Oregon Coast Birdcast
The Oregon Coast is a birder's paradise. Rocky shorelines, sandy beaches, teeming estuaries, and lush mountain forests provide idyllic habitat for shorebirds, raptors, songbirds, and a diverse array of other wildlife. Join host Paul Lask as he interviews experts on local birds, their ecologies, behaviors, and the challenges they face, and keep up with Audubon Society of Lincoln City for local birding resources and related projects on the Oregon Coast!
Oregon Coast Birdcast
Episode 4: Coastal Habitat Conservation with Joe Liebezeit & Allison Anholt
Paul is joined by Joe Liebezeit and Allison Anholt of Portland Audubon to talk about their work conserving coastal habitats and the birds that rely on them. We learn about Oregon’s Marine Reserve Program and three birds that depend on healthy coastal ecosystems: Marbled Murrelets, Western Snowy Plovers, and Black Oystercatchers. Joe and Annie discuss the specific needs and conservation challenges these birds are facing as well as the incredible amount of work it takes to create a conservation success story. The obstacles are often daunting, and it takes a combination of good science, political action, and community engagement to protect wildlife and their habitats.
To learn more about Portland Audubon and sign up for their mailing list so that you, too, can take action for birds and wildlife, visit https://audubonportland.org/take-action/.
If you want to get involved with Portland Audubon’s community science efforts, check out https://audubonportland.org/get-involved/community-science/.
In the introduction, Paul provides an overview of what birds you can expect to see this month on the Oregon Coast. At the end of the episode, ASLC Digital Media Coordinator Nissa Parker jumps in to share news about ASLC events and projects.
Learn more about Oregon’s Marine Reserves: https://www.lincolncityaudubon.org/marine-reserves
Learn more about Rocky Habitat: https://www.lincolncityaudubon.org/rocky-habitat
Stand up for Oregon’s state forests: http://www.standtalloregon.org
ASLC Calendar: https://www.lincolncityaudubon.org/events
ASLC Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/audubonlincolncity/
Learn more about ASLC: https://www.lincolncityaudubon.org/
Make sure to follow us on Instagram at @oregoncoastbirdcast and email your questions and suggestions to birdcast@lincolncityaudubon.org!