Paradise Perspectives

Tired of Feeling Stuck? Listen to this to Break Free Now.

• Riselle Celestina, The Traveling Island Girl • Season 3 • Episode 21

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In this week's episode, we explore what it means to feel stuck, the signs to recognize, and the actionable steps you can take right now to move forward in life. Let's discuss the importance of acknowledging feelings, understanding the reasons behind your feeling of being stuck, and discovering ways to break free.

Download the FREE 30-Day Fearless Living Challenge here.

Learn about the upcoming 2025 Island Awakening Luxury Retreat here.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Paradise Perspectives, where we have honest conversations about life, about growth and about finding your way, all of that with an island girl's perspective. This is where you'll get real insights and inspiration to help you live your best life. Now let's get into today's hot topic. Hey there, and welcome back to another exciting episode of Paradise Perspectives. You know this is the podcast for you if you are really into real and honest conversations about life, about fear, about taking those big, bold steps and, of course, about travel. Because, let's be honest, if you are like me and you too are now wanting to live your best life, then travel is a big part of it, right? Hey, I'm your host and island friend, rizal. Of course, I'm also known on the socials as the Traveling Island Girl. Welcome, so much to this new episode of Paradise Perspectives. I'm so, so happy that you're here, my friend.

Speaker 1:

So today we are talking about that feeling we all get at some point or another, and that is that feeling of being stuck. You know, like life is just moving around you and you're not really feeling like you're living in it. You know that feeling. I know this feeling only too well, I must add, because and I know I've told you this story before of how I found myself on my healing journey and since then I really have made an effort in improving my life. I've been working on my mental health, I shifted my mindset to a more positive one, I'm doing the evening routines and the morning routines, but I still sometimes fall back into the comforts of my previous life, as I like to call it. You know, pre-personal growth, that one. And that just goes to show how, when you're on your personal growth journey, it comes with its ups and downs and you're going to have high points and you're going to have low points. And I found myself back in one of those low points just recently. Whenever I get overwhelmed, stressed, scared, I tend to go back to that old version of me and seek comfort and all of those not so good things on activities that I used to do. Now you know what I'm talking about here. It's you know.

Speaker 1:

I went back to being that person who slept in, that didn't want to get out of bed, that was binge watching show after show after show on Netflix, just totally neglecting all of her responsibilities and unfinished tasks. I went back to the person who just scrolled all day on social media and, before she knew it. Like three, four hours has passed and she hasn't done a thing. I went back to that person, you know that person that was trying to escape all of the insecurities of life. Does any of this sound familiar? I bet it does. So, yeah, I found myself back there again, like I said, and it just happened a few weeks ago actually, and my bank account is in the red.

Speaker 1:

I felt like my audience wasn't resonating with me and it didn't matter what I tried or did to get them to actually resonate with my content and with what I had to say. And I was blaming everything on the algorithm. I was blaming it on the plunging cells of my ebook why aren't people buying this damn book? And, of course, I was also blaming it on my viewers, my readers, my listeners. For that, I have to say I'm sorry. I was blaming everything, in reality, and I was blaming everyone, except for the right person, right, the one who truly, truly is standing in my own way, and that is me. So, in short, I checked out a few weeks ago. I did because I felt stuck, I didn't know how to get myself out of my financial hole, out of that desperation that I felt and that overwhelm and I just couldn't see a way forward. Something had to change, and that something was me.

Speaker 1:

So here are some signs that you too might be stuck. Feeling stuck, you see, can manifest itself in different ways, but some common signs are these manifest itself in different ways, but some common signs are these Lack of motivation you feel unmotivated, or you find it hard to get started on anything, on tasks, on projects. Sometimes even those projects that may interest you, you still have a lack of motivation to actually start doing anything about it. Another one is a constant procrastination. I know that most of you will know this one only too well. That's when you know you are stuck, or you're feeling stuck. You delay and delay or you avoid all those important tasks, even if you know damn well that they aren't necessary and you feel a sense of guilt about it too. Aren't necessary, and you feel a sense of guilt about it too. My God, I don't know how many times I've been in that.

Speaker 1:

One Another sign is feeling overwhelmed. You might have way too many things on your plate, but you still struggle to prioritize or make decisions, and you're feeling paralyzed by the choices that you make. One other sign is a loss of purpose. You begin to question your goals, your values or the meaning behind what exactly it is that you're doing. It can feel like you're moving through life on autopilot. You wake up, go through the motions, but you know deep down something feels off.

