Next of Kin The Podcast

Ep 37: Ask Me Anything!.. I probably shouldn't admit this!

Emma Coulter, Next of Kin Season 2 Episode 37

Next of Kin The Podcast is back with season 2! I'm Emma, a British Expat, Mumpreneur and Mum of 1, living in Dubai, UAE, and this podcast follows along my own journey raising my daughter and starting my first business.

I am firmly in my Mumpreneur era, so season 2 is Career Season.  Join me as I explore the collision between careers and motherhood. I'll be speaking to insightful guests, delving into practical tips and inspiring stories. All through the lens of Dubai expat life.

On today's episode I am answering your questions, from how old am I? How am I doing mentally?To, what are my dreams and aspirations for my business? And I even get into the very taboo subject of screen time... Mummy police cover your ears!

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