Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.

How do you manage when things don't quite go to plan?

December 09, 2023 Jen Parker Season 5 Episode 79
How do you manage when things don't quite go to plan?
Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
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Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
How do you manage when things don't quite go to plan?
Dec 09, 2023 Season 5 Episode 79
Jen Parker

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In this episode, sharing when things just don't go your way.

The flurry of emotions that arise and how to cultivate self-acceptance during these times.  . We'll share valuable tools to support you during tough times, including a free guide to help you coach yourself through challenging circumstances.

Click here to download your FREE GUIDE

FOLLOW ON SOCIALS @realvisionlifecoaching and tag us your favourite episode 

Show Notes Transcript

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In this episode, sharing when things just don't go your way.

The flurry of emotions that arise and how to cultivate self-acceptance during these times.  . We'll share valuable tools to support you during tough times, including a free guide to help you coach yourself through challenging circumstances.

Click here to download your FREE GUIDE

FOLLOW ON SOCIALS @realvisionlifecoaching and tag us your favourite episode 

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another podcast episode of the Come Compass.

Speaker 1:

So in today's podcast episode, I want to talk about being kind to ourselves when things just aren't going to plan, and I have just recorded a couple of podcast episodes and they have somehow been deleted from the system. So I wanted to come on here and I really wanted to talk about, often when we're feeling quite overwhelmed and stressed and maybe things aren't going to how we perceive them they should go, how we actually support ourselves during these times and how we do this every single day when it can feel like a bit of a struggle, right? So one of the key things is understanding about what is in the power of my control, what can I choose to accept and what can I choose to let go of. And when we're learning the practice, let's call it a practice, the practice of radical acceptance. We've got to understand that this is a journey and it is a practice. I think sometimes we may look on social media, we look on Instagram and this particular person or influencer or whoever is talking about maybe how much they love themselves and that can evoke a lot of emotions for you. You might be listening to it having a flurry of different emotions, because sometimes we don't understand the the journey that we've all gone through, and just to be kind to ourselves on this journey of life, especially when maybe things do not go to plan and we're very determined of how things should be or endeavoury things so just giving you some tools of really supporting yourself during those times where you put so much effort into things and maybe they just do not go to plan.

Speaker 1:

Hence recording all of these podcast episodes, and the podcasting system has deleted it from the computer and I could choose to just be really upset, which I am annoyed like. I'm going to be honest. I am annoyed, but I'm just going to focus on what I can control and I can just record another one, right? So I've got to it's looking at what those situations and circumstances that may evoke a flurry of emotions for you. And if you're noticing that, what I would suggest is actually going to coach yourself podcast episode where I actually talk to you about when those situations come about, where it brings about a lot of thoughts, maybe behaviours and how you actually deal in those circumstances up and maybe you want to start actually looking at how you can coach yourself. Essentially, I would go back to this episode and you can also download my free guide, which is actually going to give you a more comprehensive overview of how to do this as well. So I'll put all of that in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

So when we have a perception of how things and I'll put in inverted commas should be, that can also put a lot of expectation on us and so that can increase the experience of anxiety and overwhelm for us because we have very, very high expectations and often when we have high expectations and that need isn't met, that's when we can have those flurry of emotions as well. So I think it's learning the power of radical acceptance that it just it takes time. We've really got to understand that. It's just a practice of a journey to get to get to know ourselves. When things maybe don't go to plan, how we can support ourselves.

Speaker 1:

So one of the key things is when I said the word should inverted commas right should is a word where can bring about what we think it's that expectation from others, what we believe we need to do, from the expectations of others because we feel we have to right. So when you notice this language, this word, coming into your vocabulary, just take note and be curious, because a lot of the time when we're using should words, it's what we believe we need to do, based on what other people's expectations are. So, really, being mindful of that word and it might be other words that you could use in replacement of that could be I choose what you know, I choose I can, and then you might start actually looking at actually, I don't want to do that thing. That's just causing me to feel this way. What can I do about it? So that can be sort of one thing is looking at the language. What's in the circle of my control, what am I able to do in this moment? And While we do not have the power to control of every interaction, we have the power of, maybe, how we respond.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that can really support us in these situations is when we're learning.

Speaker 1:

The power of radical acceptance is looking at things for what they are, without judgment, and when I say this is a practice, this isn't going to be you hearing a podcast episode or you're hearing it for once.

Speaker 1:

It's the learning of what that actually means for you and Implementing it into your daily life. When that inner critic is really loud, you're some conscious mind is loud, so it might be flexing your self-love muscle. You're looking at what you do love and appreciate about yourself, and I gave you some sort of examples earlier about you know Some things that you could do to really help yourself. So I hope you found this podcast helpful. I'm very mindful because I've just done so many podcast episodes and I'm concerned now that I'm going to be repeating myself, and you know I'm sort of mindful of that. But I would love you to share your love of the review you know this podcast on your socials. Please tag us so we can support other women just like you, and that would just be so amazing that we could really spread this word and Really start changing how women think and feel about themselves. So have the most amazing day.