Cultivating Hearts Podcast

How in the World Did I Get Here? A Podcast About Regret

Jenna Rettig & Johanna VanRenterghem Episode 17

Are you living with regrets? Let's dig in and talk about what God has for us. 

Hi, I’m Jenna, homesteading and homeschooling mom of 7 and the creator behind This Ohio Farmhouse. My sister, Johanna, is a licensed counselor and mom of twin teenage boys. Join us at the table as we tackle hard parenting topics and work towards healing and peace within the walls of our homes…where home is our mission field. 

C u l t I v a t e  [ kuhl-tuh-veyt ]


  1. to refine or improve
  2. to promote the growth or development of
  3. to take up for the purpose of self-improvement

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