For Zion's Sake
Join Alex and Alastair every week as they sit down to discuss current issues affecting Israel. They'll be presenting the FACTS, sharing opinion and providing an insight and perspective into the very latest stories.
CUFI UK is a Christian pro-Israel organisation that supports Israel and the Jewish people. We are spreading the truth about Israel and countering the lies. We believe Christians have a Biblical mandate to stand with Israel and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We will not keep silent.
For Zion's Sake
EP77 For Zion's Sake Podcast - Trump's Election Win and What It Means for Israel
Alex and Alastair discuss President Trump's emphatic victory in the US election and ask what this might mean for America's relationship with Israel. They explain what happened in Israel when the news broke and the Mideast challenges facing Trump when he enters the White House in January. Alex and Alastair also share their thoughts about the new leader of the UK opposition. They also read your comments from our previous podcast, including answering the question whether Christians should ever criticise Israel, and they explain why a Biblical worldview is vital in establishing the truth.
Please let us know your thoughts about today's topics in the comments.
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This is episode 77 of the For Zion's Sake Podcast from Christians United for Israel UK. CUFI UK is a Christian pro-Israel organisation that supports Israel and the Jewish people. We are spreading the truth about Israel and countering the lies. We believe Christians have a Biblical mandate to stand with Israel and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We will not keep silent.