For Zion's Sake

EP68 For Zion's Sake Podcast - UK Politician Suspended For Tweet Defending Israel

CUFI UK Season 1 Episode 68

Alex and Alastair discuss the Scottish politician who was suspended by his party for saying there was no genocide in Gaza. They also look at why there really is no genocide in Gaza and that speaking this truth should be acceptable, especially in a British political party. Also, why did the United Nations fail to mention a single terror victim from Israel in its exhibition to honour terror victims from around the world? They expose the hypocrisy of the UN and the blatant hatred of Israel that can no longer be hidden.

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This is episode 68 of the For Zion's Sake Podcast from Christians United for Israel UK. CUFI UK is a Christian pro-Israel organisation that supports Israel and the Jewish people. We are spreading the truth about Israel and countering the lies. We believe Christians have a Biblical mandate to stand with Israel and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We will not keep silent.