Allergy Dragon's Lair Podcast

Life Is A Marathon, Not A Sprint My Guest, KJ TheCeliathlete Joins Me In The Lair Season 2- EP9

Chef Martha Morgan Season 2 Episode 9

So what does an athlete and a chef have in common? In our case, we both are living our lives with Celiac Disease. I virtually met KJ on Instagram @theceliathlete on that platform and her Blog of the same name. KJ shares her journey as an athlete that is meat-free and gluten-free.
 I found her morning stories of the challenges of weather, lighting, and anything else she posted on IG. Not only funny but inspirational for my day.  Especially on those cold dark mornings, KJ would be posting about the run she had just been on. I would cheer myself out of my cozy bed, saying if she can run in this, then I can at least get up, and go to work! 
This episode was so much fun to record. We talked about our mutual connections of living in the Kentuckiana area, our weird bodies, and our love of sushi. KJ reminded me that life is a marathon, not a sprint, and that we can do anything we set our minds. This does not mean I will be running any marathons soon, but I will keep cheering KJ on as she does.  Take the time to watch this episode, share it, and subscribe.

More About Our Guest:
KJ TheCeliathlete  IG  :
Website  :
Linkintree :


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For more information: Allergy Dragon

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