Speaker 1:

Number five when it comes to signs frustration or irritability and I know this one. I too have been there. You know those small setbacks or challenges may start to feel ridiculously frustrating and you might be quick to get angry and snap at others. Isolation is another sign. You might withdraw from friends, from family, from activities that you used to really enjoy, and you start feeling just disconnected from others. Mental or emotional exhaustion that's one more sign for you. Even after resting, you still feel mentally drained. It's as if your energy has been completely depleted for a while and no matter how long you sleep or how short you sleep, you still feel tired.

Speaker 1:

Negative self-talk is definitely another sign that you might be stuck. Self-talk is definitely another sign that you might be stuck and thoughts like I can't do this or what's the point, or you know things like that they become very frequent and you may start feeling stuck because of a lack of belief in yourself. Avoiding change, you resist new opportunities or you feel hesitant to make those changes that you know you need to make and you want to do something different. You know that you need to do something different, but just the idea of actually making a change is just terrifying. And last but definitely not least, in signs that you can't be stuck, or signs that you are stuck at the moment stagnation. You notice you aren't growing, you're not learning, you're not advancing in the ways you used to, and there's a general sense of being stuck in one place. So to be able to get unstuck, we must first learn the why behind it. So why do we stay stuck? First, fear of the unknown. Our brains love comfort, even if that comfort is keeping us stuck. I call it our comfortable hell. We just like to dwindle in there.

Speaker 1:

Self-doubt is another reason why we may be stuck. Reason why we may be stuck, you know we convince ourselves that we are not ready or we're not good enough or we're not worthy. I know that sounds very familiar. And, of course, other people's expectations Sometimes. You know you have gone through this, you know that sometimes you have. You are so afraid of what people will say, of what people will think about you, and you tend to stay in one place and you completely know that you've outgrown that place just because you're afraid of taking the steps, because what will people think or what will people say? So we have gone over the signs that you may be stuck and we have gone over the why you are stuck, and now you know for every problem there's a solution.

Speaker 1:

So how do we get unstuck? Well, I got a few options here for you. And number one do something different, even if it's small. You know you need to shake up your routine, a different route to work, a new hobby. Change starts with those small little steps. Nothing changes if nothing changes. You get that. Number two stop overthinking and just start. Clarity comes from action, not from overanalyzing it in your head. So if you keep thinking you're not ready, you never will be. And please remember that ready is not an emotion, it's not a feeling, it's a decision. You decide this is it. I'm taking my first step. Decide to take that step and just do it.

Speaker 1:

Someone once said don't wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect. Which takes me to number three. Let's go off perfectionism. Perfectionism can paralyze progress, any progress. Allow yourself to make those little mistakes and accept that good enough can be a huge step forward. You know, when I was starting this podcast, I heard this saying from my favorite podcaster at the time, kathy Heller, and she said do it messy. And that stuck with me. That is the whole reason. That is the one mantra that I kept repeating in my head that got me to the point to hit record and to hit publish for this podcast. Otherwise, this podcast would have never, ever, seen the light of day. All right, so remember that. Do it messy.

Speaker 1:

Number four let go of what is holding you back. Of course sounds like logical, right, but you know, the what can also be a who. So whatever or whoever is keeping you stuck in your current situation. You need to release that to be able to move forward. Maybe it's your dead-end job, but it could also be your partner, a friend, a family member. Maybe the who that is in your way is you, my dear. So think about that one really hard. Number five say yes to yourself more often. Number five say yes to yourself more often. Stop waiting for permission, you don't need it.

Speaker 1:

If something excites you and scares you a little, that's your sign that this thing is for you. That's the sign to go for it. How many times haven't you had a great idea that totally lights you up and you excitedly start researching about it and you plan it all in your head and you feel so excited and then you talk to someone around you. That is just one of those. What do you call them? Debbie Downers? Or you just let too much time go over it without taking that first step because you're fearful, because you're afraid, and then all of a sudden you throw that great idea into your mental trash can. But you know what it is about being passionate about something. That idea keeps coming back up. Because that's the thing about passion and things we are passionate about. If you don't follow it, you will continue to live in a prison of your own making. So when you feel passionate about something, go ahead and do it. I know it's scary, but do it scared.

