Allergy Dragon's Lair Podcast
Join Chef Martha and her literal Celiac sister Cindy in the Allergy Dragon’s Lair as they discuss their lives. Chef Martha also invites special guests from the specialty diet and allergy community to share their life experiences in the Lair. We hope to bring more awareness to specialty diets and food allergies by sharing our personal stories with everyone. Allergy Dragon believes we are more than the foods we can’t eat, and we all deserve a delicious seat at the table. About the Host: Martha Morgan is a Specialty Diet & Allergy Chef and the creator of Allergy Dragon. Chef Martha started cooking in restaurants with her first job at 16; in 2014, she switched to institutional food services in a healthcare setting and officially created Allergy Dragon in 2019. Chef Martha has now been cooking professionally for almost 30 years. In 2003 she became a reluctant food allergy chef due to her youngest 1st anaphylactic reaction at 9 months old to strawberries, and their allergy list has now grown to over 30 food allergies. Finally, in 2009, Martha became a gluten-free chef due to her and two of her children’s Celiac disease diagnoses. Martha has made it her mission to advocate for Food Allergies and Celiac disease and share her belief that everyone deserves to eat delicious food. Chef Martha Created Allergy Dragon to help bridge the gap between safe and delicious food.
Allergy Dragon's Lair Podcast
Learn How To Dance Like A Cupcake With Company Founder Alannah In This Allergy Dragon's Lair Podcast Episode 8
In this Allergy Dragon's Lair Podcast episode, we will learn how to Dance Like A Cupcake with the company's founder, Alannah. My guest, Alannah, is making history in many ways, starting with being my youngest guest ever on my podcast. This young lady has done more in her 17 years than most adults have by the time they are 25 years old.
Her story, and that of her family, is what I believe we all wish for ours. Alannah shares her perspective of growing up with a younger sibling with food allergies and seeing a need for change. With the help of her family, she has created not only delicious desserts but also a true passion for baking and recipe creation, which she shares. So, listen to this episode to learn more about this young CEO's plans for the future. Learn what it means to Dance Like A Cupcake.
Learn More About Our Guest
YouTube @dancelikeacupcakebyalannah9556
IG / dancelikeacupcake_treats
FB / dancelikeacupcake
Website https://dancelikeacupcake.com/
More about Allergy Dragon https://linktr.ee/allergydragon
#allergydragon #food #podcast
For more information: Allergy Dragon https://linktr.ee/allergydragon
#allergydragon #allegydragonslair #celiacsisters #foodallergies #glutenfree