Paradise Perspectives

The One Tool That Will Help Uplift Your Mood Instantly

• Riselle Celestina, The Traveling Island Girl • Season 3 • Episode 7

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In this episode, I open up about some personal stuff that happened to me and how because of it I went on a healing journey but that most importantly taught me some tools that I still use in my everyday life. One of which I am sharing with you today.

That tool is Daily Gratitude. Listen and learn. This is one episode I guarantee you will enjoy.

Practice gratitude with me and see the changes that happen in your life. Do this every day for a week and email me here to let me know how it changed your outlook on life.

I am not a doctor or psychologist. This podcast is based on my experiences and adventures and those of my guests.

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Speaker 1:

Now I know that, whatever you may be going through right now, this tool that I'm about to share with you, this tool right here, is going to help you feel better, and I dare say it can help you feel better instantly, if you let it. So are you ready to know what that is? Welcome to Paradise Perspectives. I'm Rizal, the Traveling Island Girl, and I'm here to help you start living your best life. No matter where you're at, whether you're dreaming of traveling to exotic destinations, starting a business or even making big life changes, this is the place for you. From the beaches of the Caribbean to your own backyard, we'll explore how to shift your mindset, find your purpose and take bold steps towards the life you deserve. So grab your favorite drink and let's dive into some real talk about living your best life one sunny day at a time. All right, all right, all right. Welcome, my darling, to another episode of Paradise Perspectives, the podcast. All about personal growth, getting over your fears and, of course, travel, because you deserve to be living your best darn life, and if travel is not part of good living, then I do not know what is. What is it? Is I your host, widowmostest Rizal, aka the Traveling Island Girl. Now can I quickly say how much I appreciate you for tuning into this episode today. I know you have so many podcasts to choose from, but today you chose this one and, if I may say so myself, you chose wisely my friend. You really did, okay. I'm really no. In all seriousness, I am so grateful for you taking the time out of your busy schedule to spend it with moi. Whatever it is that you are doing right now, as you're listening to me blabbing on, whether it you're in your car, going to work, or you're jogging or you're doing some errands, whatever it is that you are doing, I am grateful for you. I am so happy that you decided to spend your time with me and I will totally make it worth your while. Okay, you just wait and listen, okay? So today's topic of conversation is gratitude and how gratitude can help you elevate your mood instantly. Yes, you heard that right. Even on bad days, gratitude really is the best attitude, and I'll explain to you why in a minute listen.

Speaker 1:

I didn't just become a transformational coach overnight, okay. I did not go from travel content creator in the morning or at night and then woke up a transformational coach. I did not go from travel content creator in the morning or at night, and then woke up a transformational coach. That did not happen overnight no ma'am, no siree. It took deep internal work to get me to where I am and who I am today. And here's the thing about all of this there is still work to be done because, let's be completely honest here, the thing about personal growth, it is never ending. And I'm all for it because I love every single part of my journey. So, if you are not already aware of it, maybe I didn't tell it on the podcast I don't think I did.

Speaker 1:

My story actually really started two years ago when my world completely shattered when I tell you shattered. I woke up in the morning, had a conversation with my husband and it shattered because I found out that my marriage of 11 years was over after I discovered that my husband was unfaithful. So we separated and I began the really hard, intense work of healing myself. And I say hard because, let's be completely honest, personal growth does not come easy. Okay, it is a lot of work and you basically have to get rid of your old self to become a healed new version of you. And it takes time and it's difficult and there's a lot of tears and a lot of emotions.

