Mind Her Business

The VA School Updates and New Electives

Emily Parsons & Bri Galloway

What if we told you we could replace your 9-5 incomes in just 90 days? Today we are diving into the exciting transformation of our VA school- a comprehensive program that can help you build a successful virtual assistant business from scratch. With an astonishing success rate, our students are earning well beyond industry standards. We're expanding with specialized electives like Pinterest and funnel creation, so you can tailor your learning to fit your passions. Get ready to redefine your freedom with the VA school. Stay tuned and keep thriving!

Tune in to hear: 

  • Why we made the pivot from our Pinterest VA School to a broader VA School that aims to provide a comprehensive foundation that will allow you to build a profitable service-based business
  • How specialized electives will allow for personalized growth and the ability to adapt to industry changes, ultimately increasing earning potential
  • Why our program empowers women and consistently produces VAs earning double the industry average
  • Why we offer transparent and flexible learning paths for our students and how that ensures they build a business model that fits their version of freedom

DM Emily or Bri on IG to learn more about VA School:

Emily: https://www.instagram.com/emilyvdw/

Bri: https://www.instagram.com/brigalloway_/

FREE eBook: 4 Steps to Becoming a VA

FREE webinar: How to Replace your 9-6 Income in 90 Days

Join The VA School
