Cultivating Hearts Podcast
Cultivating Hearts is a place where moms come together to tackle the issues that we face as parents. Join sisters, Jenna (homeschooling mom of 6) and Johanna (mental health counselor and mom of twin teen boys) around the table as we take a deep dive into parenting God’s way. Let’s get to the heart of the matter as we learn a new perspective to parenting!
Cultivating Hearts Podcast
Coaching Your Child: Responding to Disagreements
Nothing sets the tone for the day like repeat and intense disputes in our home! We all just want a peace and friendship amongst our kids. In this episode, we walk you through the only method that has worked in 17 years of parenting for quickly and effectively resolving conflict and allowing us to move on with our day.
Grab our workbooks here!
Join us on Facebook to share prayer requests with moms who are in the same battle!