Mind Her Business

Welcome to a New Era

Emily Parsons & Bri Galloway

Our passion has always been to help women to make an income and live a life full of freedom in their business and personal lives and this new era we are entering is going to bring us even closer to this goal. 

Over the next 20 minutes, we share life updates and dive into our latest big business decision. We discuss our journey of simplifying and why it is time to close the doors to the Pinterest VA School. We introduce our new 90-day roadmap program, the VA School, aimed at helping women leave their corporate jobs, make an income, and achieve freedom in life and business. Join us as we discuss the power of freelancing for women and the impact it can have on future generations. 

Tune into hear:

  • How you know that you need a more simplified business
  • The impact of freelancing on women's lives 
  • Setting boundaries to protect your peace
  • How to make those big business decisions

DM Emily or Bri on IG to learn more about VA School:

Emily: https://www.instagram.com/emilyvdw/

Bri: https://www.instagram.com/brigalloway_/

FREE eBook: 4 Steps to Becoming a VA

FREE webinar: How to Replace your 9-6 Income in 90 Days

Join The VA School
