Allergy Dragon's Lair Podcast

Tessa Grosso Shares Her Experience With OIT In This Allergy Dragon's Lair Ep11 Season 3

Chef Martha Morgan Season 3 Episode 11

Having food allergies can be stressful, not only for the person with the allergy but also for family and friends. The constant worry of watching out for specific allergens can be exhausting, and trying to avoid those allergens isn’t foolproof. For Some ( OIT ) Oral Immunotherapy can change their lives. 
 Tessa Grosso, a 21-year-old who underwent OIT ten years ago, and is a community advisor for Latitude Food Allergy Care joins me in the Lair. Tessa shares her journey with food allergies, and how that led her to become an OIT patient. She also shares her experience with OIT , and what her life looks like now. 

More About Our Guest:
Tessa Grosso’s childhood with food allergies was marked by countless visits to the doctor and the ER. When her mom, Kimberley Yates, partnered with Dr. Kari Nadeau to find a solution for Tessa’s severe multiple food allergies, Tessa ultimately became the first person to be treated for multiple food allergies with oral immunotherapy. Today, as a community advocate and an advisor for Latitude, she uses her experience to help create access to care for all food allergy families. 

Latitude Food Allergy Care website:

Tessa Grosso:

*Views expressed in this podcast are not meant to treat any health conditions. Please seek care from your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment. 

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