Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.

Shifting from Surviving to Thriving Mindset

December 07, 2023 Jen Parker Season 5 Episode 77
Shifting from Surviving to Thriving Mindset
Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
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Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
Shifting from Surviving to Thriving Mindset
Dec 07, 2023 Season 5 Episode 77
Jen Parker

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What if you could shift from simply surviving to truly thriving despite the stressors and challenges life throws your way?

In today's episode, we navigate the process of self-reflection, exploring strategies that alleviate stress and cultivate wellness.
The end of year is a good time for reflection and to start building yourself up for thriving in your well-being.

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What if you could shift from simply surviving to truly thriving despite the stressors and challenges life throws your way?

In today's episode, we navigate the process of self-reflection, exploring strategies that alleviate stress and cultivate wellness.
The end of year is a good time for reflection and to start building yourself up for thriving in your well-being.

Enjoyed this episode like, follow share tag us at @realvisionlifecoaching.

Download the FREE guide to support your stress

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another podcast episode on the Karmic Campus. So in today's podcast episode, I want to help you to move from more of a survival mindset of moving through the motions, getting through how am I going to do this? Because our energy is quite depleted to moving our focus and our energy to a more thriving mindset, a more thriving well-being, and how that can be. So, if you haven't already, make sure that you subscribe to this podcast and tag us at Real Vision Life Coaching on Instagram and Facebook. So before we start looking at well, how does you know, on my year, it's really good to start thinking about these as journal prompts. I want you to start thinking about how did I deal with stress this year? How did I deal with situations that may have not gone to plan? How did I actually react in situations when things didn't work out? How did I cope and be honest with yourself? How did I do that? And I think we can be our own biggest critic, our biggest judge, and so it's a really good opportunity to actually be honest and go well, how did I, how did I respond? And the biggest way that we can actually understand how we deal with stress is actually looking at our emotional responses. So sometimes there's a saying don't make a mountain out of an ant hill or something along those lines, and what it means is sometimes we're making something bigger than it needs to be, and that can be because we're under so much stress, we're under so much pressure, and if we give ourselves the strategies and support, we can see things for what they are and be kinder to ourselves in those situations. So, really taking a bit of a review on the year that you've had and really start thinking about okay, I want to start thinking about how did I deal, honestly, when things didn't go to plan? How did I actually deal with that? And really start taking note of how do I support myself every single day to minimize my stress. Now, there's always the common ones people go to the gym or eat well, and then they go to the gym and then may may realize there might be other things as well, but it's really getting you to identify what are my habits in regards to dealing with stress. Okay, so it could be that just understanding what am I actually doing to reduce stress, how am I looking after my well-being?

Speaker 1:

And self-care is often such a tokenistic viewpoint, but self-care is really looking at all aspects of yourself. It's looking at your mental well-being. What are you doing for your mental well-being, your spiritual well-being, relationships, physical health? It's looking at yourself as a whole package. How are you meeting those needs every single day? And sometimes we don't meet them every single day, but generally, how are we supporting ourselves? So really start thinking about those questions can be really really helpful as well.

Speaker 1:

The other thing, another question that could be helpful of you, is looking at what did work. What worked for me in helping my anxiety, my stress, my overwhelm. What were things that really were supportive? And, really being honest, how often did I do that? And sometimes, when things are going really well, we stop doing the very things that are going to support our mental health, our physical health and our overall well-being, because life gets busy and then we stop doing all of that self-care. So, really being honest with yourself, like what were the things that worked that really supported you? Okay, and write them down like this is what worked, but how?

Speaker 1:

Looking at sometimes some you know they say the hardest thing going to do exercise is actually just showing up. You've already done the hardest thing, but I want you to start thinking about the next journal point and you might have to sort of pause this podcast episode while you're doing these prompts, but I want you to think about how you actually felt after, after doing that particular activity. What happened? What did you notice? Maybe you noticed your breathing was a bit easier, maybe your thoughts were kinder, you just felt lighter, like, really think about how you felt. Okay, and it's really about this is what I'm noticing, this is what I'm taking stock on this. What worked? Now, how often did you do that? Every single day? How often did you do that?

Speaker 1:

And then I want you to start thinking about, well, what got in the way, what got in the way of me being able to do this as often as I needed to, and be honest, like what was it? Because that will be the excuse that will be. Maybe you don't even feel like it's an excuse, it's just the reality. How can I? This is the obstacle coming up what can I do to ensure that I am meeting my own need to mitigate and reduce my stress? Okay, so those are some of those areas when we're moving from survival to thriving.

Speaker 1:

We've got to take stock, we've got to understand what's happening and we've got to look at the things that actually support us. Every person has different things that work better for them, and you already know what they are. You know what they are because when you stop doing them, you feel like crap, you feel more agitated, you're more stressed out and you feel that life feels a bit more stressful. And you may notice there's a correlation. You may notice when you stop doing the very things that actually support you, you're not in a thriving mindset, you're just trying to survive. So what we're doing now is we're showing ourselves evidence hey, this works. This is the obstacle that gets in my way. But what can I do to actually mitigate that obstacle?

Speaker 1:

Because what will happen is our brain, our ego, will go back to that excuse oh, you've got kids, you work hard, you're tired, you don't want to work hard, you don't want to come home and do an exercise class, for example.

Speaker 1:

Well, it might be that you have to join an exercise class where there's some accountability, where you pay. You already pay for that. If you don't turn up, you're still paying for it, right? So all of these different things, start thinking about it. When we're moving to thriving, we're supporting our overall well-being, we're supporting our mental health, understanding how we're thinking, we're understanding. Okay, what do I need to calm my central nervous system? Okay. So if you found this helpful, I'm going to put a link to download a free stress to support your stress and anxiety and give you some practical strategies around, basically, how to coach yourself and how to start detaching from some of these barriers that keep coming up, as again and again and again. So if you enjoyed today's podcast episode, I would love you to share on your socials and tag us at Real Vision Life Coaching and have the most beautiful day.

Moving From Survival to Thriving
Achieving Well-Being and Overcoming Barriers