For Zion's Sake

EP81 For Zion's Sake Podcast - Oxford Uni's Toxic Debate and the UK's Misguided UNSC Vote

CUFI UK Season 1 Episode 81

Alex and Alastair discuss the shocking display of antisemitic hatred towards Israel and support for Hamas terrorism at an Oxford Union debate and explain why they think the police should get involved. They also discuss the shameful resolution at the UN Security Council which the UK supported that called for a ceasefire without the condition of hostage release. They contrast this with President Trump's strong words this week against those holding Israeli hostages. Plus, they discuss your comments about the ICC and UK Parliament's debate concerning a Palestinian state, and invite you to share your views.

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This is episode 81 of the For Zion's Sake Podcast from Christians United for Israel UK. CUFI UK is a Christian pro-Israel organisation that supports Israel and the Jewish people. We are spreading the truth about Israel and countering the lies. We believe Christians have a Biblical mandate to stand with Israel and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We will not keep silent.