For Zion's Sake
Join Alex and Alastair every week as they sit down to discuss current issues affecting Israel. They'll be presenting the FACTS, sharing opinion and providing an insight and perspective into the very latest stories.
CUFI UK is a Christian pro-Israel organisation that supports Israel and the Jewish people. We are spreading the truth about Israel and countering the lies. We believe Christians have a Biblical mandate to stand with Israel and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We will not keep silent.
For Zion's Sake
EP67 For Zion's Sake Podcast - Archbishop Welby's Betrayal of Israel
Season 1
Episode 67
Alex and Alastair discuss Archbishop Justin Welby's stunning rebuke of Israel in a statement he made last week in which he called for Israel's immediate removal from the Jewish heartland and urged the world to unequivocally accept all rulings by the anti-Israel ICJ. They explain why his words are both unbiblical and support the lies of Israel's enemies, and why they could present devastating consequences for Britain and particularly the Church of England. Plus, they explain the latest situation facing Israel in its war against terror and how Israel was preserved from tragedy this week.
Get your 16 month Scripture Calendar here: https://store.cufi.org.uk/category-s/112.htm
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This is episode 67 of the For Zion's Sake Podcast from Christians United for Israel UK. CUFI UK is a Christian pro-Israel organisation that supports Israel and the Jewish people. We are spreading the truth about Israel and countering the lies. We believe Christians have a Biblical mandate to stand with Israel and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We will not keep silent.
Get your 16 month Scripture Calendar here: https://store.cufi.org.uk/category-s/112.htm
Support the work of CUFI by making a donation https://www.cufi.org.uk/donateweb/
Subscribe to TORCH magazine for free and receive updates from CUFI UK at https://www.cufi.org.uk/torch/
This is episode 67 of the For Zion's Sake Podcast from Christians United for Israel UK. CUFI UK is a Christian pro-Israel organisation that supports Israel and the Jewish people. We are spreading the truth about Israel and countering the lies. We believe Christians have a Biblical mandate to stand with Israel and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We will not keep silent.