Mind Her Business

7 Steps to Increase Website Traffic and Grow Your Leads without Social Media

Emily Parsons & Bri Galloway

What would it look like to scale your business without having to worry about the newest social media algorithm? Imagine really focusing on Pinterest and treating it like the SEO platform it is and seeing big results! Today’s episode is jam-packed with actionable strategies to help you leverage the “new” Pinterest for your business in 2024. We brake down how to leverage keywords effectively, the importance of having a clear customer journey, and scaling with ads. Don't miss our full episode and live training link in the show notes to get all the details. 

Tune in to hear: 

  • The significant changes Pinterest has undergone since 2020 and how to approach the 2024 updates
  • Using keyword-driven content and the power of Pinterest as an SEO-driven platform
  • How to use engaging creative strategies to stand out and engage your audience
  • Tips for automation and ads for scaling your business without sacrificing performance

Pinterest Town Hall Live Training: https://letsgetsocialagency.com/pinterest-town-hall

DM Emily or Bri on IG to learn more about VA School:

Emily: https://www.instagram.com/emilyvdw/

Bri: https://www.instagram.com/brigalloway_/

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