Allergy Dragon's Lair Podcast

Kasey of Key Beverages Joins Me In The Allergy Dragon's Lair To Talk Kefir Water Season 2 EP11

Chef Martha Morgan Season 2 Episode 11

Allergy Dragon's Lair believes that everyone deserves a safe and delicious seat at the table. Food is our common ground as human beings, and all of our stories are important. Continuing to celebrate people in my local community in Louisville with this episode. It is June which is Pride month, and I wanted to shine a light on people doing great things in the city where I live, not only in the specialty diet community but in the LGBTQ+ community.  Kasey is the creator of Key Beverages and maker of kefir water, which I truly enjoy drinking.  Kasey joins me in the Allergy Dragon's Lair to explain what kefir water is, where it is made, and why we should try it.
Kasey started his company Key Beverages in February 2022 and shares how he took a hobby, and his need for a tasty probiotic option to the next level.  Being someone that lives a gluten-free lifestyle Kasey understands that transparency is the key to success. He breaks down the reformulation process, and ingredients because he truly cares about his consumers. All the flavors of kefir water are gluten-free, allergy-friendly, low sugar, and vegan! If you are local to Louisville, Ky, be sure to grab Kefir water, and make sure to follow the Key Beverages link below. 

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