Speaker 1:

But and I don't want to get off topic here, but but I had to go deep in my healing process. I realized that I couldn't just stay angry and blame my husband or the other woman, as much as I wanted to hate them, I couldn't, because that would not be productive to me. It would not make me feel better. Quite the opposite actually, it will make me feel worse. You know, to keep holding on to anger, bitterness and all of that. I didn't want to do that. So I accepted the small part that I played in my so-called misfortune and I'm not saying I had anything to do with why the affair happened. I'm not taking blame for that, absolutely not but I am saying that I did make choices and decisions that led me in that position that I was at that time. So I accepted the small part that I played in it. So I shut myself off completely from the world and I did the work. I went deep, diving into the healing process and I came out with a new mindset, a positive view on life and some new tools under my belt that I apply to my everyday life. And I still do that today and I can tell you that I found my purpose in those really, really dark days.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so now let's fast forward to today, and here I am sharing with you not only some of the darkest times of my life and some really personal stuff, but I am also sharing with you one of the most valuable things that I learned during my healing process. Now I know that, whatever you may be going through right now, this tool that I'm about to share with you, this tool right here, is going to help you feel better, and I dare say it can help you feel better instantly, if you let it. So are you ready to know what that is, are you sure? Okay, it's one simple word gratitude. Yes, my love, gratitude. It can instantly help elevate your mood and make you see things in a more positive light. You don't believe me? Let me tell you how gratitude is one of the best ways to remind you of all that you have to be grateful for. It reminds you that you have a lot to smile about. It reminds you of the good that is all around you right now.

Speaker 1:

Gratitude is an essential part of creating a positive mindset, and it is so, so simple to practice. All you need right now, if you it is a pen, a journal and an open mind. Okay, we are going to practice gratitude together today. I personally found that it works best when you practice gratitude early in the morning, just as you wake up, and also in the evening, before you go to bed. I started writing down what I'm grateful for at night before I close my eyes for the day, and I started to include it also in my meditations in the morning. But okay, if you are listening to this and you're like okay, rizal, I am not really into meditation, or you've never done it before, or you're not willing to try, or you don't have the time, whatever your excuses are, it's okay. All right, so you do not need to be a practitioner of meditation to be able to practice gratitude. I'm going to show you right now how you can still practice gratitude in the mornings without actual meditation. Okay, so we're gonna do this together. If you are driving, obviously I think you should put a pause on this podcast and come back to it when you're sitting somewhere quiet. Okay, all right.

Speaker 1:

So first things first, take in a deep breath through your nose and we're gonna exhale through our mouths. Okay, close your eyes now, put your hand on your heart and think for a second of all the things that you have in your life right now. To be grateful for All the things which you're grateful for, go ahead, I'll wait. Remember it can be anything. You can be grateful for things like your legs that carry you from point A to point B. Be grateful for your car. Be grateful for the love of family and friends. You can be grateful for a stranger who perhaps smiled at you today. Be grateful for the birds chirping outside of your windows every morning, your pets, the beautiful sunset you witnessed recently Anything. Think of everything in your life right now that you have to be grateful for. Be grateful you have a roof over your head, food in the fridge. Be grateful for the bit of money in your pocket, even if it's just one dollar. Be grateful for that dollar. Think of all of the good things that you are about to do today that you are grateful that you get to do Okay are about to do today that you are grateful that you get to do okay.

Speaker 1:

Now, here's the most difficult part of this exercise. It's very easy to be grateful for the things that you love. I know, and you know, the things that we take for granted. It's very easy to be grateful for that as well, like our health and your eyesight and your hearing, for instance, but it is also super important to be grateful for the not so great things you know like. If, for instance, you don't like your job, be grateful that you have a job. Be grateful that it is providing you with money to feed your family and to feed yourself. It it helps you keep a roof over your head and it helps you have gas in the tank of your car.

