Riddim And Poetry Podcast
Episodes Bi-Weekly every Saturday at 7pm. Breaking down Hip Hop and the Culture. This show will explore the aspect of hip-hop and how it relates with other music forms, and influences the culture. Whether you are a casual listener or a die-hard fan, I will be discussing, debating, and deconstructing all the elements of hip-hop. So get ready for a dope journey.
Riddim And Poetry Podcast
Hip Hop's Big Three: How will the Battle of J. Cole, Drake, and Kendrick rank in history?
In today's Riddim And Poetry Podcast episode, we're diving into the age-old debate: who truly makes the cut for the big three in hip hop? Plus, we're really getting deep into the battle between J. Cole, Drake, and Kendrick will it be etched into hip-hop history as one of those legendary battles we reminisce about for years to come. Let's break it down and see where these heavyweight contenders stand in the annals of rap lore!
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