Speaker 1:

Number six create a fearless challenge. Do one thing this week, just one thing, that pushes you out of your comfort zone, just one tiny thing. I love this saying and I see it all the time. It is so important for you to get comfortable with the uncomfortable, because that's the only way that you're going to challenge yourself to do the bigger, scary things, to take those bigger, bolder steps and I know you might be like but how resolve? How am I going to start challenging myself to become more fearless? Well, I'm glad you asked and I do have a solution for you. I want you to go to the show notes after you listen to this entire episode, because I have left the link there to my 30 day fearless living challenge. It is absolutely free. You don't have to pay for it in any way or anyhow. You can just download it now. So grab a copy of that and promise me that that will be the fearless little thing that you will do this week. Ok, you're going to download this and you're going to follow it step by step for 30 days until you get comfortable with the uncomfortable. And number seven is a total bonus, because who doesn't like bonuses?

Speaker 1:

The next one is something that has completely changed my life, and I know it will change yours too, and that something is to take care of yourself. Physical and mental well-being, it has been proven, affects our ability to move forward. Now you know this is true If you don't sleep well, you are not going to function for the day, if you don't take care of yourself and fill your cup. You're not going to be able to pour into others. So please take care of you. Make sure you're getting enough sleep, eat well, drink enough water and engage in activities that light you up, that make you feel recharged. Activities that light you up, that make you feel recharged. And I'll even add this talk to someone who has your best interest at heart. You know that, one person who is always game to listening to your plans and cheers you up whenever you are talking about what you're passionate about. I want to ask you a question and I want you to actually really really think about it before you answer. Who in your circle is your biggest cheerleader? Okay, think about that for a second before you answer.

Speaker 1:

I recently had a friend dump a figurative bucket of ice cold water onto my head. She told me exactly what I needed to hear. Not what I wanted to hear. She told me what I needed to hear and with that she gave me that kick in the butt that I really needed and helped me get out of my own way, and she helped me realize and remember how we all have this one superpower. That superpower I'm talking about is the power of changing our thoughts. All of us do. You can take one epic, really negative thought and you can spin it into something empowering, something positive. So I want to take this moment right here to thank my really good friend, jen, because if it wasn't for that bucket of ice, cold water that she threw on me, that was exactly the wake up call that I needed to show up for myself, and she also reminded me that I'm not only showing up for myself. I'm showing up for my audience. I'm showing up for you listening to this podcast. I'm showing up for every woman out there that I am able to touch, whether it's through my storytelling, through my podcast, through my blogs, through my anything that I can help realize their dream to dream bigger but to also live their best life. So I want to take this opportunity to say thank you, jen. It really, really helped.

Speaker 1:

My friend, here's the truth you will not be stuck forever, okay, right now. You just not be stuck forever. Okay. Right now, you just. It's just a season of change, okay, and the best part is that you get to decide what happens next. You are the hero in your story, so go on and do some epic hero shit. I'm giving you the permission to do that right now, as if you needed any. The life you want is waiting for you, my dear, but you have to take that first step. Nobody else can take it for you. Remember that action speaks so much louder than words and thoughts. Actually, you are ready. Go and do the thing Now.

Speaker 1:

Before we say goodbye to one another, I want to personally invite you to attend the Island Awakening Luxury Retreat that is taking place here on the beautiful island that I call home, which is, of course, st Martin. It's happening from June 4th until the 8th. So if you are feeling like you're ready to break free from those fears that we've been talking about and you are ready to step into your true confidence, if you want clarity on your purpose, on your passion, and a clear path forward, if you crave adventure and fun and you also want to do this while you seek deep personal growth, if you are ready to continue on this personal growth journey of yours, if you are looking to connect with a supportive community of like-minded women, join us in paradise from June 4th until the 8th. It's for transformative but also super fun days, and I can promise you that it will be all of that. And you know how I noticed, because last year was freaking fantastic. It was so good. It was so good. All of us had so much fun, so much transformation, there was so much happening and we left that retreat feeling so full of new ideas, feeling creative, feeling ready to take the action needed to change our lives and start living the best existence possible Now, anyway, that's all I have for you.

Speaker 1:

If today's episode spoke to you in any way, please let me know, send me a message or, better yet, tag me on Instagram. I'd love to hear your story. You can find me on Instagram at the traveling island girl and, yeah, tag me on it. I want to know who is listening to all of these episodes. I want to get to know you Also.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead and share this episode with a friend who might need to hear this Care Bears. You remember Care Bears? They said it all the time sharing is caring, my friend. So share this episode with some of your friends if they need to hear it too. And if you're listening on Apple Podcasts, please do me a big favor. Leave a review or a rating. Your feedback means the world to me, but not only to me. It also certainly helps this podcast reach more ears, and ears of those who might need it. So thank you so much for hanging out with me today. I am so grateful for you lending me an ear. I'm Rizal, your host and island friend, saying bye-bye for now and let's hang out together again next week. Okay, ciao, thank you.

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