For Zion's Sake

EP86 For Zion's Sake Podcast - Is This The Moment We've Been Praying For?

CUFI UK Season 1 Episode 86

Alex and Alastair give their reaction to the return of three hostages on Sunday, with anticipation that more will be released in the coming days. They also explain how President Trump has already ordered some pro-Israel actions despite having only been in office a few days. With reports from the released hostages that they were held for a period by Hamas at a UN shelter for civilians, we ask whether the UN knew. If so, the UN has serious questions to answer. Plus, we invite you to leave your comments about any of the topics discussed.

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This is episode 86 of the For Zion's Sake Podcast from Christians United for Israel UK. CUFI UK is a Christian pro-Israel organisation that supports Israel and the Jewish people. We are spreading the truth about Israel and countering the lies. We believe Christians have a Biblical mandate to stand with Israel and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We will not keep silent.