Allergy Dragon's Lair Podcast

Living With Grace The Black Allergy Mama Way With Renia Butler Allergy Dragon's Lair Season 3 EP 9

Chef Martha Morgan Season 3 Episode 9

This episode has been a long time in the making due to scheduling conflicts and technical issues on my end. Now that those have been conquered, I can finally share this Episode. In this Allergy Dragon’s Lair episode, we will learn how to live our lives with grace, the Black Allergy Mama way.

My guest, Renia Butler, is an Advanced Food Allergy and Intolerances Nutritional Advisor (AFAINA), a WebMD Contributor, and the allergy Mama behind the blog Black Allergy Mama. Renia shared her trials, tribulations, wins, and grace during our conversation. We compared the parallels between our Allergy Mom initiation and raising a child with multiple food allergies at different times.  Learn about why she created the blog Black Allergy Mama and so much more! 

More About Our Guest:
Renia Butler is an Advanced Food Allergy and Intolerances Nutritional Advisor (AFAINA) and a contributor to WebMD; she is passionate about empowering individuals with knowledge about food allergies. Inspired by her daughter's diagnosis of multiple food allergies at just nine months old in spring 2019, she became the driving force and curator of the dynamic Houston-based blog Black Allergy Mama. The digital platform is a heartfelt dedication to celebrating diversity and reshaping perceptions surrounding food allergies.

For More From Black Allergy Mama:
Website  https:

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