Health Matters & More

Health Matters & More From Bee to Honey: Interview With a Local Bee Keeper Duane Rekeweg

September 26, 2023 Richard
Health Matters & More From Bee to Honey: Interview With a Local Bee Keeper Duane Rekeweg
Health Matters & More
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Health Matters & More
Health Matters & More From Bee to Honey: Interview With a Local Bee Keeper Duane Rekeweg
Sep 26, 2023

Welcome to Health Matters & More, the podcast where we explore the diverse facets of health, wellness, and the extraordinary stories that shape our lives. I'm your host, Dr. Richard Busch III, and today, we have a truly special guest joining us.

In this episode, we sit down with Mr. Duane Rekeweg, a remarkable individual with a unique journey. Duane, a Vietnam Veteran and one of my former patients, has experienced firsthand the challenges of neuropathy. Together, we'll dive into his inspiring story of resilience and healing.

But that's not all. Duane's passion extends far beyond his remarkable recovery. For over 42 years, he has dedicated his life to beekeeping, cultivating a profound love for these tiny yet essential creatures and the liquid gold they produce—honey. His local beekeeping endeavors have made a significant impact here in Northeast Indiana, and he's even part of the esteemed National Beekeepers Association.

Join us as we explore Duane's journey from veteran to beekeeper, the role of honeybees in our ecosystem, and the therapeutic benefits of immersing oneself in a passion like beekeeping. It's a story that touches on health, nature, and the extraordinary resilience of the human spirit.

Whether you're a bee enthusiast, a fellow veteran, or simply someone seeking inspiration, this episode of Health Matters & More is sure to leave you informed and uplifted.

Tune in now to hear Duane Rekeweg's remarkable story, only on Health Matters & More with Dr. Richard Busch III.

Show Notes

Welcome to Health Matters & More, the podcast where we explore the diverse facets of health, wellness, and the extraordinary stories that shape our lives. I'm your host, Dr. Richard Busch III, and today, we have a truly special guest joining us.

In this episode, we sit down with Mr. Duane Rekeweg, a remarkable individual with a unique journey. Duane, a Vietnam Veteran and one of my former patients, has experienced firsthand the challenges of neuropathy. Together, we'll dive into his inspiring story of resilience and healing.

But that's not all. Duane's passion extends far beyond his remarkable recovery. For over 42 years, he has dedicated his life to beekeeping, cultivating a profound love for these tiny yet essential creatures and the liquid gold they produce—honey. His local beekeeping endeavors have made a significant impact here in Northeast Indiana, and he's even part of the esteemed National Beekeepers Association.

Join us as we explore Duane's journey from veteran to beekeeper, the role of honeybees in our ecosystem, and the therapeutic benefits of immersing oneself in a passion like beekeeping. It's a story that touches on health, nature, and the extraordinary resilience of the human spirit.

Whether you're a bee enthusiast, a fellow veteran, or simply someone seeking inspiration, this episode of Health Matters & More is sure to leave you informed and uplifted.

Tune in now to hear Duane Rekeweg's remarkable story, only on Health Matters & More with Dr. Richard Busch III.