Allergy Dragon's Lair Podcast

The Nutrition Coach Pharmacist & I Continue Our Conversation From Last Time in This Long Awaited Part 2 EP13 Season2

Chef Martha Morgan Season 2 Episode 13

Amy Wilson, AKA The Nutrition Coach Pharmacist, is in The Allergy Dragon's Lair again, and we are continuing our conversation from last time! In this long-awaited Part 2  Amy continues to share with us her energy and knowledge of nutrition and pharmacy. If you didn't get a chance to experience Part 1 Do so now    • ​ @thenutritioncoachpharmacist Is In ...    Amy deep dives into why small changes take time to see, but consistency leads to visual change. Everything is connected, and why just medicine is not always the fix-all to overall health?  Our journeys are different; we all need different prescriptions for better health.  I also asked Amy her opinion on my cooking classes based on the first one she took of mine.  Look out for more collaboration coming soon!

More about our guest: The Nutrition Coach Pharmacist, Amy Wilson, is a pharmacist, fitness professional, and certified nutrition coach. She is on a mission to help women realize that perimenopause and menopause are not the end but the beginning. You don’t have to be frumpy, fluffy, or miserable. You can lose weight and get stronger and better.

More Info about our Guest:
Website :
YT:  @thenutritioncoachpharmacist 
IG: @thenutritioncoachpharmacist

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