Kingdom Wealth Conversations For Christian Women Building Online Businesses
The Go-to Podcast for Christian Women Who Want to Build Their Online Business and Live a Full Life in Christ From The Inside Out.
If you feel called to use your gifts and expertise to impact more lives as an online coach or service provider than this is for you.
If you desire to build wealth for kingdom purposes then this is for you.
In this podcast we explore the true meaning of kingdom wealth which is more than just creating financial abundance.
As well learning how to build financial wealth Gods way online we also uncover other areas of wealth which includes an abundance of good health, spiritual, mental and emotional well being as we hear from the experiences of other amazing women living wealthy in the kingdom.
How much money is too much?
As a follower of Christ so many have believed the lie that having too much money is evil.
This could not be further from the truth.
The bible is crystal clear on God's view on wealth and this podcast has not only been designed to give you practical biblical teaching on how to build a successful online business to create wealth but it has also been birthed to showcase God's heart for his children to access all areas of wealth so we can truly live abundantly (John 10:10b)
Hey, I’m Buki Ekeowa, Kingdom Business Coach & Online Marketing & Sales Strategist who has used biblical principles to create multiple six figures and a business that I absolutely LOVE using my gifts & talents.
Want to do that too?.
In this podcast I will teach you how to:
-> Use your gifts and expertise to radically multiply your income online
-> Grow your business without having to be on social media 24/7
-> How to create online assets, so you get paid while sleeping
-> How to make more money and impact through following clear wealth principles from the Bible
-> How to grow spiritually as a Christian Entrepreneur
I’m excited to help you create MORE INCOME & MORE IMPACT in your business like never before.
Get your notepad and pen and come expectant, you are about to learn LOADS
Next Steps:
Hear what clients say: https://me.bukiekeowa.com/ClientsSay
Watch the free workshop: www.bukiekeowa.com
Join my free community:
Email Us: theteam@theelitedm.com
Kingdom Wealth Conversations For Christian Women Building Online Businesses
Ep 067 | July 1st Special: Good Morning Holy Spirit - Uncovering The Law Of Fruitfulness
2024 Reset: As we enter the second half of the year, the Lord is shifting things.
Its time to position our hearts back to the centre of God's will.
Yes, you have been spending time with God before and Yes, you pray and Yes you read the word but God is calling us deeper into more intimacy.
Today I release my first Audio episode and as I share what the Lord is putting in my spirit I can sense its a new season indeed.
Join me on this journey of obedience and spiritual growth as I share raw, unfiltered audio insights straight from my heart.
I invite you to come on this journey with me to prioritise God's Word and presence in your life so that you can positioning yourself for God's blessings.
This episode will encourage you to be more intentional with your faith practices and embrace what I call the law of fruitfulness.
Engage with the Holy Spirit, meditate on God's laws, and witness the transformation in your life.
Please leave a review and share your experiences as we grow together in faith and prosperity. God bless, and see you in the next episode.
Hey, I’m Buki Ekeowa, Kingdom Business Coach & Online Marketing & Sales Strategist who has used biblical principles to create multiple six figures and a business that I absolutely LOVE using my gifts & talents.
Want to do that too?.
In this podcast I will teach you how to:
-> Use your gifts and expertise to radically multiply your income online
-> Grow your business without having to be on social media 24/7
-> How to create online assets, so you get paid while sleeping
-> How to make more money and impact through following clear wealth principles from the Bible
-> How to grow spiritually as a Christian Entrepreneur
I’m excited to help you create MORE INCOME & MORE IMPACT in your business like never before.
Next Steps:
Hear what clients say
Watch the Free Workshop:
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