality man, father, and leader is harder than ever! We help men unfu@k the past and unlock the best future version of themselves. Get actionable advice for personal growth, thriving relationships, successful fatherhood, and financial freedom.
The world is at an inflection point, desperate for authentic leaders – men ready to grow and serve. Start the journey to life on your own terms.
Men | Marriage | Fatherhood | Freedom
Men to Mastery Podcast
112 Errol Doebler | Lead Under Stress
Modern life has us all in a state of elevated stress and inflammation that underlies chronic disease. Beyond the biological response and impacts, stress can be crippling to decision making and emotional control. Learning to lead under stress is imperative – leading ourself, family, business, and community. Leader 193 offers unique training for both.
Errol Doebler is the creator and author of The Process, Art, and Science of Leadership – a methodology Leader 193 teaches to business leaders around the world. Errol is one of the few people ever who has had the distinction of serving as a Surface Warfare Officer, SEAL and as an FBI Special Agent and FBI SWAT Operator. But, elite leadership lessons from the battlefield apply to more than just the boardroom.
Errol is also a practitioner of the Wim Hof Method of daily breathing and cold exposure. He discovered that it saved his life after a traumatic brain injury and recognized that the emotional awareness gained in WHM is paramount to leadership. Leader 193 combines Errol’s leadership expertise and Level 2 WHM coaching into online and live training for organizations and individuals.
- Medical discharge + Invisible injury
- Bad decisions and downward spiral
- How WHM saved his life
- Combatting stress and inflammation
- Gearing for a novel virus
- Leading edge TBI treatment
- Business leadership…at home
- Immersive training
Errol and the Leader 193 team have very generously extended a discount offer to the Mastery tribe. Use discount code LEADER193 for 20% off the Online Academy and 100OFF for $100 off the ticket price to the November 2023 Live Leadership Training in Aspen, CO.
See more at www.mentomastery.com/112