Euromonitor Podcasts
Euromonitor International is your go-to for global insight, transforming data into bold decisions. From markets to consumers, we reveal the complexities of data so you can confidently lead the way. With us, you're not just growing—you're unlocking worlds of opportunity.
Euromonitor Podcasts
Caffeine and Anxiety: Will Anxious Consumers Ever Actually Cut Back?
You've got 3,344 unopened emails, a To-Do list that's a mile long, and guests coming in for the weekend. The anxiety kicks in- How am I going to get everething done? Heart pounding, sweaty, hands shaking, you reach for the most logical thing- a nice cup of chamomile tea to calm you down so that you can think clearly.
Or... maybe not.
Anxiety is on the rise and yet, consumers can't get enough of their favorite stimulant: Caffeine. In this episode, Matt Barry talks us though "The Caffeine Paradox," one aspect of his recent report, in which anxious consumers counterintuitively refuse to give up their triple shot lattes despite their well understood negative side effects. Is it the ritual that keeps them coming back? Emotional attachment? Performance anxiety? A moment of self-care? The pressures of inflation? Or just trying to maintain a modicum of control in an increasingly chaotic world?
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