Speaker 1:

If you are unhappy in your marriage, be grateful for the time that you had together. That was beautiful. Be grateful for the lessons you learned in every bad situation or adversity that you have faced. Be grateful for those bad days because you survived it. You are here today being grateful for things that are beautiful, but be grateful for the lessons learned in the past as well. Whether it was a battle with your health or divorce, a breakup, maybe you got fired. Be grateful for it. Be grateful for it all.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Now I want you to repeat after me Okay, I am grateful for what today will bring. Now remember, as you're repeating this, keep your hand on your heart I am grateful for what today will bring. I am grateful for the possibilities, that synchronicities and the magic that I will see and experience today. I am grateful for the possibilities, the synchronicities and the magic that I will see and experience today. I am grateful for this beautiful day. I am grateful for this beautiful day. Repeat after me again Today is going to be an amazing day. Today is going to be an amazing day.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you are not already smiling, go ahead and smile. Smile from ear to ear. Smile. Keep your hand over your heart and smile. Feel the words that you just repeated, feel them. Feel how good that feels. All right Now, if you had your eyes closed, go ahead and open them.

Speaker 1:

You have such a beautiful life there, my love. Do you see it now? Do you see how beautiful your existence is? Okay, so I want you to practice this every morning until it becomes part of who you are. Make it part of your morning routine, okay, and you're gonna see how it transforms your mindset and it's definitely going to show you more positivity and your everyday life. You're gonna see more positivity. Believe me, you're going to see more positivity. Believe me, you're going to see more positive things. I want to give you also some homework.

Speaker 1:

Okay, for tonight, before you go to bed, I want you to get a journal if you don't already have one, because it's very essential, and I want you to write down in that journal if you have one. If you don't really have one right now, it's okay to write it down on a piece of paper or a notepad. It doesn't necessarily have to be a journal. I want you to write down 10 things you are grateful for that happened to you today. Okay, now, I know if you've never practiced this before, I can understand, and especially if you are finding yourself in a not so good situation maybe you're feeling stuck, unhappy, whatever it is, it's difficult to come up with 10 things just in a whiff of time. Okay, I get that, but you have enough things in your life right now right, this second to be grateful for. I'm sure of it. We just practiced some of them just now.

Speaker 1:

You can be grateful for the roof over your head. You can be grateful that you have um, you know shoes on your feet. You can be grateful for the roof over your head. You can be grateful that you have shoes on your feet. You can be grateful for your hearing, because you're listening to this podcast. You're grateful for your sight. Maybe you're grateful for your dog. You can be grateful for so many things.

Speaker 1:

I am sure you can come up with only 10 things to be grateful for just today. It can be things that happened. It actually should be things that you saw, experienced, that happened to you today. Be grateful for 10 things and write those 10 things down. Write down 10 things that happened to you today that you are extremely grateful for, and you're going to do this every single day for the rest of this week, and you're also going to do that morning practice of gratitude every single morning. Okay, build up that ritual for a week, just a week, and after you're done with this week, I want you to come back and then let me know what happens. I want you to send me an email to hello at thetravelingislandgirlcom. I'm gonna leave it in the show notes just so you can click on it and let me know. Result this is what happens when I started practicing gratitude. Okay, I want to hear all of the good that has happened to you. I'm so excited for you.

Speaker 1:

Since we are on the topic of gratitude, I am so grateful for so many things today. One of those things is definitely you, my friend. I am grateful for you because you took the time to listen to this episode, and I am so thankful. Thank you so much for doing that. Whether you are now a fan of Paradise Perspectives podcast or not, I'm just grateful that you said yes to changing your mindset a little bit today and to transforming your life for the better. You deserve to wake up with a smile on your face every darn day. You deserve to live your best life, my darling, believe it, create it, own it. All right, you are amazing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's time for me to do one of my favorite activities here while I'm still in portland, because in about a couple of weeks I'm gonna be back in the caribbean and that favorite activity of mine is to watch the leaves fall from the trees. I just love the season of fall. I really do talk about things to be grateful for. I am grateful to be right here in portland, oregon, right now. All right, that's it for me. Next week, we have another interesting conversation, and that is with my friend, simone pajay, and she is a solo traveler, but she is also a sex columnist. Yes, we're gonna channel our inner kerry bradshaw. We are gonna talk about sex, dating and relationships. You do not want to miss that conversation. That is next week thursday. As for me, ciao, adios, goodbye, bye, bye, until next time, Ciao.

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